Update on Dixon and Delta!
This guy is doing amazing! He hasn't had any accidents in his kennel for over a month. His training has gone amazing, he knows commands in English and French, he responds to the slightest pressure. I used him during a lesson last week for a distraction and he was focused on me the whole time, completely ignored the other dog even when she was barking at him, and laid on place and fell asleep for 45 minutes when my client and I were talking.
He loves being outside, except when it is cold, and has played with the other dogs almost every day.
He is also gaining weight like a champ and his ribs are no longer visible, his hips and backbone are still visible but I am hoping with more activity and continuing his current food intake he will fill out there as well.
This girl is a handful!
I have been trying to make sure I work with her every day for at least a few minutes (anything is better than nothing), and I have been making sure she is almost always in command when I take her outside so she doesn't rush the door or completely ignore me outside.
She is showing some fear to new people but it is completely normal for her breed, I will be taking her out into public once the weather straightens up and working her in new environments and around people.
I may also take her down to a fellow trainer in Rockford that works specifically with dogs of her caliber and breed and get her evaluated for scent detection, tracking, or something of that nature.
I haven't taken any photos of her lately so I will have to post those later.
Dixon training video!
PSA: Maisie had just been out doing constructive play for 10-15 minutes, the whining is just a GSD thing 😂
Ok, so I think this is everything I have taught Dixon. I haven't been able to work him since Sunday, I think. He is doing super well, but he definitely does better overnight after being worked with extensively during the day, which is nit sustainable for me because of my schedule, but alas, we try our best.
Here is what I want to mention for consideration.
At this point in time Dixon would be available for FOSTER to approved homes, he is not available for adoption at thus time simply because he does still have issues in his crate and I am still unsure of the cause, I am starting to think it is possibly a habit he developed/he spent an insanely extended time in a crate and he is no longer deterred by messes. With that said, he may be able to overcome this if he is monitored throughout the night and his routine is interrupted and redirected, because of my set-up, that is impossible for me at this time. Dogs also do much better in homes than in kennel settings, and while my kennel is very small and I am able to give one on one attention, it is not ideal for potty training.
As I mentioned, when he is worked with extensively he does better, I had almost a whole week with no accidents when I had time to work him. Knowing that, he would need someone that works with him and commits to at least 2 training sessions per day of varying lengths from 20 minutes to 1 hour, he could also do well in various sports so is a sport dog prospect.
Fosters would also need to commit to once weekly training session with me (free of charge of course) to take his training further and make sure he is still doing well.
I just wanted to throw that out there because it is something he would be ready for with the right person.
Product reviews!
I wanted to purchase some products to make sure they were good quality before I posted them onto my website.
All the products that I talk about in the video and a couple more that I have purchased in the past will be posted on my website, I will update this post with the link as soon as it is finished.
Also, I apologize that it is a longer video, I can get very talkative 🤣
Dixon training, day 2, session 1!
First official training session with Dixon!
Please enjoy the absolute chaos of my lack of filming skills and please excuse my choice of clothing, it is Sunday and I did not feel like getting dressed 🤣.
He is the happiest dog when I come in to let everyone out, and he absolutely loves this toy!
Goat shenanigans...
They decided to make a break for it and use the barn stairs as their personal jungle gym 🤦♀️
The convicts have been apprehended and are currently on house arrest awaiting trial 🤣