Heads Up K9

Heads Up K9 Heads Up was built to bring a premier dog training facility to Helena to support all things canine.


**Tracking Clinic**

Mark your calendars - we are hoping to host a Tracking Clinic September 27 and 28. More information will be available soon.


**Canine Good Citizen**

Puppy Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Classes are ongoing throughout the summer.

Contact De Brilz via phone or text (707-738-5309) for more information.


Heads Up K9
Summer Class Schedule

This introductory Class will teach you and your dog Basic Scent Techniques. Classes will cover Interior, Exterior, Container, Buried and Vehicle Scent Recognition.

Dates: Thursdays, July 25, August 1, 15, 22, 29 at 7:00 p.m.
Location: Heads Up K9 Facilities
Fee:$150.00 includes Scent Item ‘KIT’ - Bring LOTS of small treats for your dog!

To secure your spot, send payment prior to first class to:
Heads Up K9
2025 Head Lane
Helena, MT 59602

Various techniques will be taught during these drop-in
classes, including Competition Rules, Leash Handling, Interior and Exterior Scent Recognition, as well as Buried and Container Search.

Dates: Thursdays, July 25, August 1, 15, 22, 29 at 4:30 to 6:30ish p.m.
Location: Heads Up K9 Facilities and other locations around town (to be announced
prior to class)
Fee: $30.00 per class payable at time of class

Available by appointment only
$40.00 per class payable at time of class
Contact Deb Directly at 406-431-3478 to book your slot



**Classes are forming now for Scent work for June and July.

**Interest lists for Introduction to NASDA and Barn Hunt for August, are forming now.

For all things Scentwork, NASDA & Barn Hunt, please contact Deb Killpack at Heads Up for dates and times: 406-431-3478 OR [email protected]


Want a Great Dog? Start with a Good Puppy!

For the New Fur Babies -


Open to ages 12 weeks to 6 months old at the beginning of class.

*June 5th thru 26th

*Every Wednesday at 4pm.

We will focus on beginning basics (focus, walking on leash, recalls) and, if appropriate, we will also include time for puppy playtime with proper introductions, confidence building and go over what to look for in “good play”.

*This is a 4 week class which will meet every Wednesday for 50 min.

*Cost will be $100.00 for the 4 week session. Payment ensures your spot in class. We are keeping the class very small.


Anyone have a Terrific Teenager?

Open to Adolescent puppies age over 6 Months old up to 1 year old.

*June 5th thru 26th

*Every Wednesday at 5 pm.

The perfect follow up to the Precious Puppy, improving skills and basic commands. This class will not include playtime, but will help with basic manners, recalls, confidence building, focus with an emphasis on working together for success.

*This is a 4 week class which will meet every Wednesday @ 5 pm for 50 min.

*Cost will be $100.00 for the 4 week session

Payment ensures your spot in class. We are keeping the class size very small.


**AKC Star Puppy Certification**
For those that are interested in obtaining a Star Puppy Certification from AKC, this will be an 8 week class. We will do 7 weeks of training fun and the last week will be the test itself. All puppies must be less than 1 year old on the final date of class. Please email De @ [email protected] or call Heads up 406-431-3478 * [email protected] and let us know if you are interested. Please note what days and times work best for you.

Classes will be small and limited to 6 teams (handler and pup).

Fee: $200.00 Time: 8 weeks

For Star Puppy, Precious Puppy and Terrific Teenager classes, please email De at: [email protected]

For all other classes, please contact Deb K at: 406-431-3478 * [email protected]


Anyone get a new puppy??

Open to ages 12 weeks to 5.5 months old at the beginning of class.

March 6th Through the 27th (Session 1)
and April 6th-27th (Session 2)

Every Wednesday at 4pm.

We will focus on beginning basics and, if appropriate, we will also include time for puppy playtime with proper introductions, confidence building and go over what to look for in “good play”.

Class will meet every Wednesday, 50 min. for 4 weeks, then you'll be ready for Terrific Teenagers!

Cost will be $100.00 for the 4 week session.

Anyone have a Terrific Teenager?

Open to Adolescent puppies age over 5.5 Months old up to 1 year old.

March 6th Through the 27th (Session 1)
and April 6th-27th (Session 2)

Every Wednesday at 5 pm.

The perfect follow up to the Precious Puppy, improving skills and basic commands. This class will not include playtime, but will help with basic manners, recalls, confidence

building, focus with an emphasis on working together for success.

Class will meet every Wednesday, 50 min. for 4 weeks

Cost will be $100.00 for the 4 week session

If you don't get in this time, we'll do it all over again in April!

For Precious Puppy and Terrific Teenager classes, please email De at: [email protected]


Introduction to Scent Classe beginning Wednesday evenings in March. (6, 13, 20 and 27 at 6:30 pm) The cost for the class will be $100.00.

