Woodstock Farm Sanctuary

Woodstock Farm Sanctuary Woodstock Sanctuary envisions a peaceful world rooted in respect and justice for all living beings.

Woodstock Farm Sanctuary envisions a peaceful world rooted in respect and justice for all living beings. We rescue farmed animals and give them care and sanctuary, connect animals with people to advance veganism, and advocate for animal rights in alliance with other social justice movements. We welcome visitors to come and meet animals who are most commonly exploited, abused, and killed in animal

agriculture. Our animal residents are given lifelong sanctuary and are treated with respect as individuals. By giving farmed animals the chance to live their lives with dignity and by sharing their stories, we advocate for veganism and aim to reduce suffering for all.


This year the picnic is in September so it’s coming up fast! You don’t want to miss the fun we have planned — games, tractor rides, a picnic in the cow pasture, great music, and activities just for kids! 🎃 🧺 And every ticket benefits the rescued animals here at Woodstock Farm Sanctuary. Tap here https://woodstocksanctuary.org/events/harvestpicnic or visit our website to get your tickets today!

Thank you to our Harvest Picnic sponsors: Roxwell Films Orchard Grocer Mooshoes Whitecliff Vineyard Rondout Savings Bank Kala+Bobis Law rind.cheese Jody Rasch Lagusta's Luscious Sweet Maresa's U_Cajuu Calmbucha Great Life Brewing

VIEW ALL SLIDES — our ad asking people to sign the petition to stop the New York State Fair Dairy Cow Birthing Center wa...

VIEW ALL SLIDES — our ad asking people to sign the petition to stop the New York State Fair Dairy Cow Birthing Center was REJECTED. Meta stopped showing the ad shortly after we published it, citing the problem as the topic being “a sensitive social issue that could influence public opinion”. We don’t believe that spreading awareness about the exploitation in dairy farming is wrong. We don’t believe calling out dairy farm propaganda is wrong. Help us keep this campaign going and share the petition! We still need a few thousand NEW signatures to reach our goal. Let’s spread the word together. Find the petition here: https://secure.everyaction.com/mJ2jQ9tmXUKiDGHjPeufNA2 sign if you haven’t yet!


Remember when Bumblebee was this small? She’s now all grown up, and needs you 🦆🦆

Help us care for medically complex ducks! We still haven’t paid off Bumblee and T***s’ recent bills (and we’re not talking about the bills on their faces!) Bumblebee and T***s recently had several vet appointments for foot issues, costing over $2k. T***s is currently receiving laser therapy as a part of her plan. Bumblebee is also dealing with pneumonia currently, which adds more to her treatment plan.

If you’ve never cared for Pekin ducks, you might not know that the way humans have bred them has seriously affected their health. Much like larger chicken breeds and turkey breeds, Pekin ducks have been bred to be too heavy to fly, and are typically raised for human consumption. As a result, Pekin ducks like T***s and Bumblebee deal with joint, leg, and foot issues frequently. It’s key to keep on top of these issues when they arise so that they don’t get worse, and the ducks can stay mobile. Despite this, many Pekins will develop some type of disability and so we have to be prepared to care for these ducks in that stage of their life as well. Your support gives the Pekins here access to the critical medical care they need to live their best lives. Donate towards Bumblebee and T***s’ recent vet bills here, or on Venmo at Woodstock-Sanctuary.


The Dairy Cow Birthing Center is still going on this week, but here are some clips from last week. While a calf was being born, the vets taking questions described these cows as “experienced mothers” and noted their “mothering instincts,” right before starting to tell people why it’s best to take calves away from their mothers. The microphone doesn’t pick it up, but this environment is far from quiet and calm — the noisy crowds of onlookers and the loud microphone Q&A are just a few of the stressors these cows deal with. After just a few minutes of being able to clean off her calf, the baby was removed — this is the nature of dairy farming. Separating families in order to exploit a “resource” from the parents. Eventually, the calf born in this video will enter the same cycle. Click here: https://secure.everyaction.com/mJ2jQ9tmXUKiDGHjPeufNA2 to sign the petition to STOP this exhibit at the New York State Fair.

T***s and Bumblebee's vet bills - help needed! Today we went back to the vet once again with Pekin ducks T***s and Bumbl...

