PSA: If CALM is the top trait you are looking for, please do not choose the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. I actually get this request quite a bit and while there are always exceptions individually, overall the Stafford is very energetic and active. They are athletes. With daily mental and physical stimulation, they are quite capable of being cuddly and calm, but understand that requires work. It’s fun and entertaining, but it’s work. These dogs thrive being involved in an active home.
That being said, for my puppy applicants, I do work with families and do my absolute best in matching puppies to fit lifestyle and needs. So if calm is a trait you would like, I can guide you towards the puppy that is most like that out of the litter. But please understand that it’s not a natural breed trait. Intense, sociable, loving, affectionate, velcro, determined are just some accurate descriptions.
As with any breed, please research thoroughly before committing to a puppy. It’s incredibly rewarding working with the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. There is never a dull moment and they will keep you on your toes. They love hard and they love to please, which makes them fairly easy to train. They are wonderfully social and great dogs to travel with.
If those types of traits fit your criteria, then this breed is for you.
Edit: I want to add that while I wouldn’t describe the breed as calm, they do make absolutely wonderful family pets. They don’t have the same intensity as say a Belgian Malinois, but I just wanted to to make those new to the breed aware that they are definitely not couch potatoes.