Oceanlife-Aquariums Inc.

Oceanlife-Aquariums Inc. We are a specialty saltwater aquarium fish and coral boutique. We also offer complete sales, instal

Free leaker Red Sea 750xxl  tank.  Must pick up today or will be in the trash area behind store. Someone already taking ...

Free leaker Red Sea 750xxl tank. Must pick up today or will be in the trash area behind store. Someone already taking stand and sump

Eshopps Mariner 130 white.  We have 3 units coming in Wed 11/27.  One sold.  two left.  come in and check out the Black ...

Eshopps Mariner 130 white. We have 3 units coming in Wed 11/27. One sold. two left. come in and check out the Black Friday sale.


Fish Arrival Wed 11/27. We will be closed on Thursday 11/28. Black Friday will be 30% off all live stock.

1 Sumatra Pottery Angelfish
1 Half Black/Pearlscale Angelfish
1 Emperor Angelfish 1/2
1 Emperor Angelfish adult M 5"
4 Bicolor Anthias Male L
6 Purple Queen Anthias Female
2 Banded Fairy Anthias L
2 Smith's Blenny
2 Dusky Blenny
1 Double Saddled Butterflyfish S
1 Racoon Butterflyfish M
2 Copperband Butterflyfish ML
2 Bannerfish M
5 Copperband Butterflyfish M
6 Threadfin(Blue Eye) Cardinalfish M
6 Broadsaddle Cardinalfish
10 Banggai Cardinalfish M
6 Domino Damsel
30 Green Chromis
2 Snowflake Eel S
2 Banded/Dragon Goby M
4 Two Spot/4-wheeler Goby
4 Yellow Clown Goby
3 Spoted Mandarin
4 Orange Spoted Diamond Goby M
6 Orange Spoted Diamond Goby L
6 Golden Heads Goby M
1 Cherry Grouper Smd 3"
1 Panther Grouper Smd 3"
1 Foster's Hawkfish
2 Valentini Puffer Smd
2 Golden-lined Rabbitfish M
6 Yellow Fox Face M 3"-3.5"
1 Lieutenant Surgeonfish ML 5"
2 Desjardin's Sailfin Tang M 3.25"-3.5"
2 Scopas Tang Smd
2 Pasific Sailfin Tang Smd
2 Chcolate Surgeonfish M 4"
2 Mimic Surgeonfish M 3.5"
4 Blue Tang M 3"
6 Convict Tang M 3"-3.5"
6 Blue Tang MS 2"-2.25"
1 Longhorn Cowfish S
1 Painted/Humu Humu Smd 2.5"
1 African Clown Coris juv M
2 Disappearing/Striated Wrasse
2 Yellowtail Tamarin Wrasse S
2 Blue-sided Fairy Wrasse
2 Black Leopard Wrasse M
2 Dragon Wrasse Juv
4 Yellow Coris
6 Orange-tipped Melanurus Wrasse M
6 Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse
4 Six Line Wrasse
1 Rusty Angel
1 Melas/Keyhole Tibicen Angel
1 Regal Angel L 5.5"-6"
2 Bicolor Angelfish M
2 Squarespot Anthias Male
1 Panda Butterflyfish M
4 Black Sebae Clownfish
2 Pink & Blue Spotted Goby M/L
4 Zebra Barred Goby M
1 Diana Hogfish M
2 Powder Brown Tang M
2 Orange Shoulder Surgeon M 3.5"
2 Flame Fin Tomini Bristletooth Smd
1 Clown Trigger M 3.5"-4"
1 Red Snooty Wrasse M 4"
2 Sailfin Fairy Wrasse
4 (KI) Flame Angel M/L
1 (KI) Black Tang L 6"-7"
2 (JB) Red Sea Purple Tang 2.25"-2.5"
2 (TO) Zebra Angel Male L/XL
2 (TO) Lemon Peel Angel
2 TO) Lyretail Angel female L
1 (TO) Mertensii Butterflyfish
1 (TO) Tongan Temmincki Wrasse
1 TO) Red Masked Coris Wrasse
2 (TO) Scott's Fairy Wrasse Male M
2 (TO) X-mas Wrasse - Green
2 (TO) Leopard Wrasse Red
8 (LK) R/S Lyretail Anthias Female M/L
2 (MV) Orange Spotted Blenny
1 (LK) Blonde Naso Tang M 3.5"-3.75"
2 (LK) Powder Blue Tang M 4"
4(MV) Timor Wrasse juv M
1 Clown/Twin Spot Coris adult L 5"
3 Long Te****le Anemone M
3 Orange Tube Anemone M
6 (LK) Fire Shrimp M/L
4 (LK) Cleaner Shrimp L/XL
6 Cleaner Shrimp M
30 Green Emerald Crab
4 Sea Hare M

