Finding Arlo

Finding Arlo This page was made to hopefully get that much closer to finding Arlo. Any updates and leads, as well as so many memories will be posted here.

We can't find him alone. Please everyone, don't forget Arlo. We can bring him home together.


Hi everyone,

I know we haven't posted in quite some time. I've still been actively searching but haven't gotten any solid leads in a very long time. I appreciate the links that have been shared.

Today marks 3 Years since he vanished. I wish I had better news but unfortunately.... I don't have much of anything to give you all.

We will continue to look as always. Thank you all for always looking.


Hello everyone, I know its been quiet lately but that's not by choice really.  Unfortunately we just don't have much to ...

Hello everyone,

I know its been quiet lately but that's not by choice really. Unfortunately we just don't have much to say right now.

I want to thank you all for continuing to be present with your shares and your comments. It's so appreciated.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and if you aren't one to celebrate then I hope you have a wonderful December ❤️

Please continue to look for him.

Please hear us when we say, if you know what happened to him or know someone who might.... please don't hesitate to call. You can block your number. If something happened and he's no longer with us.... please let us know. If he's loved and sleeping by a warm fireplace... please let us know... just let us know something at this point. If you regret what you have done by taking him, we will understand to the best of our abilities and will happily take him back with open arms and can make it to where you never even have to come face to face. We won't turn you in. We won't even speak of it again.

Getting Arlo back would be the most wonderful thing ever and we cannot wait for that day.

Everyone deserves closure regardless of what it may be in the end.

Hi everyone, I've started to write this post I don't know how many times.  There just hasn't been much to say unfortunat...

Hi everyone,

I've started to write this post I don't know how many times. There just hasn't been much to say unfortunately.

Arlo should have celebrated another birthday but we doubt the person who has him even knows that his birthday is in September.

We haven't gotten any leads in a really long time and that's just heartbreaking. That's part of why no new posts have been made. Just a hard thing sometimes to keep going when it seems like the odds are exponentially stacked against you.

We are rapidly approaching the anniversary of his abduction.... never in a million years would I have thought he would still be gone 2 years later.

Yes, we are still searching. No, we haven't lost hope. Yes, we cannot wait for the day he comes home.

Until that day, please keep him in your prayers.


Hi everyone, We have a different type of update for you today. This page has always been ran by two people.  Isabella (A...

Hi everyone,

We have a different type of update for you today.

This page has always been ran by two people. Isabella (Arlo's momma) and myself. My name is Sara. We decided to run this page together (we could see everything on the page and messages) because it can get overwhelming for someone who is missing their dog so much. This way we always answered messages and tags in timely fashion because ultimately the most important thing is to not miss a potential lead and hopefully bring him home.

I'm writing you today to let you know that I solely took over about a month or so ago because Isabella needed some time. I feel its completely understandable and warranted. Her grief is so so large and my heart hurts for her.

She has not and will never give up but the least I could do is help her out in this manner. She knows that I will continue to answer messages and tags. I know Arlo like the back of my hand and will continue to search like I always have. She's a dear friend of mine and I hope one day we can bring him home to her.

I hope you all understand this and keep her in your hearts. Maybe say a little prayer for the miracle to bring him home. Having her boy home would mean the absolute world to her.

As always, please send any messages, texts or calls right on over. I will always have her back🧡

Let's find this boy❤️🐾🐾

Well..... I thought we had a promising call tonight.  The person gave us a name and told us that this person stole him a...

Well..... I thought we had a promising call tonight. The person gave us a name and told us that this person stole him and had admitted to it and that he was SURE it was Arlo. He said he would text me( couldn't hear well) the address which was in hopland after we hung up. He mentioned he wanted the reward as well.... Not a problem.... bring Arlo home safe, get the reward.

So a few minutes go by and I text him.... thanking him for calling. He now wants $250 to go get Arlo and $250 when he is returned...... below is the majority of the conversation along with the photo he sent to "confirm".

Now I mean did he really think we wouldn't recognize our own photo! I sent him the original and told him how terrible of an editing job it was and blocked the number.

