Good morning
It’s been a minute since we’ve posted. That doesn’t mean we’ve gone away. Still here! Still doing all the things to care for our little creatures. As always we appreciate your caring and generous support. Especially our friends at Tim Edwards Farm & Landscaping in Mill Spring NC. And Sentinel Feeds—The horses LOVE the wellness formula! Enjoy this little moment from our morning….
Poor Toppur…every morning these two are pressuring him to hurry up and finish his breakfast so they can run in there and lick out the bowl. 🐕🦺 knows how to pull open the stall door. #Beezus #puddinpiesplace #miniaturehorserescue #marshmallowthemini #pleasedonate
Bread and milk!! Bread and milk!! 😆 Lots of mini action yesterday evening as the cold snap heads our way.
Let the wild rumpus begin!
All day long this goes on! 🤪🥰#beezusandmarshmallow #puddinpiesplace #beezus #miniaturehorse #miniaturehorsesofinstagram #miniaturehorses
These two have become good friends..Marshmallow and Beezus.
Just a cute little muzzle on a hot day. Liza.
Wild mini action on a beautiful morning. Even the mares were playing today. Little Camille slipped and went down but she recovered and got back in the fray. #miniaturehorse #miniaturehorsesofinstagram #puddinpiesplace #southcarolinaliving #horses
For your viewing pleasure…some cute furry muzzles at the water trough
We don’t need no stinkin’ halters...we know exactly where to go for nom noms
Iris is SO TICKLED this morning!! This is the little donkey we found in the back of the dark barn, her feet so long we didn’t think she could even stand up. Now she is RUNNING and PLAYING! This makes my heart sing. This wouldn’t be possible without the generous help of each and every one of you who donated your time, money, mentioned us to a friend, came to see us at an event, liked our Facebook and Instagram posts, shopped at P3 Consignments and donated your purchase to us, purchased our wonderful pecans from Edwards Feed Store or from Lisa, or any other gesture no matter how small that included Puddin’ Pie’s Place. A HUGE THANK YOU to all and may 2020 continue to be this glorious. ❤️
Marshmallow, out on his morning walkabout.