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Tons of corals just came in. Still 20 % off our great prices.

Early Black Friday starting Wednesday 11/13/24 to 11/30/24All livestock ( fish and corals) 20% off.

Early Black Friday starting Wednesday 11/13/24 to 11/30/24

All livestock ( fish and corals) 20% off.


Another fish shipment this week. Also tons of corals on Thursday.

3 Flame Angel; Mar. - Centropyge loricula
2 Flameback Angel; Afr. - Centropyge acanthops
6 Orange (Blue Eye) Anthias; Female; Afr. - Pseudanthias squamipinnis
4 Royal Gramma; Atl. - Gramma loreto
4 Midas Blenny; Golden; Africa - Ecsenius midas
4 Red Scooter Blenny; I.O. - Synchiropus stellatus
3 Starry Blenny - Salarias ramosus
2 Tailspot Blenny - Ecsenius stigmatura
6 Copperband Butterfly - Chelmon rostratus
6 Glass Cardinal - Apogon leptacanthus
2 Citron Clown Goby; Yellow;Fiji - Gobiodon citrinus
6 Diamond (Sleeper) Goby - Valenciennea puellaris
3 Green Mandarin Goby - Synchiropus splendidus
2 Helfrichs Firefish; Mar. - Nemateleotris helfrichi
2 Yellow Watchman - Cryptocentrus cinctus
2 Blue Spot Jawfish; Mexico - Opistoganthus rosenblatti
3 Bicolor Pseudo - Pictichromis paccagnellae
3 Strawberry (Purple) Pseudo - Pictichromis porphyreus
1 Blue Spot Puffer; Fiji - Canthigaster solandri
1 Porcupine Puffer - Diodon holocanthus
1 Blonde Naso Tang - Naso elegans
2 Clown Tang - Acanthurus lineatus
4 Convict Tang - Acanthurus triostegus
2 Desjardinii Sailfin Tang - Zebrasoma desjardinii
3 Flame Fin (Tomini) Tang - Ctenochaetus tominiensis
3sm Powder Blue Surgeon - Acanthurus leucosternon
1 xx Powder Blue Surgeon - Acanthurus leucosternon
2 White Tail Yellow Eye Tang - Ctenochaetus sp
1 Humu Humu Trigger - Rhinecanthus aculeatus
1 Niger Trigger - Odonus niger
6 Cleaner Wrasse - Labroides dimidiatus
3 Clown Fairy Wrasse - Cirrhilabrus solorensis
4 Melanarus Wrasse; Female - Halichoeres malanurus
1 Red Coris Wrasse; Fiji - Coris gaimard
100Red Leg Reef Hermit; Pac. - Paguristes sp.
2 Maxima Clam; Ultra Grade - Tridacna maxima
3Cleaner Shrimp - Lysmata amboinensis
3 Cleaner Shrimp - Lysmata amboinensis
4 Fire Shrimp - Lysmatta debelius
2 Harlequin Shrimp - Hymenocera picta
2 Pistol Shrimp; Candy Stripe - Alpheus sp.
4 Blue (Linkia) Starfish - Linckia laevigata
4 Orange Star (Linkia) - Linckia sp.
6 White Sand Star - Archaster typicus
6 Feather Duster - Sabellastarte sp.

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We got in some nice rock flower. 30 each.