February 21st and 28th I will be offering a short container class to work AKC and NACSW ORT boxes to prep for the coming ORT tests and AKC trials in the near future. Cost $50.00. If you have a box smasher this will be a great class for you. We will work in various locations at Heads Up and on various surfaces. We will discuss rules, faults, or Non Qualifying runs (and how to avoid those). Time permitting we will work other containers as well. We will continue on with this class in March, possibly different days or times, TBD with class members. The March class will be introducing and or working Buried Containers, some interior and exterior as well to prep for upcoming trials.

If you are interested in either of these classes contact:
Deb Killpack
Heads Up K 9
2025 Head Lane
Helena MT 59602
[email protected].



Four weeks, beginning September 27th at 6:30pm.
This class is for dogs 6 months and older, and will cover:
-Sit and down including duration, distance, and distractions
-Recalls (aka come)
-Confidence building
-Walking on leash
-Working together for success

To register or for more information, contact De Brilz at [email protected]
Cost: $100 for four sessions


4 weeks, beginning September 27th at 5:30pm

This class is for puppies under 6-months of age and will cover:
-socialization and play
-training basics
-recall (aka come), sit, down, leash walking
-building confidence and stressful situations
-focusing attention in distracting environments

To register or for more information, contact De Brilz at [email protected]
Cost: $100 for four sessions



Thursdays at 1pm on:
September 28th, October 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th.
5 class session is $125

To sign up, contact Deb Killpack at 406-431-3478.



Heads Up K9 presents Hallie McMullen
Hallie McMullen has more than 25 years of experience training dogs. She begantraining drug and explosive detection dogs for law enforcement in 1996. She became certified as a detection dog trainer and evaluator in 2000 and continues to work with dogs. Hallie got involved in the competitive sport of scent detection in 2015 and became a judge for the NACSW. When the AKC took on the sport in 2017, Hallie was one of the their original judges and now serves as an expert judge, helping others who want to become judges. She teaches classes in Boise, Idaho year-round and travels to give seminars and judge trials. She participates in other sports with her German Shepherds, including herding, IGP, tracking, obedience, and conformation.

Space is limited - First Come First Serve•
Sunday, August 27 - Air Flow Seminar $125
Working Teams - 10 maximum
Audit Slots (no dogs) - $60•

Monday, August 28 - Upper Level(Detective & Elite skills will be included) -$125
Working Teams - 10 maximum
Audit slots (no dogs) - $60•

Tuesday August 29 - Lower Level - $125
Working Teams - 10 maximum
Audit slots (no dogs) $60

NOTE: $200 for one team/two days

Where: 2025 Head Lane, Helena MT 59602
Time: 8:00 am to approximately 4:00 pm each day

Sunday Air Flow: Focus is on how air flow conditions affect setting hides of all types, providing insight intocompletion environments along with creating thoughtful practices. This seminar combines class instructiontime, setting hides, and active searches with your dog. Auditors participate (except working dogs).

Monday & Tuesday Topics: This seminar will focus on topics such as these (dog must have ORT/NACSW and be at“searching level”/AKC)• Handling techniques• Reading your dog• Determining unknown number of hides• Dealing with inaccessible/elevated hides• Handling issues for all levels


Please contact Deb Killpack at 406-431-3478 for a registration form or for more information.



Thursdays, August 10th, 17th, 24th, and 31st.

6:30 pm (to avoid high afternoon heat)

Class locations will vary. Fee: $100, due no later than August 10th

To enroll, call Deb Killpack at 406-431-3478.



*Minimum enrollment is 4-people per class; if minimum is not met the class will be held at the time slot with the highest enrollment. If both time slots meet the minimum enrollment, class will be held at both times.

TUESDAYS at 1pm or 6pm.

August 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th

Fee: $100, due by the first class on August 8th.

To register call Deb Killpack at 406-431-3478


Stay tuned for future classes that are in the works!!

*Beginning/Puppy manners
*Manners/CGC Prep
*Trick Dog



Scent Work:
Thursdays 1pm-3pm
April 13, 20, and 27 ($75)
May 4, 11, and 25 ($75)

Rally Competition:
Thursdays 6:30-8pm
April 13, 20, 27 ($75)
May 4, 11, and 25 ($75)

To sign up or for more information, call Deb Killpack at 406-431-3478.



1-2:30 - FUN Introduction to Scent Work
6:30-7:30 Rally Novice/Advanced - POSTPONED

7-8pm Basic Home Manners

1-2:30 Excellent/Master Scent Work
6-7 Novice/ Advanced Scent Work

$100 per 4-week session

For more information or to sign up call Deb at 406-431-3478

Jasper, keeping tabs on all the action during scent class! 😆

Jasper, keeping tabs on all the action during scent class! 😆

Deb demonstrating with Luke.

