I get a lot of questions about how I train my dogs, I don't profess to be a professional trainer, but I thought I would do a video of what Kog and I have been working on. It was a bit harder than I thought trying to work the camera and grab the leash or distractions, but Kog was great about it. Hopefully you can see what's going on.
Unfortunately, I haven't been as consistent as I would like to have been with Kog's training with puppy distractions, but he has been such a joy to work with and learns so quickly.
I trained for obedience shows when I was a teen and showed my Samoyed back then. I don't use treats for obedience training, I use the show what you want repeatedly, be consistent, and praise method. Kog has learned the basic training at this point, heel (on left side head stays right in front of your leg, with a loose leash), sit, then automatic sit any time you stop, sit and stay with distractions, down and stay with distractions, come, auto sit in front and then finish back to your left side to heel again. The last step is stand for examination by a judge and we have not started that yet.
We still have a lot of training to perfect in the house as well, especially when strangers come to the house, but we are getting there, slowly and surely. I'm taking this time before having pups again to get these basics down really well so he'll be ready for the next steps this summer. Hope this video helps.
The Grand Finale! Now for some new tricks....
Trying some dual tricks with these 2. ❤️
Kog my dancing boy, he cracks me up, there is never a dull moment, so handsome and sweet🩷 He is take coming along with his training, I'll have to post some videos, he's just so smart.
Nebula is so willing to try things, I love that about her. It's not always perfect, but you get the idea. 🥰
Mr Kog has a few tricks up his sleeves. He does the cutest beg pose ever and gives a pretty good high 5 or 15, lol. Love this little guy and his spunk ❤️
Our Andi girl can catch that vitamin pretty well. She is such a fun girl, she talks with her eyes and is very interested in whatever you are doing.🥰
We've been working on a few fun tricks at our house for awhile with our adults. So I decided I should show what we've learned so far. Nebi/Nebula spinning for us. She loves doing tricks and has been so easy to train.
We are still working on training, when pups come that's usually when we get off track, lol. I'm not sure training is truly ever finished. I don't typically give my dogs treats, but I do use their vitamins as incentive sometimes for tricks. For Training I use the reward/consequence method, another name is positive reinforcement method, which I find works much better for frenchies than treats. When you don't have the treats, they know.... they are so smart!!