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Orange Lined/Pottery Angelfish M
Freckletail/Lamarck Angelfish M
Emperor Angelfish juv M
Blue Koran Angelfish juv L
Blue Koran Angelfish juvenile M
Blotched Anthias ML
Luzon Anthias
Saddleback Butterflyfish
Bannerfish M
Kupang Yellowtail Damsel
Green Chromis
Pinkbar Aurora Goby
Yellow Prawn Watchman Goby M
Spoted Mandarin
Yellow Candy Hogfish
Magnificent Foxsface M 4.25"-4.75"
Yellow Fox Face M 4"-4.5"
Clown Surgeon M 3.5"-4"
Desjardin's Sailfin Tang M/ML 3.75"-4"
Pacific Sailfin Tang M
Gold Rim Surgeon M 3"-3.5"
Lipstic Tang M 3.5"-4"
Desjardin's Sailfin Tang M 3.25"-3.5"
Pasific Sailfin Tang Smd
Blue Tang Smd 2.5"-2.7 5"
Orange-Back Fairy Wrasse
Dusky Wrasse M
Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse
Guinea Fowl Wrasse ML
Regal Angel XL 8"
Squarespot Anthias Male
Yellow Anthias Female
Teardrop Butterflyfish L
Longnose Butterflyfish M
Diamond/Pyramid Butterflyfish M
PJ/Spotted Cardinal 4 lot/each
Scissortail Goby/Dartfish XL
Red Moyer's Scooter Dragonet 2 lot/each
Harlequin Sweetlips M
One Spot Fox Face ML 4"-4.5"
Powder Brown Tang M
Powder Brown Tang Smd
Lavender/spot-cheeked Surgeon M
Orange Shoulder Surgeon ML 5"
Katoi's Fairy Wrasse Female
(TO) Bicolor Angel
(TO) Coral Beauty Angel (RED)
(TO) Lemon Peel Angel
(TO) X-mas Wrasse - Green
(TO) Ear Leopard Wrasse
(LK) Blue Throat Diamond Goby M
(LK) Black Tongua Unicorn M 4"
(LK) Blodne Naso M 4.5"-5"
(LK) Desjardini Sailfin Tang L 5.5"-6"
(LK) Powder Blue Tang ML 4.5"-5"
(MV) Timor Wrasse juv M
Sebae Anemone M/ML
Long Te****le Anemone L
Bubble Tip Anemone
(LK) Tiger Pistol Shrimp
(LK) Fire Shrimp M/L
Green Emerald Crab 30 lot/each
Flame Hawkfish

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Quick pics top down of acros available. Lots more available.  Come in and check them out.  Most are from show tanks and ...

Quick pics top down of acros available. Lots more available. Come in and check them out. Most are from show tanks and some mari cultured that’s been around 6months plus.


