Bold Horse Behavior LLC

Bold Horse Behavior LLC Horse behavior consulting and positive reinforcement training services specializing in a holistic and trauma-informed approach.

As we step into 2025, I've updated my website to reflect some important changes to how I'm running Bold Horse Behavior. ...

As we step into 2025, I've updated my website to reflect some important changes to how I'm running Bold Horse Behavior.

1. I'm shifting my focus off lessons and over to behavior consulting

I recognize that no longer offering R+ lessons was a disappointing change for current and prospective clients, but I've known for a while that I wanted to shift my focus back to helping horses with problem behaviors. Currently, my time is limited and I am choosing to prioritize consulting.

2. I am adjusting how I offer my services by taking on more horses for case studies for free - but owners must apply to work with me.

Against a rising tide of "increase your rates" and "legitimate trainers work with countless horses and charge hundreds of dollars", I see exploiting horses for profit as antithetical with truly helping owners and promoting equine welfare. I will be taking fewer clients, spending more time with them, and using case studies to build online courses that will be available for a fee. My first large scale project will be focused on cribbers, and I'll be reaching out to those who inquired about that soon.

3. Meta's decisions have affected my desire to remain on their platforms.

Unfortunately, we live in an era where facts are debatable and LGBTQ+ hate is thriving, and Meta chose to embrace and support these movements. I will retain my accounts to remain discoverable, but won't be as active. I plan to diversify my online presence by utilizing new media such as BlueSky, reviving my podcast, testing out YouTube videos, and blogging on my website and on Medium.

I know my decisions won't make sense to everyone, but they have brought me peace and are more aligned with my vision.

You can check out the new changes to my website below, and as always, I'm only a DM or email away ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ


You get what you train.

And that is with respect to the muscle groups you target, the emotions you practice and the nervous system state you operate from.

If you practice sitting hunched at your desk like a shrimp, you will lay down muscle to support you there.

If you are always operating from an upregulated nervous system, your body will try to adjust its physiology so that this becomes the new homeostasis.

If you spend your life practicing negative thoughts, this will become your default setting.

This means that you will develop into wherever you spend the longest time - irrespective of what you *think* you are working on.


"Tell me 3 things you love about your horse"

I was working with a lovely lady, who cares very deeply about her horse and was diligently helping him to feel better in his body. And yet every session started with all of the ways in which he still wasn't quite right, or was doing things she didn't want him to do.

Frustration was radiating from her body.

She looked at me, a little derailed by my question.

"Do you want me to tell you 3 things I love about your horse?"

She nodded

"I love the black tips on his ears. And the way the markings on his muzzle look like a love heart. And the way his black stockings make him look really classy"

And then she got excited and told me all the things she loved about him... as he stood there yawning, licking and chewing, releasing the tension in his neck.

And as her energy changed towards him, his energy changed towards her -

And in that session he moved like a totally different horse, flowing in a way that we had never seen before.

The exercises were the same, though the output was totally different.


My initial training taught me about targetting the musculoskeletal system and that, if you repeat the exercise enough, with an appropriate amount of progressive loading, you develop the body.

And this isn't wrong at all.

But I subsequently learned that the emotional and nervous systems run the show.

We can do all the right moves, but if the nervous system and emotional association to the work aren't in alignment then you will be perpetually putting a stick in your bicycle spokes.

This provokes topics for discussion -

How do you show up to your horse? They can feel that energy and it has an effect on how safe they feel.

If your horse does not feel safe, the quality of their movement will be compromised. And let me tell you that their own personal safety is their opinion based upon their perceptions - not yours.

Though we do need to give them coping strategies to feel safe in a chaotic human world.

What does your horse perceive of the work? The exercise might be appropriate for their muscles but if the emotional association is poor, the output will be too.

Whilst the body may benefit, if their amygdala-hippocampus relay is perpetually assigning the work with negative emotions, its never going to feel nice to them.


๐Ÿ“ธ before & after of stripping the tension out of this guy's neck by helping him to find safety in some very simple movement patterns combined with very gentle upper cervical mobilisations โค๏ธ

When we dismiss behavior because "mares are like that", we risk ignoring underlying issues affecting our horses.Somethin...

When we dismiss behavior because "mares are like that", we risk ignoring underlying issues affecting our horses.

Something I've noticed about my own mare is that when she displays the certain "mareish" behavior some people might disregard as normal, it's a sign she's uncomfortable.

In the past, I kept my mare like many other people keep their horses - inside a stall, with limited turnout, and fed in brief infrequent meals. As I transitioned to providing my mare with a more species appropriate lifestyle (abundant turnout, other horses for companionship, slow fed forage) I noticed a big difference in her behavior. Resolving underlying discomfort related to hoof pain played a role as well.

Over the years I've worked for many stables, some of which kept horses in box stalls for the majority of their time. Mares were automatically put on Regumate for "preventative reasons" and treated more harshly than geldings to prevent obstinate behavior. When people around me would joke about "mare face", what I saw were horses whose stress signals and pain were ignored.

