Education post!
CUSTOMER: How much are these rabbits?
Me: approximately $500 with pedigree ($250 without pedigree)
CUSTOMER: What?! That's crazy just for a rabbit. Are they made of gold?
Me: What do you want to spend?
CUSTOMER: No more than $50. You are price- gauging.
Me: I am sorry you see it this way, you're welcome to purchase elsewhere or try breeding for yourself. To start you will need a quality doe and buck. (And hope they breed. And hope she doesn't miscarry. And hope kits don't get stuck. And hope she doesn't hurt them.) You'll need extra time to raise and help with the litters, provide daily care, clean their enclosures, feeding, cleaning water bowls, grooming, socializing, and photographing, advertising and answering everyone's messages. You will also need a scale, cages, mats, hay, extra food incase they dig it out of their bowl, scissors, nail trimmers, heating pad, nest boxes, bedding, cleaning supplies, toys for enrichment, appropriate food with supplements for mothers, formula, medications & hand feeding supplies in case of emergency. If you go on a vacation, you'll need to pay someone to care for your rabbits and hope they do a good job. You also need the extra space with proper ventilation, heating and cooling when necessary if you want them outdoors.
CUSTOMER: But I don't have that much money or that much extra time...
Me: You are paying for my time, my tools, my training, my time, my knowledge, my expertise, my experience, more time, my sacrifice, and yes...more time.
I'm never offended when you don't purchase from me. Cats range from $50 to $50k. Same as dogs. Rabbits go up $2000 (not here but I know of others who sell this high). Everyone has a budget. I'm not rude to the guy selling a car for $500k just because I only want to spend $10k.
I copied from another breeders post and edit a little bit of it. This is true, they are a tad expensive, but if you’re not willing to spend $250 for a rehoming fee, I don’t think I could trust you taking the rabbit home unless I knew you personally. It’s easy to give someone $50 and keep a rabbit for a month, 2 months, even three months. And it would be even easier to rehome that rabbit if you decided you didn’t want him/her anymore. It’s a much harder decision when you have to pay more. It should make you think, are you going to do research on the rabbit? Are you going to be able to afford the care? It roughly costs $50-$100+ a month for one rabbit. If you can’t afford that, then don’t adopt one!