Fish Arrival Wed 10/23 , Clownfish arrival 10/24

2 Orange Lined/Pottery Angelfish M
2 Royal Blue Pygmy Angelfish
1 Zebra Lyretail Angel male M
1 Emperor Angelfish adult M 6"
1 Emperor Angelfish juv L
1 Emperor Angelfish juv M
3 Japanese Lyretail Angel Female M
6 Purple Queen Anthias Female
3 Bicolor Blenny (Red Tail)
4 Banded/Algae Blenny M
2 Saddleback Butterflyfish
1 Racoon Butterflyfish M
3 Bannerfish S
4 Copperband Butterflyfish M
4 Copperband Butterflyfish ML
6 Domino Damsel
20 Green Chromis
2 Snowflake Eel S
4 Rainford's Goby
2 Yellow Prawn Watchman Goby M
2 Spoted Mandarin
3 Green Mandarin M
6 Orange Spoted Diamond Goby S
6 Purple/Decorated Firefish M/L
3 Orange Spoted Diamond Goby M
2 Long Nose Hawkfish M
2 Yellow Candy Hogfish
2 Valentini Puffer M
4 Yellow Fox Face M 4"-4.5"
2 Pacific Sailfin Tang ML 3.5"-4"
2 Clown Surgeon M 3.5"-4"
2 Pacific Sailfin Tang M
3 Blue Tang L 4"-4.5"
6 Convict Tang Smd 2.5"-2.75"
6 Blue Tang Smd 2.5"-2.7 5"
3 Guinea Fowl Wrasse
2 Regal Angel M 4"-5"
2 Black Pearlscale Butterflyfish M
3 Longnose Butterflyfish M
4 Diamond/Pyramid Butterflyfish M
8 PJ/Spotted Cardinal 4 lot/each
2 Bella Rose Goby M
6 Red Moyer's Scooter Dragonet 2 lot/each
12 Firefish
1 Harlequin Tusk M 5"-5.5"
2 Yellow Mustard Surgeon ML 4.5"
2 Flame Fin Tomini Bristletooth Smd
2 Moorish Idol M
1 Blue Throat Trigger Male ML 4.5"-5"
2 Scott's Fairy Wrasse ML 4"
3 Splendid Pintail Fairy Wrasse
1 (KI) Gold Flake Angel juv
1 JB) Red Sea Sohal Tang S 3.5"-4"
2 JB) Red Sea Purple Tang M 3"
2 (TO) Ear Leopard Wrasse
3 (TO) Orange Cleaner Wrasse
6 (MV) Bimaculatus Anthias Female
8 (LK) R/S Lyretail Anthias Female M/L
1 (LK) Black Tongua Unicorn ML 5"
1 (LK) Blonde Naso M 4"-4.25"
2 (LK) Yellow Eye Bristletooth M
5 (LK) Powder Blue Tang Smd 3"
2 Long Te****le Anemone L
4 Bubble Tip Anemone
2 (LK) Tiger Pistol Shrimp
4 Chocolate Chip Starfish
10 Royal Urchin
6 Sea Hare L

Just fragged lots from show tank.  Also lots of acros frags left. All been here 6 months minimum.

Just fragged lots from show tank. Also lots of acros frags left. All been here 6 months minimum.


Fish Arrival Wed 10/9

1 Bellus Lyretail Angelfish female M
1 Freckletail/Lamarck Angelfish L
2 Japanese Lyretail Angel Female M
2 Emperor Angelfish juv M
10 Madder/Dispar Seaperch M
6 Purple Queen Anthias Female
4 Banded/Algae Blenny M
4 Copperband Butterflyfish M
4 Copperband Butterflyfish ML
10 Springer's Blue Damsel
20 Green Chromis
1 Zebra Muray L
2 Spoted Mandarin
6 Purple/Decorated Firefish M/L
4 Green Mandarin M
4 Scooter Blenny
4 Orange Spoted Diamond Goby S
4 Golden Heads Goby M
2 Long Nose Hawkfish M
4 Australian Banded Pipefish ML/L
1 Magnificent Foxface M 5"-5.5"
1 Dusky Spinefoot M
1 lack-eyed Spinefoot M
4 Yellow Fox Face M 3"-3.5"
1 Epaulette Surgeonfish ML 5"
2 Spot-cheeked Surgeonfish M
1 Pacific Sailfin Tang M
2 Ringtail Surgeon M
2 Clown Surgeon M 3.5"-4"
2 Chcolate Surgeonfish M 4"
2 Lipstic Tang M 3.5"-4"
2 Blue Tang ML 3.5"
2 Scopas Tang Smd
6 Blue Tang MS 2"-2.25"
1 Pink Tail Triggerfish M 3.5"-4"
1 Painted/Humu Humu Triggerfish ML 4"
2 Dragon Wrasse Juv
2 Whip-fin Fairy Wrasse
2 Green-fin Fairy Wrasse
6 Yellow Coris
6 Orange-tipped Melanurus Wrasse M
6 Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse
8 Six Line Wrasse
1 Melas/Keyhole Tibicen Angel
2 Bicolor Angelfish M
1 Black Pearlscale Butterflyfish M
1 Klein's Butterflyfish M
3 Longnose Butterflyfish M
6 Diamond/Pyramid Butterflyfish M
6 PJ/Spotted Cardinal
1 Red/White Marcosi Tilefish M
4 Red Moyer's Scooter Dragonet
1 Harlequin Sweetlips M
1 Harlequin Tusk M 5"-5.5"
2 Flame Fin Tomini Bristletooth M
1 Flame Fin Tomini Bristletooth Smd
2 Powder Brown Tang M
2 Orange Shoulder Surgeon M 3.5"
2 Orange Shoulder Surgeon ML 5"
1 Scott's Fairy Wrasse Smd 3"
12. (KI) Barlett'e's Anthias 4 lot/each
6 (MV) Bimaculatus Anthias Female
6 (LK) R/S Lyretail Anthias Female M/L
4 (LK) Powder Blue Tang Smd 3"
6 Cleaner Shrimp M
4 White Sand Star M
15 Royal Urchin
4 Sea Hare L