T***s and Bumblebee's vet bills - help needed! Today we went back to the vet once again with Pekin ducks T***s and Bumblebee. Both of these ducks have been dealing with health issues including foot and respiratory problems, and have been back and forth to the vet numerous times in the last few weeks. The two of them are staying in the med barn while we assess their treatment plans but we really need help paying for their vet bills — specialist vets are expensive and their bills are starting to add up! Right now we’re looking at around $2764.45. Can you help? Ducks are a pretty overlooked animal but we’re trying to get these two feathered friends everything they need. Please send support here or on Venmo at Woodstock-Sanctuary!

We have several open positions at the Sanctuary right now! If you’ve dreamt of working at a place that truly cares for a...

We have several open positions at the Sanctuary right now! If you’ve dreamt of working at a place that truly cares for animals with people who are dedicated to the work they do, this is your sign to apply! Check out the link in our bio to see details for all available jobs and internships — and apply today!

The vet had a LOT of residents to see last week. One resident in particular insisted on being part of his treatment plan...

The vet had a LOT of residents to see last week. One resident in particular insisted on being part of his treatment plan — Rudy! Rudy enthusiastically took part in the discussion about his health and enjoyed some yummy fruit while being looked at. We try to keep vet visits positive and engaging for the residents here, and Rudy thinks it’s working! ❤️❤️

Recently our 10-year-old friend Darlene passed, after years of defying many people’s perceptions about Cornish Cross chi...

Recently our 10-year-old friend Darlene passed, after years of defying many people’s perceptions about Cornish Cross chickens. We’ve been told countless times that these birds can barely live a few months, let alone the decade that Darlene was with us. But we were able to provide her with a fulfilling, enriching life and community for those ten years. Darlene was described as “distinguished” and she definitely was — she was respected by her fellow chickens and she didn’t have to be pushy to get that respect. She dealt with chronic foot issues, as do many Cornish Crosses — but she patiently tolerated her foot wrap treatments. She leaves behind her good friend Dot, who she spent many hours with in their comfy cozy yard. We will miss Darlene and her happy, gentle personality. ❤️

Another day, another perfect pigtail — this time it’s Erica’s 😍🐽

Another day, another perfect pigtail — this time it’s Erica’s 😍🐽

Joey the morning she was finally rescued ➡️➡️ Joey in foster care, healing ❤️‍🩹 We haven’t raised enough to pay for the ...

Joey the morning she was finally rescued ➡️➡️ Joey in foster care, healing ❤️‍🩹

We haven’t raised enough to pay for the steep bills from the emergency hospitalization for Joey, the kitten who was dumped at the Sanctuary. We have half of it covered but we NEED to raise the other half by Monday and we’re running out of time. We’ve had so many other vet visits and emergencies with the residents over the past few weeks — it’s all adding up and we’re struggling to pay off all these unexpected bills. Please help us pay off Joey’s hospitalization — donate here or on Venmo at Woodstock-Sanctuary

We’ve been sounding the alarm about the disease incubation potential of the  and surprise surprise — exactly what we war...

We’ve been sounding the alarm about the disease incubation potential of the and surprise surprise — exactly what we warned about is reality. An exhibit which was poised to treat baby goats as toys for people to cuddle was shut down due to an as of now unnamed illness detection in the herd. How many other groups of animals transported to the fair are carrying infectious diseases? How will this event contribute to the spread of H5N1? Share this far and wide—the consequences of The New York State Fair continuing to hold this event are just beginning.


This baby was JUST born at New York State Fair . She is already permanently separated from her mother, and is now being dressed up with a ribbon to be on display to fair visitors. She will eventually enter the cycle of dairy herself. SIGN TO END THIS: https://secure.everyaction.com/mJ2jQ9tmXUKiDGHjPeufNA2


Help us with hospital bills for a dumped kitten ‼️ Last week we finally caught a tiny kitten who had been dumped on our property and running loose for at least a week. We took her in and got her immediate medical care because we were worried about how skinny she was and that she had been outside through several severe storms. After two trips to the vet she was diagnosed with serious pneumonia and required emergency hospitalization at a specialist hospital an hour away.

Now that Joey is out of the immediate danger zone, we’re wanted to take a moment to talk about why situations like this are so frustrating We’re an organization that’s committed to the care of animals in need, but we have to be very careful about the amount of animal care we can responsibly take on. We have over 300 rescued animals here, and are constantly balancing helping the maximum amount of animals we can with the budget that we have. So when someone does something irresponsible like dump a baby on our doorstep, it really affects everyone. We’re glad we were able to get Joey the care she needed, but it’s an unexpected several-thousand-dollar bill during a time where multiple residents of the Sanctuary have also needed vet appointments. We can only do this work with your help, and we could really use your help to pay off the major bill for Joey’s lifesaving care. Please send donations here or via Venmo at Woodstock-Sanctuary.