Beyond frustrating. Heres to tomorrow and hopefully a better day of leads. ❤️

Happy mothers day to all you mommas out there!!We just wanted to make a post and thank you all again....two more wonderf...

Happy mothers day to all you mommas out there!!

We just wanted to make a post and thank you all again....two more wonderful wonderful souls have offered to increase the reward for Arlo's safe return. Maybe money will get someone to come forward finally!

We have gotten some messages and a call about dark trucks and shepherds so hopefully it will lead somewhere. The goal is to reach out again to small vets that maybe get less foot traffic in those areas and make sure they are aware. Perhaps even the pet vaccine clinics and maybe the county. Not sure If the person who stole him would even bother to vaccinate or license him but we are going to keep trying. All avenues now that we have possibly a general area!

Friends....Your support and generosity never ceases to amaze us. Today...we received a message from a incredibly thought...


Your support and generosity never ceases to amaze us.

Today...we received a message from a incredibly thoughtful, kind and just beautiful, selfless soul.

This wonderful person has offered to add an additional $1,000 to the reward!

The reward for Arlo's safe return was $3,500.
This brings the total to $4,500!

We are beyond moved, humbled and in awe. Thank you. From the bottom of our hearts. Thank you.

We cannot thank each and every one of you enough for sticking with us, for this entire time he has been gone. He's out there. One day, he will come home. Massive hugs to you all. ❤️❤️❤️🐾🐾🐾

🐾 some sweet throwback photos just because

UPDATE ❗️❗️❗️❗️We were told Arlo is possibly in western sonoma County.  The person who took him has a darker older truck...


❗️❗️❗️❗️We were told Arlo is possibly in western sonoma County. The person who took him has a darker older truck and is in their late 20s to early 30s. I got the vibe the person was male. I wish we had more to go on but maybe this will find something for us to dig further on! ❗️❗️❗️❗️ If you could share the pinned post (his lost post) on our page to all your sonoma County friends we would so appreciate it. If you can't find the link just comment and I'll post it in the comments.

This tip came from a blocked contact and we didn't ask anymore questions about the contactor as promised.

Yes it vague..... but it's ok! It's something!



$4,500 REWARD *** $4,500 CASH REWARD for his return




$4,500 REWARD
Last seen 10/18/20
Hopland CA Eagle Rock RD and Feliz creek.
German Shepherd male, intact, last seen wearing a tan padded leather collar.
Name "Arlo"
Please he is so loved and I am completely beside myself worried sick out of my mind, I just need my best friend home.
Location: Hopland, Ca
Microchipped with updated information and the microchip company has his chipped marked as missing incase it is scanned
Please message or call 707-621-2155 with any possible sightings or information.
Please help me find my boy.
Please someone has to know or have seen something. He is microchipped and I have reported him missing to the microchip company, wearing a tan padded leather collar about 26" inches at the withers and approx 63 pounds. He is 2 years old, intact and cryptorchid (meaning he has only one descended testicle, this is hereditary and can be passed on to offspring and shouldn't be bred)
Reward is $4,500.00
No questions asked, I need him home.

❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️Friends!❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️After 5️⃣6️⃣2️⃣  emotionally grueling days, we received a very vague lead but hey, we will t...


After 5️⃣6️⃣2️⃣ emotionally grueling days, we received a very vague lead but hey, we will take what we can get.

❗️❗️❗️❗️We were told Arlo is possibly in western sonoma County. The person who took him has a darker older truck and is in their late 20s to early 30s. I got the vibe the person was male. I wish we had more to go on but maybe this will find something for us to dig further on! ❗️❗️❗️❗️ If you could share the pinned post (his lost post) on our page to all your sonoma County friends we would so appreciate it. If you can't find the link just comment and I'll post it in the comments.

This tip came from a blocked contact and we didn't ask anymore questions about the contactor as promised.

Yes it vague..... but it's ok! It's something!

Here's a photo from a much happier time 💔

Hey everyone,Sorry we haven't posted much lately.... hasn't been much to post about sadly. No leads.... no calls.... but...

