Hello everyone! I have been taking a social media break. I feel nice and refreshed! A lot has happened here on the farm! I will try and write it out here and be posting a lot of updates in the mean time.
For our garden this year we are doing a wheat crop. We are doing red winter wheat and we should be harvesting this fall. It is getting so tall! I am super happy about it. I will do some of our favorite vegetables in containers on the ends of the garden. But more focusing on our wheat crop. So if you know of a good mill for grinding the wheat berries let me know!
This year we were able to get some land. We are currently running 8 cattle on it. We chose to raise “baldy” cows. That is a cross between angus and Hereford cattle. We have 1 steer 1 bull and 6 heifers. We are praying that we can have calves soon and give our hand to the ranch life.
We currently have four goats. We have our main man the Nubian Billy (“Cowboy”). We have three females Rosie, Popcorn, and Flower. Rosie is verrrry pregnant. I am hoping she has twins. And Popcorn is not far behind but she looks like she will only have one. We will be trying to milk the goats. I am excited for this new skill we are hoping to acquire.
We now have 7 potbelly pigs and they are so much fun! Our sweet bubblegum has two baby piglets right now. They are almost ready for there new farm. And we are hoping for another round of piglets soon. They are just so much fun to have on the farm.
The chickens are doing great! They are just as easy as an animal gets. They have picked up on their laying after their winter break. We currently have some eggs in the incubator, because I don’t know if you can have toooo many chickens. We have six chicks that are about a month old and are growing like weeds sweet little things.
We have 5 ducks and they are enjoying the rain that we got as recently! I am so thankful for their eggs. They are fantastic for baking. We also have some duck eggs in the incubator. I believe this is the best science class I can give the kids. 😂
Our dogs are doing great. Camo is loving trying to be a cow dog. He isn’t sure about the bull yet but he is building up some confidence 😂. Butters is about to get his spring hair cut. Right now he looks like an overgrown sheep 😂. Anna and Driscilla are seriously so sweet. Those girls have my heart. They are the best mamas I have ever seen. They bring my heart so much joy. Driscilla has a litter of pups right now. She is doing great and so are they!! She had 7! And they are all so fat and healthy. They have all been so mild mannered.
This month we are planning to finish up this years school this month. We have a whole lot of work that we will be doing over the summer and it will be nice to have a big summer break.
Overall we have been having a blast and being so busy. Lots of care and love goes into our little farm. We wouldn’t trade it for nothing. We are beyond thankful for all of our blessings and God being with us. We couldn’t have done it without him!