
blue_fox_iea A hunter/ jumper facility located in Houston, TX. Boarding/Lessons/Sales
Zone 7 Region 5 IEA team


We ended our season placing fifth at Zone finals. While our riders nor team qualified for nationals this year, we are beyond proud of this years team! Our riders worked hard all year for thier chance at Zones, including placing first at regionals. To finish fifth out of twelve teams this past weekend is huge. Thank you to everyone who has helped make this year one to remember and congratulations to our riders and Coach for an amazing season!

We had a fantastic weekend at region 5 regionals.  Congratulations to our high school team for finishing champion! We ar...

We had a fantastic weekend at region 5 regionals. Congratulations to our high school team for finishing champion! We are also super proud of Abby, Kiana, Carter, Audrey, and Ella for continuing on to Zones individually. We are off to Oklahoma ➡️

Cedar Lane IEA Show Day 2- High School was Reserve Champion - 7 🥇- 5 🥈- 1 🥉- Abby got sportsmanship

Cedar Lane IEA Show Day 2
- High School was Reserve Champion
- 7 🥇
- 5 🥈
- 1 🥉
- Abby got sportsmanship

Cedar Lane IEA Show Day 1 - High School was Champion - 7 🥇- 5 🥈- 3 🥉- Hootie was horse on the show

Cedar Lane IEA Show Day 1
- High School was Champion
- 7 🥇
- 5 🥈
- 3 🥉
- Hootie was horse on the show

2022 Tentative Spring Show Schedule

2022 Tentative Spring Show Schedule

Blue Fox Farms IEA Show Recap🦊High school team was champion🦊Middle School team was fifth🦊Many of our riders finished fir...

Blue Fox Farms IEA Show Recap
🦊High school team was champion
🦊Middle School team was fifth
🦊Many of our riders finished first in their competitive classes

Heads up everybody, our home IEA show is this Sunday December 12.  We can't wait to see everyone there!

Heads up everybody, our home IEA show is this Sunday December 12. We can't wait to see everyone there!


Happy thanksgiving from our barn family to yours!


We will have team practice Nov 7 starting at 9am open riders will go first. Please mark your calendars. Parents please plan to stay for about 30 minutes to talk about our upcoming show Dec 12. Meeting will start at 8:45.

Update from the Bayview IEA show

Update from the Bayview IEA show

I’m actually on time for this British barn monkey post.

So here is the Barn Monkey slumbering on a Friday morning with the knowledge that at 5 am the alarm would go because it’s a horse show. 5 am comes and goes as does 6 what is going on ?
I decided to ask the person next to me in the bed, well Holly didn’t know so I asked Teri, lo and behold it’s a one day show and we don’t have to leave until Saturday afternoon, yippee. So the Monkey decides to go back to sleep, however I am rudely awakened by the lovely Teri to be told I am due to ride today ! Now a little history here, I last rode some 50 yes 50 years ago and it certainly wasn’t in any sort of structured environment and I have never had a formal lesson in my life.
Some months ago Teri decided given my obvious physical abilities amongst which are a cat like sense of balance and lightning quick reactions that I could be taught to ride the beasts. I was duly dispatched to Dover Saddlery to be humiliated by prancing around in what I assumed to be far too tight jodhpurs (named after a city in India by the way) for the assembled assistants amusement. Duly equipped with said Jodhpurs, half chaps and boots I arrived triumphantly at the farm.
Teri then pointed me in the direction of what was obviously a fearsome creature called Trooper. Now I could tell just by the standing attitude of the said “Trooper” that I was going to have my hands full. I was instructed by my able assistant, Rhonda in how to dress the beast and off we went on a trail ride. Trooper certainly knew who was boss and I managed to stay on board during what I remember as some furious gallops although I was later told that I managed a fast walk. I think this is a problem in translation between my native tongue and the American use of my language (you’re welcome by the way).
Fast forward a few months and by now with Teri spotting my potential I am riding western on the mighty Uhaul. Now as everyone in the local horse world knows very few people can tame the recalcitrant Vanner. I am made of sterner stuff and it was no contest. I know it sometimes looks as if he goes where he wants but that is me cunningly using reverse psychology not him simply knowing he has an idiot on board. I think it will pay off in the long term. I certainly believe that the various riders who have triumphed on the shaggy leviathan owe the Monkey a debt of gratitude. Anyway enough about me and its Bayview 2021.
Unheard of time of arrival; 5.45 in the afternoon the and Monkey was almost jetlagged with not setting off in the pre dawn hours. Abigail is there to meet us and help unload. We only took Hootie and Uhaul so the 2 horse trailer took no time and the little darlings were soon settled in and away we went.
Bayview is exactly what it says right by the bay and Teri and the Monkey arrived at 6.15 am on Sunday and as my fellow countryman Mr Shakespeare so aptly said in The Tempest.
““And as the morning steals upon the night, melting the darkness, so their rising senses begin to chase the ignorant fumes that mantle their clearer reason.”

