Let's be honest: this winter has been a bit rough. It may even be taking a toll on your mental health not just physical. Are you struggling with some inner thoughts? If you're willing, let's go through this together. I know it's a lot, but it's worth it.
A Fools Guide to Not Wanting to Die Anymore
1. Never make a su***de joke again – yes this includes “I wanna die” as a figure of speech. Swear off of it. Actually make an intentional effort to change how you think about things.
2. Find something to compliment someone for at least 4 times a day. Notice the little things about the world that make you happy, and use that to make other people happy.
3. Talk to people. Initiate conversation as often as you possibly can. Keep your mind busy and you won’t have to worry anymore.
4. Picture the bad intrusive thoughts in your head as an edgy 13-year-old and tell them to go be emo somewhere else.
5. If someone makes you feel bad most of the time, stop talking to them. Making yourself hang out with people who drain you is self-harm. Stop it.
6. This also works with calling yourself things like stupid, worthless, trash, etc. Even if you do this jokingly to yourself, your brain still believes it, and keeps up the cycle to make it true. Seriously, it makes a MASSIVE difference. Try it out.
7. If you need to make jokes to relieve some of the discomfort, change the wording. Just replace the death part with something ridiculous and off topic. Use wild goofy hyperbolic stuff. Then you can sit back and enjoy the entertainment. Example: IF I HAVE TO BE HERE FOR 5 MORE MINUTES I PROMISE YOU I WILL BUY JUST AN ARRAY OF CLOTHES.
8. Replace self-depreciating jokes with ironically self-aggrandizing jokes. Every time you trip and fall, instead of saying “I’m a walking disaster” say “I am the epitome of grace and beauty” with a hint of a bow. If you create something that you’re not 100% happy with, instead of saying “well that’s trash” you can say something like “you know I think it’s time we add a new exhibit to the art museum”. When you do this, you still get to make a joke, but you’re ALSO getting practice building yourself up, ya know? Eventually it becomes a reflex and you get so used to it that you can say nice stuff about yourself even when you AREN’T joking.