The American Bully should give the impression of great strength for its size. It is a compact and medium/large dog with a muscular body and block head. The American Bully must have the appearance of a heavy bone structure with a bulky structure and appearance.
The American Bully is a companion breed that exhibits confidence, enthusiasm for life, along with an exuberant will to please and bond with his family, which makes the American Bully an excellent family companion. Despite the fierce and powerful appearance of the American Bully, his behavior is friendly. They are great with children and extremely friendly with strangers, other dogs and other animals. Human or dog aggression, extreme shyness or cruelty is very little characteristic of American Bully and is highly undesirable.
• The distinctive, heavy, large and wide head of the American Bully exemplifies the type of breed.
• Medium length, deep in all its extension, wide skull, well chiseled with very pronounced cheek muscles, different and deep stop.
• Ears: placed high and can be natural or trimmed.
• Eyes- All colors are equally accepted except albinism (pink to red) which is a disqualification. Blue eyes, lack of pigment around the eyes are undesirable.
• The shape of the eyes is oval to almond-shaped, in the lower part of the skull and very separated. Round eyes are not desirable and bulging or bulging eyes are a lack.
• The visibility of the haw must be minimal.
Failures: haw too visible. Both eyes are not the same color. Bulging or protruding eyes Disqualifying failures: Albinism eyes.
• Snout: short-medium long and wide wide. The length should be shorter than the length of the skull with a distance from the tip of the nose to the top about a third of the distance from the tip of the nose to the occiputus; but not so short as to interfere with normal breathing. The snout is block-shaped or slightly square to fall abruptly under the eyes. The upper line of the snout should be straight with the nose neither pointed nor raised in profile.
• Jaws: well defined.
• Under the jaw: it must be strong and parallel to the snout, without ever turning up.
• Lips: semi-closed and uniform, minimal clearance is accepted but not preferred.
Failures: Snout too long or pointed; snout so short as to interfere with normal breathing; lack of pronounced cheek and deep stop; weak under the jaw; under the jaw upwards; nose up or back; excessive flights.
• Upper teeth: to join firmly on the outside of the lower teeth in the shape or bite in scissors.
Failures: leveled bite, above bite, below bite and crooked bite. Severe failures: bites well above or below the range, measing 1/4 inch (0.6 cm) or more.
• Nose: large with wide open nostrils. All colors / pigments are acceptable except albinism (light pink color).
• Heavy, muscular, slightly arched, narching from the shoulder to the back of the skull. The compact to medium size should have minimal or no loose skin.
Defects: Neck too thin or weak; neck too short or too long.
• Strong and muscular shoulders with wide leaves placed wide; and well relaxed. The upper part of the arm is approximately equal to the length of the shoulder blade and is joined at an angle of approximately 35 to 45 degrees.
• Forelegs: straight, strong and robust with large or round bones, the quarters are strong, short and almost erect. Feet- forward.
• The distance from the cross to the elbow is equal to the distance from the elbows to the soles of the feet. Dogs that have a slightly shorter distance from the elbows to the soles of the feet are acceptable but not desirable.
Failures: erect shoulders; steep scapula and forward (shoulder blade). Arm too short. Feet inward or outward; arched front legs; down in the quarters; open or flat feet; long toes.
• Solid, voluminous and very muscular body type of medium / compact length that gives the impression of great power for its size and exemplifies the type of breed of the American Bully.
• Well rounded ribs that create a barrel-shaped chest with all the ribs together; rib cage to extend to the elbow or slightly below.
• The front legs are quite apart to allow the development of the chest.
• Chest: it should be wide, deep and well filled; but it should not be exaggerated to interfere with normal movement.
• Quite short to medium back, slightly inclined from the cross to the tail or straight accepted with a slight short slope from the tail to the base of the tail. The American Bully should give the appearance of a square body, of equal length when measured from the tip of the shoulder to the tip of the buttocks and from the cross to the ground.
Failures: Back too long; butt higher than the cross; weak or balanced upper line; cockroach or backward wheel.
• Well muscled, lowered in the corvejones, without turning inward or outward.
• Muscle development, angulation and width of the hindquarters must be in balance with those of the front quarters.
• When seen from behind, the legs must be straight and parallel.
• The rump should have a slight downward angle.
Failures: Corvejones rotating inward or outward; cow corvejones; scythe corvejones; narrow hindquarters; straight or overangled knee joints; arched legs.
• Medium compared to the size, low implantation, thinning to a thin point and extending approximately to the corvejón.
• When the relaxed tail should be taken down. When the moving tail is taken to the level of the top line or in an elevated position when it is excited (challenge tail), but should never be rolled up, breaking the plane of the back (cheerful tail).
• Glue to be free of kinks, knots or any curvature.
Failures: Tail too long or too short approximately up to an inch above or below the tip of the crow. Gay tail (led on the plane of the back). Serious failures: twisted, knotted or fused tail. Extremely short tail. Disqualifying fouls: Bolted, inclined or cut tail.
• It must be rounded and moderate in size in proportion to the dog, compact, well arched and tight.