2 Flame Angel; Mar. - Centropyge loricula
2 Lemonpeel Angel; Mar. - Centropyge flavissima
4 Royal Gramma; Atl. - Gramma loreto
3 Midas Blenny; Golden; Africa - Ecsenius midas
3 Aiptasia Eating File - Acreichthys tomentosus
1 Aiptasia Eating File - Acreichthys tomentosus
2 Citron Clown Goby; Yellow;Fiji - Gobiodon citrinus
6 Diamond (Sleeper) Goby - Valenciennea puellaris
2 Flame Hawk - Neocirrhites armatus
2 Pearly Jawfish; Atl. - Opistognathus aurifons
2 Bicolor Pseudo - Pictichromis paccagnellae
2 Diadema Pseudochromis - Pictichromis diadema
2 Strawberry (Purple) Pseudo - Pictichromis porphyreus
1 Blue Spot Puffer; Fiji - Canthigaster solandri
2 White Tail Yellow Eye Tang - Ctenochaetus sp
2 Red Coris Wrasse; Fiji - Coris gaimard
50 Blue Leg Reef Hermit Crab; .
36 Emerald Crab; Atl.
100 Red Leg Reef Hermit; Pac.
1 Pistol Shrimp; Candy Stripe - Alpheus sp.
2 Pistol Shrimp; Tiger - Alpheus sp.
50 Astrea Snail; Atl
50 Tiger Turbo Snail - Trochus sp.
50 Tropical Turbo Snail - Turbo sp.
60 bumble bee
60 narsarius snail

Fluval 32.  100. Aqueon 125 gallon with canister 100

Fluval 32. 100. Aqueon 125 gallon with canister 100

Red Sea 450 re**er.  Tank stand sump and eheim return pump.  Small glass chip where light was mounted.  Rest in great sh...

Red Sea 450 re**er. Tank stand sump and eheim return pump. Small glass chip where light was mounted. Rest in great shape. 500


