The horses and the pups went for a morning run together! 🐾
#hopespringsfarm #nonprofit #farmlife #farmanimals #minihorses #farmdogs
We have been working around the cluck! Who else is ready for the weekend?
Lenni’s 1st Birthday
Our favorite Farm pup is 1! She enjoyed a pupcake made by Growers & spent the day being pampered (nothing new). 🐶🎉🎂
We have a very happy snow pup on the Farm! Bundle up and enjoy your snowy day.
Fall days 😍 Happy Thanksgiving Eve!
Did you know that we have a beehive on the Farm?! Although the bees will need most of the honeycomb to survive the winter, we will harvest some to sell at the Fall Harvest Bar-B-Que and use some to sweeten lemonade that will be for sale.
Watering in the Greenhouse
Here are three tips for watering your plants:
1. Keep evenly moist
2. Water less often, but thoroughly
3. Water late in the evening or early in the morning, so plants can sufficiently supply themselves with water before the next day’s heat.
Use these tips to see your garden flourish this summer!
Mud Bath
Nothing like a mud bath to cool down during this week of heat!
We are now on Twitter! Follow us @HSFHershey for more Hope Springs Farm content.
Chicken fun fact: There are more chickens than any other bird species on Earth! They also outnumber humans 4 to 1! Wow!
Sheep Shearing
You can buy yarn and other products from our animals’ fibers on our Etsy Shop. They make great holiday gifts! Our alpacas and sheep need to be sheared just like we need hair cuts. We send their fiber to a processor, Gurdy Run Woolen Mill in Halifax, PA.
Zoom Parties
Each week day from 1-2 PM we hold Farm Zoom parties for Growers and members of the community who want to join. We tour the Farm and do plenty of fun, engaging activities. Visit our website calendar page for more information.