Stereotyping mares harms their welfare. We can help promote wellbeing in mares by taking their behavior seriously - by providing them with a supportive lifestyle - and by pushing back when our fellow equestrians dismiss behavior and use sexist language. We should monitor our own words as well; would you say it about a female friend? If not, don't say it about your horse.

Treating mares with empathy and compassion will result in more mares who are happy and healthy. More happy and healthy mares will result in less stereotyping and could help reduce the industry-wide preference for geldings.

Mares and geldings may have different hormones and some small differences in behavior, but that doesn't mean we should dismiss mares when they're expressing that something may be wrong.

I have some updates to share with you all โฌ‡๏ธR+ LESSONS/TRAININGAs of this month, my schedule is full and I am not accept...

I have some updates to share with you all โฌ‡๏ธ

As of this month, my schedule is full and I am not accepting new clients for lessons and R+ training for the fall/winter. I have updated my website to reflect that there is no availability for new lesson clients at this time.

I will continue to take new clients on a limited basis for behavior consulting cases. I offer in person and remote consulting services for resolving problem behaviors. Prospective clients can contact me to see if I have availability for their specific situation.

Related, I am working on developing a course focused on a trauma-informed approach to resolving problem behaviors in horses. My dream is to offer this as an on-demand course owners can take to improve their horse's welfare and their relationship with them. I hope to support more people than I can with consulting services through this offering.

It's no secret that at this time, running a profitable equine-based business is more challenging than ever. For this reason, Bold Horse Behavior LLC is my passion but currently not the sole source of my income. I've decided to take October off from lessons/consulting to focus on a new position I recently accepted, and adjust to the change it will make to my schedule. I appreciate my clients' flexibility and understanding at this time - as well as your enthusiasm for this exciting development for me.

With change in the air, I am reassessing a lot of things - like the role of social media in my business and my life, what learning opportunities in animal behavior I want to explore next. I've been dipping my toes into cat behavior consulting and excited about where that may lead as well. I adore those who have guessed as much and already have sent me inquiries about cat behavior or expressed support.

Thank you all for being here ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ

Apologies for the lack of activity on this page recently. I write posts when I feel inspired, and lately I've been in a ...

Apologies for the lack of activity on this page recently. I write posts when I feel inspired, and lately I've been in a period of rest, recuperate, recharge. Alula moved fields at our barn the other day and has also been enjoying a little time off.

I will be back on soon to make some announcements for the winter.


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You cannot train your way out of a behaviour issue . This is completely different to teaching a healthy animal a new skill set. If we want animals to learn well then all of the below need to be in place prior to training and then you may not even need to train. Obedience and training do not fix everything .

Punishment certainly does not . The risk of fall-out is huge. Learning theory has its limitations . What you can do instead in no particular order

๐Ÿด๐Ÿถ Ensure their species specific needs are met .

๐Ÿด๐Ÿถ Ensure their individual needs are met.

๐Ÿด๐Ÿถ Meet their emotional needs and ensure they have good relationships with other animals and humans. This can take a fair bit of time depending on the individual .

๐Ÿด๐Ÿถ Ensure they are physically healthy or that pain and disease are identified and well managed.

๐Ÿด๐Ÿถ Ensure their diet meets their species and individual needs.

๐Ÿด๐Ÿถ Recognise an individual who is struggling whether that is with fear, anxiety, frustration or another emotion that what they need is support not simply to have their behaviour made more acceptable .

๐Ÿด๐Ÿถ Your own fears and anxieties are not the sole contributors to your animalโ€™s emotional reactions. Behaviour is complex and multufactorial. You are doing your absolute best.

๐Ÿด๐Ÿถ Seek support for yourself . Your experience is as valid as that of your animal.

I will put references in later

ยฉ๏ธ Jessie Sams Animal Behaviour and Trauma Recovery Service

Continuing to play with Meta AI's new image generator. The image on the left is what it generated when I entered "natura...

Continuing to play with Meta AI's new image generator. The image on the left is what it generated when I entered "natural horsemanship trainer", and the image on the right is the result of the prompt "positive reinforcement trainer."

I think it is interesting to consider why AI chose a male cowboy to represent natural horsemanship, and yet it selected women for the R+ image. We know that natural horsemanship has an issue with putting male trainers, particularly cowboy types, up on pedestals as the authorities on horsemanship. In the R+ world, it's predominantly women who are leaders and influencers in this training community.

We have to wonder if that is part of why R+ is not perceived as legitimate in comparison to approaches like natural horsemanship. In the R+ world, we use gentle and empathetic training methods and philosophies. We embrace words like "consent" and "choice", for example. In the natural horsemanship world the focus is on "leadership" and "respect", which we are more likely to associate with masculinity.

With AI tools like these becoming more widespread and accessible, pay attention to the results. They will reveal things about our horsemanship we may not be aware of, or only subconsciously thinking about.


Hillsboro, OR

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 8pm
Tuesday 9am - 8pm
Wednesday 9am - 8pm
Thursday 9am - 8pm
Friday 9am - 8pm
Saturday 9am - 8pm


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