Hey everyone,

Sorry we haven't posted much lately.... hasn't been much to post about sadly. No leads.... no calls.... but We know he's out there...

So please if you're by chance reading this post.... you can block you number and call with a lead. I can promise no one will ever know who you are because we wont even know. We don't care who you are. No names. Just information. Please. Hasn't it been long enough?!

We are still searching non stop and appreciate the messages and kind words.

Here are some photos of sweet Arlo❤️

Hey friends, Unfortunately we have no updates for you. No leads have come in.... lately just just been crickets. I wante...

Hey friends,

Unfortunately we have no updates for you. No leads have come in.... lately just just been crickets.

I wanted to take the time to maybe look at this from a different perspective. Obviously the person who took Arlo wanted him and specifically him.....and it doesn't seem like they have any intention on giving him back.

We went back and forth with this information for a while.... something that never sat right with us was when we spoke to one of the 4 animal communicators, they mentioned he wasn't feeling well and that he wasn't happy in the place he was at.

Many of you know that he is cryptorchid; which means he has only one descended testicle. Due to his breed it is recommended waiting until they are two years old to be neutered because of the hormones needed to sustain proper growth.

Now with a cryptorchid dog a neuter is a much more complex and can be quite an expensive surgery as there are more risks to the dog.

Arlo had an appointment to be neutered about a week after he was stolen. You're probably wondering where I am going with this.... well.... something most people don't know if leaving a dog that has cryptorchidism poses huge risks to the dog. I've copied and pasted exactly what could happen with this condition.

Yes, to even think about the what ifs are soul crushing but we need his captor to understand just how profound their selfish decision was. Just bring him back. Please. Don't make him suffer. Dogs are such stoic creatures that you may not even know if he is suffering.

❗❗❗The risk of developing testicular cancer is estimated to be at least ten times greater in dogs with cryptorchidism than in normal dogs." The risk of developing testicular cancer is estimated to be at least ten times greater in dogs with cryptorchidism than in normal dogs. Because cryptorchidism carries significant health risks. Most seriously, dogs with cryptorchidism can develop torsion, an extremely painful condition where the testicle twists upon itself, inhibiting blood flow. The testicle swells as it becomes engorged with blood.❗❗❗

So please. We beg of you. Do the right thing. He deserves so much more.

Good morning friends,We have been told that there is a rumor going around Hopland that Arlo was found. This person even ...

Good morning friends,

We have been told that there is a rumor going around Hopland that Arlo was found. This person even went so far as to tell an employee to remove a poster. Thankfully they declined and asked us for clarification.

He HAS NOT been found.

Now... this could have been a simple mistake on the person who thought he was found..... or.... he could very well be someone who knows something more and wishes that there was less attention on Arlo.

Due to the length of time he has been gone.... we are going to treat this like a lead.

We are asking you Hopland folks..... ask your neighbors, ask your friends. Since we cannot be everywhere at once, if anyone would want to print some and hang around Hopland it would be so appreciated. Just click the flyer and download it and it should print on a full sheet of paper.

You can be a hero. You can reunite Arlo.... He is so desperately more than ever.


Hi everyone.... we wanted to share this sweet video in hopes that maybe someone will find some joy in it.....Maybe somehow, someway it will convince whoever has Arlo to bring him home.

You have the power to reunite Arlo.

850 people follow Arlo's story..... many more know about him..... over 80k people have been reached and have seen his Missing post. Please..... let's bring him home.

Maybe there's something you want ? Money? A dog to take his place? Just give us something. Please. It's time.

Just a little blast from the past for you all today🐾🐾

Just a little blast from the past for you all today🐾🐾

Hey friends,I think we can all agree its been far too long that Arlo has been gone. Please. Someone knows something.  We...

Hey friends,

I think we can all agree its been far too long that Arlo has been gone. Please. Someone knows something. We can figure out through deductive reasoning that these people had to have some knowledge of the Hopland area as Arlo's home was not easy to find. Maybe they were visiting friends in the area.... we really don't know.