Joey update — she is improving but still at the animal hospital. Thank you all so much for sending support! It’s so unfa...

Joey update — she is improving but still at the animal hospital. Thank you all so much for sending support! It’s so unfair when little vulnerable babies get dumped, but she’s getting the care she needs now. ❤️❤️

‼️EMERGENCY HOSPITAL FOR KITTEN: On Monday we finally caught the tiny kitten who had been wandering the Sanctuary ground...

‼️EMERGENCY HOSPITAL FOR KITTEN: On Monday we finally caught the tiny kitten who had been wandering the Sanctuary grounds during dangerous stormy weather. She was emaciated, had a wound with maggots in her shoulder, and we took her to the vet right away. She’s been in foster care and on medication but staff noticed her breathing was still not normal and went back to the vet. We learned that this little kitten - who we’re now calling Joey - has bilateral pneumonia, and needed oxygen for an extended period of time. Unfortunately our local vets do not have an oxygen tent/cage and so we had to get Joey to the animal hospital. Her condition is serious and the overnight hospital bill will be significant but we had to give her a chance, especially after she survived being dumped here during such awful weather. Please help us with Joey’s care if you can here or via Venmo at Woodstock-Sanctuary

Millions of birds have been “depopulated” (read: killed) over the last few years as the avian flu virus (H5N1) continues...

Millions of birds have been “depopulated” (read: killed) over the last few years as the avian flu virus (H5N1) continues to spread throughout the country. Now H5N1 is spreading into other species, specifically to cows on dairy farms and the workers in contact with them. The threat of this virus is is serious enough that multiple states are taking precautions and making changes to their state and county fairs to limit potential exposure and spread, including closing birthing exhibitions and bird displays. But some places — like here in New York — are not taking H5N1 as seriously.

The New York State Fair is coming up, and this event has the potential to be a huge hotspot for spread of H5N1 given the number of animals on display who are transported from across the state. There will be live birth exhibitions, hundreds of birds crowded together, and almost a million people passing through during the two week long event, but the New York State Fair and the farms attending don’t seem concerned. Why isn't New York exercising caution when this event could have serious consequences? For this and so many other reasons, we encourage you to skip the fair this year and go where animals are respected and protected. Check out our fair coalition page to learn more about state and county fairs.

Oh yeah…we have some new faces at the visitor’s center…but we don’t know their names yet 👀

Oh yeah…we have some new faces at the visitor’s center…but we don’t know their names yet 👀

Ari snuggling with Interns Sara, Emily, and Ellie 😍

Ari snuggling with Interns Sara, Emily, and Ellie 😍

Lita wants to know what you think of her hairdo

Lita wants to know what you think of her hairdo


UPDATE on Walt: he still needs your help! Our sheep friend is finally home after a major ordeal last week. Walt was losing significant amounts of blood and had multiple surgeries to stop the bleeding and two blood transfusions. This whole situation has been so scary for all of us, especially for poor Walt. Now that Walt is back home from the animal hospital, we have to take very special care of him while he heals. Walt underwent quite a few different procedures to stop the bleeding from his abdomen. His surgery site is still very delicate and needs regular monitoring. There’s footage in the video but warning if you’re squeamish - it is NOT pretty. Walt has to stay inside on pen rest for at least two more weeks while we monitor and treat his surgery site. We appreciate everyone who has donated SO much, but Walt is still not done with his healing, and we need to finish raising funds for the emergency hospital stay he had as well as his treatment going forward. Please contribute what you can to this brave sheep, either here in-platform or via Venmo at Woodstock-Sanctuary.


EDIT & UPDATE: WE rushed this baby to the vet and their bill is around $393

Kitten FOUND! If you can believe it during all this terrible weather, we’ve been tracking a little kitten we spotted here on site at the beginning of the month. This morning we were finally able to scoop them up and get a good look at the baby. This kitten is very skinny and has a hole in their shoulder that looks infected and may very well have maggots in it — we’re getting them to the vet asap. We don’t intake cats or dogs here but we’re going to get this little one the care they need and then find them a really good home. This is another unexpected vet trip so please send some support if you can!

PICNIC TIME will be HERE BEFORE YOU KNOW IT!! The Harvest Picnic is one of our favorite events at Woodstock and this yea...

PICNIC TIME will be HERE BEFORE YOU KNOW IT!! The Harvest Picnic is one of our favorite events at Woodstock and this year it’s going to be even more fun. Grab your ticket ASAP and mark down September 21st in your calendar! 🧺 Tickets available on our website & at the link in our bio!


