The term "pack leader" is probably one of the most polarizing terms in the dog world that oftentimes has a different meaning depending on who you ask.
Some believe the term "pack leader" means a dictator, someone who regularly dominates their dog through physical dominance dispays, makes dogs do things based on fear, does no positive reinforcement, and only punishes dogs.
Sounds crazy, but many people in the dog world actually view "pack leader" that way.
Many are also incredibly misinformed on a scientific level and misrepresent science by saying things like "pack leader has been debunked by science," which is completely false.
The studies they always refer to were done by Dr. David Mech, who I interviewed on the Ask the Pack Leader Podcast.
He clearly states how so many people have misinterpreted and misrepresented his work and clarifies that with wolves, whether it's in captivity or in nature, there are absolutely always pack leaders.
In nature, two unrelated wolves pair bond, have pups, and are the pack leaders of all the pups they have. They parents are the leaders.
With humans, we pair bond, have children, and parent those children from the leading position, very similar to wolves.
As we bring puppies into our homes, it's our responsibility to be the leader. The parent figure who is present that puts the instinctual needs of the puppy before their own emotional needs.
The one who is responsible for guiding them through life, providing clear rules, boundaries, and limitations to make sure the puppy develops into a healthy, well-behaved adult!
What does being a pack leader mean to you?
~Steve Del Savio, Owner & Founder of Pack Leader