2021 ASCA Nationals
2yr old, Fellow, Barcliff MPossible Follow My Lead CGC TKN CD RN (ASCA CD RNX), placed 2nd out of 67 entries in Rally Novice B & Scored 195 in Obedience Novice B.
12 yr old, Vida, AKC GCH CH MPossible Viva La Vida CD RE NAP NJP (ASCA CH MPossible Viva La Vida CD GV-N JV-N RV-N RAX), placed 4th in 10-12 Veterans Conformation Class out of 9 entries.
12 month old, Kat, MPossible Girl On Fire, placed 4th in 12-15 month Conformation class out of 18 entries.
2021 USASA Nationals
Eve, MPossible Evening Star, placed 4th in Open Blue class out of 27 entries .