Some play with pepper on my day off. She loves her ball.
Some Training today with Pepper today we worked a ton on learning how to release pressure. She is allowed to roam when she hits the end of the line we stop stand and wait when she releases pressure we reward. By the end she would stop before the end and wait for us. We worked some on recall, and some heelwork. The number one thing is she does not get to go sniff and have that freedom if she can not pay attention when asked to. It was so much fun today.
#ttsdogtraining #dogtraining #bordercollie #obediencetraining #recalltraining
Hope this is beneficial for my clients that are uncertain on how to use these if you would like a video on correctly sizing a slip chain (yes there is aright size for your dog) comment below and I will make that video.
Fun tricks pepper has pearned she picks them up super quick.
#bordercollie #tricks #dogtraining #ttsdogtraining