I debated about posting this but it is reality. Yesterday early morning Peggy and her husband Gary found them like this. They were part of the herd. It was very traumatic to them and we as feeders have a group message and Peggy called the group and we as a team talked to her and I made my request to BARC. These poor dogs laid in front of the trailer park oblivious to anyone for an unknown amount of hours. People flying by not helping people or dogs and Gary got bit trying to comfort which is human nature and in the end the Shepherd had passed and the Doberman was pts. We thank BARC for responding so quickly (10 mins). and taking the Doberman and the deceased back to the shelter immediately. They also took another of the herd with them that would not leave the side of his friends.
People constantly say they are better on the streets and in fact that is a complete bs statement. I have so many negative statements to make but I won't. In essence there are so many irresponsible parties that contribute to this stray problem and in the end who suffers?
Gary is ok and I am proud of my feeders who took action. We are a very small tiny group and like family and we are our only support system sometimes.
Rest easy babies and I'm sorry you suffered.