To my family, friends and supporters:
Our journey together has meant so much to me. I am so grateful for all the love and support you have shown me, our beloved Susie and Susie's Hope Nonprofit over the past 16 years. It has been one of my life’s greatest joys and such a blessing. I can’t begin to thank you enough for all the encouragement, prayers and financial support you have given to Susie’s Hope. Your generous donations enabled us to find loving homes for thousands of homeless and abandoned animals and to provide financial assistance to countless families who couldn’t afford emergency veterinary care for their pets.
As most of you know, Susie passed away in 2022 after being my constant companion and best friend for 13 years. I miss her so much! She was such a big part of my life and I will never forget her. We had a very special bond and I feel her presence with me every day. I carry her in my heart. I know that I will see her again. Her amazing spirit and legacy will live on in the hearts of each and every one of you as well.
I have felt for some time now that God is calling me in a different direction. After much thought, consideration and prayer, I feel it’s time for me to move into another season of my life and to dissolve Susie’s Hope. This has not been an easy decision for me, but I know it's God's timing.
I believe God is calling the next generation to pick up the torch and continue to help the animals. I know He has someone He wants to appoint who will take our place. Who knows, it might be you.
I want to sincerely thank
Eve Roser, Robin Hudson, Deborah Hodges and Robin Munden for all of their help and support with Susie’s Hope over the years. I want to extend my deepest thanks to numerous others who have volunteered their time with our many public appearances and fundraising events since 2009.
Eve Roser and Robin Hudson have been my greatest strengths in operating Susie’s Hope and I couldn’t have done it without them.
Eve taught me everything I know about rescue. She has helped to save thousands of animals over the years and I deeply admire her dedication to animals and their welfare. Her passion for animal rescue is contagious and I’m grateful for all she has done for Susie’s Hope and animals in our community as our Vice President. She is one of the strongest women I know and I’m grateful to call her my friend and mentor.
I also want to say how deeply Susie loved Robin Hudson, our Secretary. I know how much Robin loved her too. I thank Robin for being her loyal and loving Godmother. Robin has been a dear friend for years and she has always had my back. I am forever grateful for her help with fundraising events and administrative assistance.
In closing, I want to say there are so many good nonprofit rescues in our community. I hope you will continue to support them. Please continue to be a voice for animals. Don’t ever look away from abuse or neglect of any animal. Always report it! Please consider adopting an animal, as there are so many out there waiting for their forever, loving home. Most importantly, please spay and neuter your pets. So many animals die each year simply because they are born. We can all do our part and make a difference! May God bless you all. I love you!
With deepest gratitude,
Here are a just a few accomplishments that I wanted to share with you on the incredible journey we all shared with Susie, our forever hero!
-Susie and I traveled the country for years sharing our story of love, hope, and forgiveness.
-We worked with others in our community to change the animal cruelty laws in NC. Susie’s Law was passed in 2010 making it a felony to abuse animals with jail time for those who do.
-Susie and I were featured in the movie, “Susie’s Hope”, in 2013. It was based on our journey together and to share how Susie overcame her horrific abuse.
-Susie became the voice for all abused and neglected animals without a voice.
-I wrote three children’s books that tell of Susie’s horrific story and how she overcame her fears.
-She won the American Humane Association Hero Dog Awards and was crowned Hero Dog of the Nation in 2014!
-Susie was featured on The Today Show in NYC.
-There are so many wonderful memories and accomplishments we shared together that I can’t begin to list them all.
-Let’s just say that our journey together was a gift from God! It was a once in a lifetime experience and absolutely amazing! Thank you my dear friends for being a part of it!
Please share any special memories or picture’s that you may have of Susie!