SR-6 CIA Spy Radio
SR-6 CIA Spy Radio presentation by John Back WJ4PB, at the Letcher County Amateur Radio Club November 2019 meeting.
NVIS Antennas
Kentucky Emergenct Net October 28 2019. Excerpt. KY4RDB here, as hams we are always chasing that elusive DX contact. But have you gave time to think about HF disaster communications, those contacts are more than likely going to be in the 50 to 300 mile range. Your traditional verticals and high dipoles are going to have a low take off angle that is going to cause your signal to possibly bounce over any station in that short of a distance. This is where the concept of NVIS antenna setups come in. You may hear these antenna setups called cloud warmers, because the idea is the throw the signal up into the air at a sharp angle so the bounce comes back down in the range we are looking for above. I have a Chameleon Emcomm II long wire setup about 7 foot off the ground. In this config the long wire acts more in an omnidirectional fashion than directional and most of the signal hits the ground and goes up with a high angle take off and bounces back down off the ionosphere closer to my station. Thus making those NVIS contacts possible. Here is an excerpt of Kentucky Emergency Net tonight. NCS was W8QAS out in Canneyville in Grayson, KY. About a 200 mile contact from my QTH. He was about 56 or 57 at my station and he was able to copy me. I recorded this just by laying my iPhone by my radio.
Unboxing and hookup of the BTech U25D DMR Amplifier by KY4RDB and KY4CAT.
Unboxing and hookup of the BTech U25D DMR Amplifier by KY4RDB and KY4CAT
What is a DMR hotspot?
What is a DMR Hotspot you ask? Take a few minutes to learn with club member Roland Brown KY4RDB. This is the first of his video series on DMR radio.
Roland KY4RDB here, I have been messing around with DMR radio tonight. Participating in the Texas Statewide net. My setup is a Raspberry PI 3 with a DVMeGA UHF radio board attached for a hotspot. The HT is a TYT MD-380 loaded with the MD-380 Tools. Hopefully soon we will a DMR repeater down in the eastern part of state. DMR is pretty neat, I have made many contacts around the states and around the world in the week I have been operating.
During the Holiday season, club member John Back WJ4PB provided ole' St. Nick with a link for the EKY Santa Net across the East Kentucky linked repeater system. Below is a recording of the last net on December 23rd. Look for John and Santa to be back next Christmas with the Santa Net.