Ditto I say.

Lovely cool morning quiet and still except for some noise from the round pen. I suspected that Abbie Airlines (plane has landed and the engines are off but you can still hear some whining) was lunging. I investigated and it proved to be so with Abbie and Kianna at the pen. I will say that they had a point we were a bit late but no matter the Hootster was duly lunged and our riders began to arrive. The truth is the Monkey was a little late and Abigail and Kianna put more than a shift in assisting the BFF team.

We had a big team here, Abbie,Jane,Macey,Kianna and Alyson. Carter was also in attendance to help out as well as “the Beard to be feared”, also known as Carlos, Alyson’s’ father, Lisa (Macey’s Mum) hoping for more dragonfly spotting I suspect was also in attendance. Loads of rides for the team and even more for the horses. Both of the BFF horses were on from the start to the very end.
The Monkey has to say that his blood pressure is not helped by the large number of flat classes. I mean who wouldn’t be excited to hear the phrase “you are now being judged at the walk”
Great food truck by the way, Good Grub it certainly is although the absence of coffee had the Monkey a little taught for a while but you are never that far from a Starbucks. Mixed success for the BFF team but some of our riders were coming of a long break and did better than we could have expected.
This show was really fun even to the extent that the BFF team was told to keep the noise down at one stage. I fear the Monkey may have contributed to this but I am learning to behave. One of the highlights of this show for the Monkey was the presence of almost all of the local lady trainers that I know. At one stage there were 5 of them behind the police tape (more of that later) and I reckon there was at in excess of 100 years of horse training experience assembled. The Monkey does find these ladies somewhat terrifying and indeed Terifying (see what I did there). They are so overwhelmingly competent at what they do and seem to do it with ease. I am sure it’s not always like that but one thing is certain they dedicate their lives to educating their charges in all things equine and care for their riders in a way that some sports could do well to emulate.

Coping with down time at these shows is always a challenge (well at least for the Monkey). There may be long gaps when you have neither a rider or horse competing. I have to say that I think BFF copes with it better than most although as discussed we can get a little loud.
Us Brits have a thing called “banter” which is the remorseless ribbing of anyone who puts their head above the parapet and I have to say the girls (and ladies) of BFF are pretty good at it and in fact I could not help but notice other coaches (Barbara) were joining in.
Even though The Monkey is usually the target it helps the day go by as does Kiana’s magnetic super power, apparently Macey has it was well although in a slightly different area !

So last rider and last horse done we are loaded up and off into the sunset at the end of a great day. Many thanks to Kathy, Heather and the rest of the team for a wonderful show and we will see you at BFF on Dec 12th I hope. But we at BFF have a few before that including “Monster Mash” which is Halloween fancy dress. Teri has picked my costume and it is one of gravitas and historical importance that will not make me look silly and will draw admiring glances everywhere. I am to go as an historical American figure…Richard Simmons, I suppose he was a great president or General. I must look him up.

Yours in all things horsey
Barn Monkey


Update from the Sacred Heart IEA show


Wishing the best of luck to our riders headed to Sacred Heart this weekend!!


Just a friendly reminder that this time next week we will be headed to Sacred Heart!! We are so excited to get our 2021-2022 season underway!


Our first two practices were a great start to the year. Just a friendly reminder that Scared Heart's show is just 12 days away. We will be sending updates as we get closer. We can't wait to start our 2021-2022 IEA Season!

Check out when our IEA Shows are this season.  We can't wait to see everyone this year!

Check out when our IEA Shows are this season. We can't wait to see everyone this year!


We are working to schedule our first IEA practice of the season. We can't wait to get the team back together for another amazing year! More details regarding practice soon!


Happy Birthday Teri Bludworth we hope you have the best day! Thank you so much for everything you do for our team. We wouldn’t be here without you!


We would like to congratulate Jane and Macey on their amazing ride at Zones! Good job in Oklahoma ladies🏆


Good luck to Macey and Jane who are headed to Zones this weekend. Good luck ladies we are so proud of you!

Regionals was a huge success.  Macey and Jane qualified for zones and are headed to Oklahoma.  U-Haul won horse of the s...

Regionals was a huge success. Macey and Jane qualified for zones and are headed to Oklahoma. U-Haul won horse of the show and High school was third. Everyone had amazing rides and we are so very proud of each and every rider. Congratulations all!


Just a friendly reminder that regionals is only a couple of days away! We can’t wait for this weekend, let’s go have fun!


On another note, we hope that everyone is staying safe and warm.


Due to icy weather Regionals has been postponed and is now February 28, @ Sacred Heart. We can’t wait to see everyone there!


IEA practice this Saturday @ 3pm. This is the last team practice before regionals. Remember to bring masks.


14801 Old Chocolate Bayou Road
Houston, TX


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