Deb demonstrating with Luke.


Beginning and Continuing Manners Classes Coming up in March!!

BEGINNING HOME MANNERS/CGC: March 1-22nd, 6:30 pm

This class is designed to establish the behavioral foundation for dogs of any age to become a well mannered member of your family. We will help you address problem behaviors and prevent unwanted habits from forming.

CGC/CGCA evaluations will be offered at the end of the course for no additional cost.

4 classes, $100

CONTINUING HOME MANNERS/CGC: March 1-22nd, 7:30 pm

This class is designed to build on your dogs foundation, increasing distraction, duration and distance. We will help you address problem behaviors and prevent unwanted habits from forming.

CGC/CGCA evaluations will be offered at the end of the course for noadditional cost.

4 classes, $100

When anyone takes a CGC/Manners class at HeadsUp K9 and does not pass the CGC evaluation the team is welcome to return and retest at any scheduled evaluation at No Additional Charge.

For more information or to sign up, call Deb at 406-431-3478.



February 4th, 1-3pm (or 1-4pm depending on the number of teams).

This class if for dogs that have been socialized, can do basic obedience, and want to prepare for the CGC/CGCA evaluation. The class will review each of the elements that will be evaluated, practice them, and address the requirements for how each task must be performed in order to pass.

This class provides an opportunity to be in a group of new dogs, new situations and environments, and see how your dog performs in a new situation before being evaluated.

When anyone takes a CGC/Manners class at HeadsUp K9 and does not pass the CGC evaluation the team is welcome to return and retest at any scheduled evaluation at No Additional Charge.

Cost $50

For more information or to sign up call Deb at 406-431-3478.


FUN INTRODUCTION TO SCENT WORK (with a little obedience "on the side")

February 7-28th, 1-3pm.

This class will introduce teams to odor and let handlers have many opportunities to recognize and reward their dogs when they are in odor. Dogs will use their natural instincts and learn to do a job they love; this helps correct many unwanted behaviors without direct training. Handlers will also learn the basics of scent competition including the different levels and requirements for each of them. An interest in competing at scent trials is not required.

Four classes, $100.

For more information or to register, call Deb at 406-431-3478.


January 19-February 23rd, 1-3pm

This class is for people who have done beginning level scent work. All elements (vehicles, interior, containers, buried, exterior and possibly handler discrimination) will be worked on throughout the class. Various hide puzzles including converging odor, drifting odor, pooling odor, and the effect of temperature will be worked on. We will also work on marking our dogs indication when they hit odor, the importance of handler timing, leash handling, and rules regarding competitions (AKC and NACSW).

Six classes, $150.

For more information or to register, call Deb at 406-431-3478.



January 19th-February 23rd, 7-8pm

This class is for teaching your dog odor, building their confidence and success rate, and establishing a solid foundation before introducing more complicated odor puzzles. Hides will be direct, access to them will be straightforward, and the height of hides will be low to ground level. we will discuss how a handlers role in the search affects the dogs success and confidence. We will discuss how to prevent problems and practice proper handling. Games for improving leash handling and alert marking will practiced.

Six classes, $150.

For more information or to register, call Deb at 406-431-3478.


Coming up in March!

Four weeks of basic manners at 6:30pm starting March 1st.

Four weeks of advanced manners at 7:30pm starting March 1st.

For more info or to sign up, call Deb at 406-431-3478.



Basic Home Manners/CGC Class - beginning January 11th!
Instructors: Deb Killpack and Natalie D**g

This beginning obedience class is designed to establish the behavioral foundation for dogs of any age to become a well mannered member of your family. This course will work on basic skills and teach you and your dog skills that will increase you and your dog’s confidence and provide an increased level of safety for your dog and the people and animals you come in contact with.

Dogs must be fully vaccinated and proof of vaccination is required.

Your dog will learn how to:
• Sit on command
• Lie down on command
• Come to you on command
• Wait for you on command
• Walk on a loose leash
• Greet new people and new dogs
• Release objects from his or her mouth on command
• Cooperate with grooming and handling

At the conclusion of the class you will be able to to test for the AKC Canine Good Citizen certificate at no additional charge.

Class will be held on Wednesdays from 7-8:30pm; $150 for six classes:
January 11 January 18 January 25 February 1 February 8 February 15
For information or to sign up, message us or call 406-431-3478.


Stay tuned - we will be teaching a six-week basic home manners class beginning in January and the Canine Good Citizen evaluation will be offered at the end of the class at no extra charge! Message us for more information.

Agility training.

Agility training.

Happy working dog during scent training!

Happy working dog during scent training!


2025 Head Lane
Helena, MT


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