Your dog can get here!
Through the practice of strategies such as Behavioral Downs, Conditioned Relaxation and Differentiated Reinforcement of Relaxation your dog can become more "zen" in public.
For help with how your dog can get here ⬆️reach out to us for information on our programs.
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Try outs start this week! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
#dogdecathlon #dogtraining #dogtraining101 #doglover #hiltonheaddogs #hiltonheadisland #hiltonheadsmallbusiness
No one was injured in the making of this reel!!!
Jake the Salty Dog has some stellar acting skills.
#dogtraining #dogtricktraining #dogtricks #dogtricksdogs #jakethesaltydog #hiltonheadsmallbusiness #dogsofhhi #hiltongeadislanddogs
Unlike in the Pirates of the Caribbean....
It's not a curse....
Dogs have black spots on their tongues due to melanin deposits, which is the same pigment responsible for fur and skin color.
These spots are like "freckles" on their tongues; this is usually a normal, harmless genetic trait.
#theblackspot #piratesofthecarribean #dogtraining #dogsofhhi #dogsofhiltonheadisland #dogsofbluffton
Looking forward to learning more from Tanner and Jaxx regarding their professional development opportunities ❤️🐕
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PK has completed Kindergarten through College over the course of just over a year.
PK came to us with one of the most severe leash reactivity cases Paws On Learning has ever worked with.
We helped PK to learn to relax in different environments and focus on the handler and Dan and Meg have tirelessly practiced with PK and have attended most of our Saturday group classes at Jarvis Creek Park.
Do you have a dog with leash reactivity? We can help ❤️
#dogtraining #dogtraining101 #leashreactivity #leashreactivitytraining #leashreactivitysolutions #hiltonheaddogs #dogbehavior #dogbehaviortraining #dogbehaviormodification
Dog training has a lot to do with problem solving.
Sometimes it takes a team to solve a problem.
Are you having problems with your dog you want help solving?
Become part of the Paws On Learning family, contact us today!
#dogtraining #dogtraining101 #puppytraining #hiltonheadsmallbusiness #doglover #hiltonheaddogs #dogtrainingtips #dogbehaviortraining #dogproblemsolving
Dog training is NOT intuitive.
Just because you own a dog or have owned a dog or had a dog as a kid doesn't mean you know how to properly communicate with them.
The difficulties you may be having with your dog probably have a lot to do with miscommunication.
Let us help you learn the ways of the dog world.
We can ease your frustration and make your life easier.
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Archie and Tripp are brothers, they came on the same day....
Can you tell which one is Archie????? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Did you know the prime socialization period for your dog is between the ages of 8 and 16 weeks?
Puppies are able to absorb all kinds of information without fear of the world during this key developmental stage.
You can start your puppy in our Pre-K program at 10 weeks of age (after their second round of booster shots).
In Puppy Pre-K we work on the foundational focus and relaxation skills all dogs and their handlers should learn.
Sign up today, you won't regret it ❤️🐕
#dogtraining #dogtrainingtips #dogtraining101 #puppytraining #puppytrainingclass #dogsofsavannah #doglover #dogdaycare #dogproblems #dogbehavior #dogbehaviormodification #dogbehaviortraining #smalldogtraing #bigdogtraining #rescuedog #hiltonheadisland #blufftonsc #hiltonheaddogs #dogtraininghacks
When many clients first reach out to me for help they are so far in the thick of their dog's "issues", they're concerned about the wrong things.
Handler Focus and whether or not your dog has it should be one of your BIGGEST concerns.
If your dog is not focused and in tune with you, then you might as well forget the rest.
Maceo, Addie and Owie live in a multi dog household where handler focus is KEY.
In the video, Jen and Addie are demonstrating the rehearsal of handler focus in a stressful environment.
Maceo has had a couple incidents where a larger, reactive, off leash dog (who obviously had no handler focus) came at him. Understandably so, Maceo is nervous when going on walks.
In this lesson I worked with Jen. Teaching her how to have a relaxed leash, to walk with confidence, and to gain Maceo's focus to help him gain confidence.
We worked around a non-reactive dog owned by one of the neighbors in order to rehearse this and help Maceo have some success.
Do you have a dog who could use help like this? Cl
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Paws On Learning wants you and your pup to become part of the family!
Jaxx, a trainer at POL, was a 4th grade student of Ashley's (POL's owner) back in 2004.
We mean it when we say family......
#dogtraining101 #dogtraining #hiltonheadsmallbusiness #family #dogfamily🐶 #dogfamilies #hhidogs #dogsofhiltonheadisland