NWSS Freestyle Reining 2024
“Trust is the highest form of human motivation. It brings out the very best in people.”
After the Freestyle the exhibitors were given the chance to give their ribbons to people in the stands. We went back to the barn and unsaddled Lefty and there became a steady stream of people visiting all the riders and horses that had performed. It was nice to see the young man I had given the ribbon to come down to visit with us for a bit. Even nicer to have a stallion with a disposition like Lefty - performing in the Performance Horse Challenge on Saturday, the freestyle rehearsal Saturday night with a lot of “firsts” for him, then the freestyle performance on Sunday then to go right back to the stalls and letting people meet and love on him right after. There were a lot of “firsts” for all of us that weekend, it was pretty exciting! Something I plan to do again! Thank you ALL for all your support, it means the world to us!