I LOVE DOGS. Anything that relates to dogs in some way, I adore. I enjoy dog training, dog photography, a simple walk with my guide dog, etc. I also enjoy hiking, listening to audiobooks, and crafts, and spending time with family + friends. WagALot has continued to blossom over the years alongside of many of those hobbies, specifically combining sewing, arts and crafts, photography, and my love fo
r dogs. Owning a business has not only taught me so much but watching everything come together is truly such a blessing. Not to mention, this whole business is centered around dogs, I get to see pictures of cute dogs every day, AND I have great joy knowing that what once was such a small idea is now a reality! What am I studying in school? In school, I am studying Public Health in which I plan to do health research and education, specifically related to the disability minority. I am interested to see how the actions of others specifically impact those with disabilities far beyond my personal knowledge and experiences, but take this information and raise awareness among the general population. But you're blind? You might be wondering how I could be sewing if I am blind? No worries! I was born with an eye condition called optic nerve hypoplasia that causes my vision to be super blurry. I generally tell others I see blurry color! I have no peripheral vision, cannot see detail, and have poor depth perception! A few years in, I have invested in tools and machinery that allow me to rely on touch rather than on my limited sight. These items have been a game changer for me and my products. Unfortunately, every now and then an error will be made. I'll be the first to admit that it happens, especially with limited vision. Whether that is an issue with a product you received or I accidentally send you the wrong order, I am always willing to work with my customers to make it right. However, the longer I have been open, the more I have learned to organize my orders in a way that the situations above are very unlikely. I do also have quite a few severe chronic illnesses that impact me daily. My conditions continue to get worse but we are trying new treatments. As for orders, know that I am working my absolute hardest to get your order out on time. Some of the things I struggle with are severe, constant full-body pain, dizziness, extreme fatigue, fainting, nausea, abdominal pain, weakness, partial paralysis attacks, nerve pain, itch attacks, and more. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.