Canine influenza is on its way to VA! If your dog goes to dog parks or day care definitely consider getting them vaccinated!
Canine Influenza is on the rise! This dangerous virus originates in Florida and rarely makes it's way to Virginia. This year, outbreaks have been popping up all around us, most recently in Washington, D.C. Influenza can be as mild as a small cough or as severe as pneumonia. It is spread through contact with infected dogs, so dogs that go to dog parks and daycare are most likely to be infected. If your dog is at high risk, give us a call at 804-360-0111 to schedule your influenza vaccine today! And you can track the virus at home using this interactive incidence map! https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/scott.weese/viz/CanineinfluenzamapDec232022/Sheet1 #1