Right now we have bountiful mustard greens. These, in my opinion, are the greens with the strongest flavor. When this fresh they can be eaten raw as a bitter green. My favorite ways are sauteing with garlic, red pepper flakes, and honey or southern style where you saute onions and bacon then turn down heat and add greens and a little liquid and cook slowly. Beyond that here are some other recipes --(Gumbo is made with many greens but you can adjust amounts for smaller amount and just use mustard as all the greens options.)
In Season: Mustard greens are at their peak from January through April. Many supermarkets carry them year-round.What to Look For: Look for leaves with a rich green color. Avoid any mustard greens that are wilted or yellowish. The smaller the leaves, the more tender they will be.How to Store: Wrap un...