WALT IS BACK HOME!!! We’re so happy to have him back in our care ❤️ It was a hard week for him and for us. Thankfully, everyone is back where they belong — including River who gets to brag to everyone in his barn that he saved Walt’s life.Given everything Walt has been through, he’s going to need a lot of extended time to heal before he joins the herd — and a lot more close monitoring and care. We’ll keep you updated on him as he continues recovery here at home.

Pics from the hospital ❤️❤️ Walt is recovering from his emergency surgeries slowly and we wish we could take him home ri...

Pics from the hospital ❤️❤️ Walt is recovering from his emergency surgeries slowly and we wish we could take him home right away 😭😭 He has to take things slow, though. River, who you can see in the last picture, is keeping him company and really also played a big part in saving his life by being there to give blood transfusions. We’re hearing that Walt seems to be feeling more comfortable and is eating well while recovering. Can’t wait to get you home again, buddy ❤️

Just shy of his 8th rescueversary, we said goodbye to sweet Patrick. Over the last year, after the loss of his partner, ...

Just shy of his 8th rescueversary, we said goodbye to sweet Patrick. Over the last year, after the loss of his partner, the team kept a very close eye on Patrick and spent a lot of time giving him individualized care. It’s really hard to say goodbye to someone you’ve spent SO much time with, and that’s often the case with our elder and medically fragile residents. Patrick is deeply missed by everyone who worked with him.

Patrick was rescued in 2016 from a hoarding case with his two friends Bess and Michelle. Patrick was a gentle, caring rabbit who watched over Michelle as she dealt with a lot of physical issues from E. cuniculi. Patrick was always there for Michelle, to help hold her up when she had balance issues, to help her groom, and to snuggle with her every night. He was such a selfless rabbit, and when Michelle passed we stepped in to comfort him and make sure he had all the care needed. Patrick has been a fixture in the med barn for so many years, and it’s strange not to see him in his stall anymore.

Rabbits are really special individuals and deserve comprehensive care — we’re proud to have been able to provide that to Patrick, thanks to your support. We know he and Michelle are back together now, snuggled up tight just like they loved to be.


Here are words from Intern Ellie on her experience at the Ulster County Fair: “Many families travel to the fair as part of an annual summer tradition to transport them back to the nostalgia of their youth. This is ironic considering all the animals on display here will never get to an age old enough for nostalgia to happen. It is evident in the comments and expressions of the visitors that they don’t realize the reality of what happens when the fair gates close, not to mention what’s happening right in front of their eyes. As I walked the fairgrounds, a common theme was the idea that the farmers and 4H members are attentive to the well-being of the animals they have and care so deeply for them. However, the least graphic way to describe what happens to the animals at the fair is “disturbing and inhumane.” To the common fairgoer, this is one of the only interactions they will ever have with farmed animals, except when they are on their plates or in their closets. The immense abundance of propaganda displayed through fair exhibits and signage does a fantastic job of manipulating the public into believing that this is all acceptable, and that the animals are happy to accept the fate that awaits them afterwards. I saw a young chicken with their neck resting on one of the tiny metal bars of the cage, looking lifeless. A farmer came by and hit the cage, and the chicken moved. I think she was checking if they were still alive. It is sickening to see the people in cages with no padding to support their overgrown bodies, to observe them struggling to breathe, to witness families separated just to be further exploited, and to look into their eyes and deeply feel the pain of moms not knowing where their babies are — all while a human mother carrying her baby walks by and explains how cute and well taken care of these animals are.

It is obvious that humans don’t know, and maybe if they did know, they would feel and act differently. A lack of education and understanding leads to the misconception that animals do not have a personhood and individuality. When you put an animal in a cage and oppress them and all you know is what they look like in their oppressed state, that becomes your sense of normalcy. This cruelty is normalized but must be abolished because cruelty should never be normal, acceptable, or allowed. It starts with education, because maybe if people know, they will care, and if they care, then change can happen.

As for the people who do know the reality behind fairs, I hope that through experiencing your own relationships, you can come to understand that the animals who depend on your care want to do the same. Everyone wants and deserves the right to live a life that is not cut short so they can be exploited for someone else’s use. I hope you can reflect on the pain you are willingly choosing to inflict on animals by supporting this industry. I hope that by simply understanding that we are all people, we all ought to be treated with respect and a sense of humanity. So, put yourself in their position, what would you want?


2 Rescue Road
High Falls, NY


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