Mama Roxie and her 8 babies (2 females, 6 males) are looking for their forever homes!
Gsdr had anticipated on helping Mama Roxie whelp her babies but she had other plans. She delivered these babies before coming into our shelter program. They are now old enough to be adopted and we are in search of their perfect homes. They are currently 11 weeks old, up to date with puppy vaccines, spayed/neutered, microchipped and will go home with a NH health certificate. Their breed is fluffy/fuzzy. We are unsure what dad was but they are smart little cuties. They know their daily routine, are great in a crate and quick to learn commands.
Mama Roxie is the best girl! She is roughly 2-3 yrs old, 49lbs and looks to be a pointer mix. She would do well in a home who loves walks or hikes in the woods, on leash of course! She loves the sights and sounds of the outdoors. She is sweet, attentive and a wonderful companion who deserves to be spoiled after caring for 8 babies. She is spayed, microchipped, up to date with all vaccines, heartworm negative and will go home with a NH health certificate.
Please consider giving one of these pups a loving home. Meet and greets are scheduled for approved adopters. We will be reviewing applications this week.
To apply click here: https://form.jotform.com/210196630119046