Defects: open or flat feet, long toes.
• Short, shiny, closed, rigid to soft to the touch.
• Coat no more than ½ inch (1.27 cm) long.
Defects: Curly or wavy fur. Serious failures: Long coat.
• All colors and patterns are allowed except the Merle / blotched pattern by competition.
Disqualifying fouls: Merle's pattern / stained by competition
• Dogs must be healthy and must NOT reach the point where they are considered obese.
• Weight: there is no specific weight for the breed.
• Height and weight must be proportional to the body structure.
• Height: see the variety amendments.
• All varieties must exhibit "Bully" characteristics and breed type traits as described in the American Bully Standard, which are key elements of the breed type for the American Bully breed.
Males from 43 cm to 51 cm (17 to 20 inches) to the cross. Females from 40 cm to 48 cm (16 to 19 inches) at the cross. It is important to keep in mind that Standard American Bully dogs should not be penalized for exhibiting a huge, voluminous and muscular body type.
This is an amendment to the basic standard that determines a Pocket Bully by its adult height. Males less than 17 inches (43 cm) and not less than 14 inches (36 cm) at the cross. Females less than 40 cm (16 inches) and not less than 33 cm (13 inches) at the cross.
It is important to keep in mind that the Pocket Bully variety is simply shorter than the Standard American Bully. Pocket Bully dogs share the same constitution, body type and breed type as the Standard American Bully, and should not be penalized for exhibiting a very muscular, massive and bulky body type.
This is an amendment to the basic standard that a Classic Bully is determined by its body structure and construction. Both sexes have a lighter body and less body mass in general, but still exhibit "bully" features.
Example of bully traits: thick / heavy heads; short / square muzzles; heavier bone, muscle and compact body. Overall, more bone and substance than the American Pit Bull Terrier and the modern American Staffordshire Terrier and more "terrier type".
Classic Bully to give the appearance of bullier, old-style American Pit Bull Terriers and/or American Staffordshire Terrier, which constituted the origin of the American Bully.
The Classic Bully variety is simply an American Bully dog that has a lighter body structure (lighter bones) and less general body mass (less substance) than the Standard American Bully. Apart from this difference, the Classic Bully variety follows the same standard as the Standard American Bully.
Males from 43 cm to 51 cm (17 to 20 inches) to the cross. Females from 40 cm to 48 cm (16 to 19 inches) at the cross.
This is an amendment to the basic standard that an XL Bully is determined by its adult height. Males over 20 inches (51 cm) - 23 inches (57 cm) at the cross. Females over 48 cm (19 inches) to 54 cm (22 inches) at the cross.
It is important to keep in mind that the XL Bully variety is simply higher than the Standard American Bully. XL Bully dogs share the same constitution, body type and breed type as the Standard American Bully, and are expected to have a very muscular, massive and bulky body type.
• The American Bully moves with a confident and proud attitude, while he is very alive and alert to his environment.
• The march must be effortless and powerful. The action must be unbridled, free and vigorous with a powerful impulse from behind. The front range should be moderate and balanced with the rear.
• The legs do not rotate inward or outward, nor do they cross or interfere with each other.
• Dog moving on the same plane: each leg that moves on the same plane is shared with the other leg on the same side with minimal convergence.
• The bottom line must remain level, with a very slight flexion.
Failures: Bearing; lateral wind rhythm; hackney action; rowing or hitting. Do not move on the same plane; legs on reach; legs crossed forward or back; hind legs move too close or touch.
The fouls to be penalized but not the disqualifications to show are:
• Both eyes do not match in color
• Haw too visible
• Protruding or protruding eyes
• Snout too long or pointed
• Lack of pronounced / deep stop
• Weak lower jaw
• The jaw up
• Albinism nose (light pink)
• Nose up or back
• Tail too long or too short (approximately 1 inch (2.5 cm) from the tip of the raven)
• Curly tail (gay tail)
• Leveled or flush bite
• Bite by excess or by default
• Twisted or crossed bite
• Neck too thin or weak
• Neck too short or too long
• Erect shoulders; steep and forward shoulder blade (shopula)
• Arm too short
• Very turned fronts (inward or outward)
• Arched front legs
• Down in the pages (weak pages)
• Open or flat feet
• Long fingers
• Corvejones turning in or out; cow corvejón
• Curly or wavy coat
• Movement: roll, walk, turn sideways, hackney action and roar or hit
• Do not move in the same plane: the legs are stretched, crossed forward or back, or the back legs get too close or touch
The fouls that will be severely penalized but not the disqualifications for showing are:
• Well above or below the range (1/4 inch (0.6 cm) or more)
• Crooked tail
• Twisted tail
• Knotted tail
• Fused tail
• Tail too short
• Long coat
• Show or possess aggressive behavior towards humans
• Pink or albino eyes
• Merle pattern / Blotched by competition
• Unilateral or bilateral cryptorchidy (one or both testicles are missing)
• Unilateral or bilateral deafness (deafness in one or both ears)
• Screwed tail
• Wavy tail
• Cut tail