So we are asking.... no... we are begging.... ask your friends if they saw something, maybe their friend or acquaintance knows something but maybe they dont know that Arlo was stolen. Please. Ask around. It would mean the world to bring him home and maybe if the right person is asked we might just get a solid lead.

Such an amazing fella. Find a way to come home safely sweet Loo.  It's time.  It's been far too long without you.

Such an amazing fella.

Find a way to come home safely sweet Loo. It's time. It's been far too long without you.

Hi everyone....Unfortunately there is no update on anything at this time. Our pleas to have him returned have gone unnot...

Hi everyone....

Unfortunately there is no update on anything at this time. Our pleas to have him returned have gone unnoticed or maybe they were noticed but ignored.

You all know we will never stop searching. In every face of every single german shepherd that we see, every post made about a found one.... we search them all.

Maybe, maybe the person who has him could just tell us.... is he OK? Is he healthy? You can at least give us something. I feel like after searching for so long we at least deserve to know that.

Just give us SOMETHING. Please.

Never would we wish this on anyone. The pain of having your sweet wonderful soul dog ripped away from you.... it's absolutely crushing.


Just the heckin best boy around💛Please. Someone knows something.  Just give us anything.  Anything we can work from. Ple...

Just the heckin best boy around💛

Please. Someone knows something. Just give us anything. Anything we can work from. Please.

Hey everyone,Unfortunately we were not able to track down the dog in hopland.  We left the blanket in a safe location ju...

Hey everyone,

Unfortunately we were not able to track down the dog in hopland. We left the blanket in a safe location just in case though.

We did get another lead in Kelseyville and thanks to a friend for dropping everything and finding the dog in question, we know that it wasn't Arlo because now we won't wonder. We received a tip from Craigslist as well but unfortunately that was not Arlo either.

We know he's out there. We just wish that someone would find it in their hearts to tell us something. Just even a small detail that would help. We know it's scary saying something, but like we have said before.... we won't tell a soul. Just help us bring him home.

Thanks for all of your messages and support. It's been wonderful to know you all still care and are rooting for him to come home.

Here's a throwback photo from 2 years ago just because

Hey friends,Not so much of an update.... but wanted to keep you all informed. Yesterday we had FOUR separate people say ...

Hey friends,

Not so much of an update.... but wanted to keep you all informed.

Yesterday we had FOUR separate people say that they saw Arlo. Somehow we missed him when we went searching.

Today we left a sleeping bag, dog food and a worn shirt near where he was seen and in an area he could take shelter.

So far today, sadly, no one has seen him. There are two flyers on poles near where he was seen and one was handed out to a teen walking by.

Hope is not lost. Please, If you have friends in the Feliz creek area of Hopland, let them know to keep their eyes peeled and not to harm him. We understand there are ranches/farms out there... but please.. he's a gentle soul... he may be trying to get to his old home. Keep your eyes open near the river.

Thank you to everyone who has been searching the area. We are so grateful ❤

Hey friends! Small update! We received two separate calls within 5 minutes about a dog who looked like Arlo running in H...

Hey friends!

Small update!

We received two separate calls within 5 minutes about a dog who looked like Arlo running in Hopland.

First call said he saw him running by the blue gas station towards 175. Second call said he was seen near the school and under the bridge by mountain house road.

We searched the entire area from the blue gas station to old hopland and back around to 101 as well as up Feliz creek for a while and mountain house road. We looked under the bridge in quite a few spots and hollered for Arlo.

Unfortunately we didn't see any signs of him. We spoke to some gentleman working on the school and gave them a flyer but they hadn't seen anything either.

Please, everyone keep your eyes peeled. We need a miracle❤

Hello beautiful friends! Well..... I know we haven't been around much lately but know we are still searching all day eve...

Hello beautiful friends!

Well..... I know we haven't been around much lately but know we are still searching all day every day. Facebook, Craigslist, shelters, pawboost and every other site you can think of.

