Good Sunday morning!!
This is our cube display in the front of our shop that we keep mostly Asian fish, and different types of Cryptocoryne, to give you guys an idea of how beautiful these fish and plants can be in a very simple set up! We also now carry a light that brings out the reds in fish, like we have never seen! They are spectacular under this light, and it is great for your plants too!
We have all sizes in stock, and we sell it the same as internet pricing, so if you need an entire new LED for your tank, or want to add this as a second light to your current light to really make your fish POP, we have you covered!😉
We are open until 5!!
A super fun tank in stock right now! Everybody doing their thing!
Crystal Red Tetras
Hoplocharax goethei “ Red eyed dwarf tetra”
Fire Red Apistogramma
Neon Blue Rams
Corydoras elegans
Super colorful, and fun to watch!
It’s the perfect time of year for Santa Claus Guppies!! Wait a minute…any time is the perfect time for these beautiful fish! 😂
Available in pairs!
There’s nothing like a group of happy and healthy Rummynose tetras, and we’ve got them for you!!!
We are here until 5!! Happy Sunday, y’all!
Absolutely gorgeous Black Rams, and Super Red Ancistrus!
Don’t miss out on these beautiful and healthy specimens!
Yes!!! Live Brine Shrimp are here! Now, your fish can have a feast too!
We are here until 3 today!
Happy Thanksgiving Eve, y’all!
Hi guys!!!
We will be open on Wednesday, 11-3, in case you have last minute things to do to make your aquarium look gorgeous for your Thanksgiving holiday!!
Beautiful Red Cap Koi, and Super Yellow Koi Angelfish are ready to go!! There’s still a few Albino Marbles cruising around with them too!😉
See y’all at 11!
Absolutely gorgeous European raised, Electric Blue Rams are here!!
They will be ready to go live with you, tomorrow!😍
#tropicafish, #tropicalfishkeeping,
Yes, they are ready to go, and they are already flying out the door!! They are totally in our fresh filtered water, not RO, and they are eating great!!
Don’t miss out on these super healthy Tank raised Discus!❤️
They’re here!!! Our shipment of high quality, non-hormoned Discus made it!!! We are acclimating them to our water, and they had three full meals of Live Brine Shrimp today! They look great, and they are bickering, which is a fantastic sign! We want to medicate them, keep doing huge water changes, and feed them more before we send them home with you! We have 5 tanks with many different types and sizes for you guys! We are planning to have them ready to go on Saturday!😍
Red Ica Blue Face (2 sizes)
Blue Turquoise (2 sizes)
Galaxy Turquoise
Snow White
Red Melon
Super Panthera
King Viper
Cobalt Blue
Red Checkerboard
Reflection D
We will update you guys on Friday night!!
We got this great video of this magnificent Goldline Royal pleco that we have in stock at the shop, and we thought it would be a great opportunity to share it with you guys, AND thank you all so much for a fantastic weekend!! We know that it was a nightmare dealing with the Airshow traffic, but you still came in, and we can’t tell you how much we appreciate it!! Thank you all so very much!!!❤️
New fish and plants are on the way for next week, and several supply orders are too!! It’s so important to us to keep things fresh for you guys with more quality livestock and supplies for you to choose from!
Y’all have a wonderful night, and we are NEVER going to stop thanking you for supporting us!!