So, I have made a tentative decision. In the next few months, I will be discontinuing my line of Pet ID tags that I make through my company The Copper Bone.
The pet tags were supposed to be a foot in the door to more advanced jewelry creation, which is what I was trained for. It’s been 18 1/2 years of making tags for our beloved furkids. Believe me when I say, there is NOTHING as important to me as pet safety. Get your pets microchipped and support an artist by ordering a pet tag for them!
As I get older and move towards the next part of my business, I realize that not only have pet tags become a smaller focus, but I absolutely loathe spending time in my garage studio in Texas summers! This has made me resent my precious pet tag creation as most of the work is done outside in the heat.
I am considering making a line of enameled jewelry for pet lovers. That’s another challenge that’s on my list of possibilities. So we shall see.
For now, get those pet tag orders in and I’ll get them made for you before they’re discontinued!
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