We know that he was stolen and obviously the people who have Arlo have yet to find the desire to do the right thing. The holidays are usually a time for giving and cheer.... dare I say it... forgiveness.... We have been patient, waiting day in and day out for a message or a phone call. Unfortunately no such things have happened. We are still hopeful that someday he will either get away from them (but he's such a good boy he probably won't run if given the chance) or they will give him up or even just reach out and return him. He has a chip so the second he's scanned, calls will be made. We have made every effort to have multiple phone numbers attached to his chip so that the call won't ever be missed.

We have said for over a year now... we don't care why you took him, or why it took you so long to give him back.... we don't care who you are. Please. Just give him back. There is a substantial reward that will be honored regardless of details. If you or someone you know can get him home safely.... then that money is yours. No questions asked beyond proof that you actually have him.

Christmas is just 3 short days away. Then we have the new year. Wouldn't it be nice to go into 2022 with a clean conscience?

We also just want to thank you all for being here. It's been one hell of a year. We couldn't have done it without your love and support.

We wanted to share some of the favorite Arlo memories with you as well. Chances are you have already seen these photos, but we had to share again.

We wish you all a Happy Holdiays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah or even just a happy Saturday if that's your thing too❤ If we forgot anyone, it wasn't on purpose. Love to you all❤

Hello friends, Unfortunately Thanksgiving didn't bring Arlo home. We didn't have any leads either. We know he is out the...

Hello friends,

Unfortunately Thanksgiving didn't bring Arlo home. We didn't have any leads either. We know he is out there. He has to be. We are doing everything we can to find him but sometimes it feels like we are looking for a needle in a field of haystacks since we have nothing to go on. So please, bare with us if we don't post a lot, we are trying to come up with a new strategy as well as convince a local news station to pick up the story.

If we only had a solid lead, just some information that would point us in a direction. Even a town where he is or someone that was involved..... it would help immensely. It's hard to believe that these people have kept this a secret for almost 14 months.... they had to have told someone. Like we always say, if you have any information, please, we will never ever tell where the information came from. We will deny who even told us the information. Think of it as leaving a note for someone and walking away.....

Here's how you can do that..... block your number by dialing *67-650-346-9205, send a message in messenger (little less secretive but we will delete it) or send an email to [email protected].

You can be a hero.

You have the ability to make a Christmas miracle happen.... and let's face it.... I think all 820 followers of this page could agree that it would just make their Christmas to see Arlo home again.

💜 picture of Loo in a warm bath just because

🍁🍂Hello friends As we start gearing up for Thanksgiving this year, with all the cooking,  cleaning and seeing family and...

🍁🍂Hello friends

As we start gearing up for Thanksgiving this year, with all the cooking, cleaning and seeing family and friends a lot of us haven't seen much of in the last year..... please be extra vigilant..... if you see a dog you think is Arlo, try and snap a photo, send us an address, let us know somehow. We have two major holidays coming where we have a good chance at someone seeing him. Please. It would mean the world to bring him home.

Ways to connect with us....

💛Send us a message on fb
🧡Call or text 650-346-9205
❤Email [email protected]

On that note, we hope you all have a safe, fun and blessed holiday.

Hey friendsSorry we haven't been around much lately.  We have tried to follow leads and unfortunately haven't ended up a...

Hey friends

Sorry we haven't been around much lately. We have tried to follow leads and unfortunately haven't ended up anywhere closer to Arlo.

We have been contemplating giving you all the information from the last round from the animal communicator..... but at the same time we can never be sure who follows our page. What if they are watching to make sure we don't get close to him? It's probably a long shot but we worry that even though we don't feel we are any closer, that maybe somehow sharing those details may make him even further away.

You all have shown so much love and support with us through these last 13 months and we are eternally grateful.

Please, we ask you to take a moment and share the link we have posted. It's his Missing post and we are hoping to get as many people as we can to circulate him around again especially with the holidays approaching. I'm sure you all know already, but for those of you just learning of Arlo, he is a licensed seizure service dog. He was stolen on October 18th, 2020 and terribly missed.

Please, click the link below and share it. We need as many people as possible to see this before Thanksgiving.


Hopland, CA





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