Fish Arrival Wed 9.25

1 Vermiculated/Singapore Angel M
1 Blue Face Angelfish adult L 6"
1 Bellus Lyretail Angelfish female M
1 Bellus Lyretail Angelfish male
1 Zebra Lyretail Angel male L 5.5"-6"
1 Zebra Lyretail Angel male M
1 Watanabei Angel Male M
1 Emperor Angelfish juv L
1 Emperor Angelfish juv S
2 Royal Blue Pygmy Angelfish
2 Freckletail/Lamarck Angelfish M
2 Japanese Lyretail Angel Female L
6 Madder/Dispar Seaperch smd
6 Purple Queen Anthias Female
2 Bicolor Blenny (Red Tail)
1 Bannerfish M
4 Copperband Butterflyfish M
4 Copperband Butterflyfish ML
6 Yellowtail Damsel
20 Green Chromis
1 Cherry Spotted Dottyback
1 Lyretail Dottyback
2 Tangora Shrimp Goby
2 Wheeler's Prawn Goby
2 Hector's Goby
2 Rainford's Goby
2 Spoted Mandarin
4 Yellow Clown Goby
6 Ward's Glider M
2 Yellow-stripe Fusilier
2 Valentini Puffer ML
1 Barred Rabbitfish M
1 Black-eyed Spinefoot M
3 Yellow Fox Face M 3"-3.5"
1 Ringtail Surgeon M
1 Clown Surgeon M 3.5"-4"
1 Clown Surgeon Smd 2.5"-3"
1 Lieutenant Surgeonfish M 3"-3.5"
1 Lieutenant Surgeonfish M 4"
1 Lipstic Tang M 3.5"-4"
1 Vlaming's Unicornfish M
2 Gold Rim Surgeon M 3"-3.5"
2 Orange Stripe Surgeonfish
2 Desjardin's Sailfin Tang M 2.75"-3"
3 Blue Tang ML 3.5"
6 Blue Tang Smd 2.5"-2.7 5"
1 Painted/Humu Humu M 3"-3.5"
1 Orange-Back Fairy Wrasse
2 Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse
2 Red Head Solorensis Wrasse
1 Whip-fin Fairy Wrasse
2 Naoko's Fairy Wrasse male
4 Yellow Coris
2 Coral Beauty Angel M
1 Regal Angel M 4"-5"
1 Bannerfish M
1 Squarespot Anthias Male
2 Tailspot Blenny
3 Starry Blenny M
4 Diamond Butterflyfish M
6 PJ/Spotted Cardinal
4 Red Moyer's Scooter Dragonet
2 Bella Rose Goby M
2 Zebra Barred Goby/Dartfish L
3 Green Mandarin ML/L
2 Orange Shoulder Surgeon ML 4"-4.5"
1 Yellow Shoulder Tang M 3"-3.5"
2 Yellow Mustard Surgeon Smd 2.5"-3"
2 Flame Fin Tomini Bristletooth Smd
1 Mystery Wrasse
2 Splendid Pintail Fairy Wrasse
1 (JB) Red Sea Sohal Tang M 3.5"-4"
2 (JB) Red Sea Purple Tang 2.25"-2.5"
2 (TO) Lemon Peel Angel
6 (LK) R/S Lyretail Anthias Female M/L
4 (LK) Blue Throat Diamond Goby M
2 (LK) Powder Blue Tang L 5.5"-6"
1 (LK) Blonde Naso L 7"-8"
2 (LK) Social/Longfin Fairy Wrasse
4 (LK) Fire Shrimp M/L
5 (LK) Cleaner Shrimp L/XL
4 Chocolate Chip Starfish
10 Royal Urchin
4 Sea Hare M
12 Head/Fat Head Dendro, 5-8 Heads/colony

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Additional fish arrival Thursday 9/5/24 Clownfish shipment on Friday.

Fish Value Pack - Assorted Fish Value Pack -
Clean Up Crew Value Pack - Assorted Invertebrate Value Pack -
1 Lemonpeel Angel; Xmas - Centropyge flavissima
1 Lemonpeel Angel; Mar. - Centropyge flavissima
4 Midas Blenny; Golden; Africa - Ecsenius midas
3 Starry Blenny - Salarias ramosus
3 Tailspot Blenny - Ecsenius stigmatura
3 Aiptasia Eating File - Acreichthys tomentosus
4 Purple Firefish - Nemateleotris decora
1 Falco Hawk - Cirrhitichthys falco
2 Blue Spot Jawfish; Mexico - Opistoganthus rosenblatti
1 XL Achilles Tang - Acanthurus achilles
2 Five Bar Mystery Wrasse; Mar. - Pseudocheilinus ocellatus
2 Arrow Crab; Atl. - Stenorhynchus seticornis
50 Emerald Crab; Atl. 25 lot - Mythrax sculptus
4 Tiger Tail Cucumber - Stichopus sp.
3 Harlequin Shrimp - Hymenocera picta
3 Pistol Shrimp; Candy Stripe - Alpheus sp.
100 Astrea Snail; Atl 50 lot - Lithopoma tectum
50 Nassarius Sand Snail (Large) 50 lot - Nassarius sp.
50 Nerite Snail; Red 50 lot- Neritina vittina waigiensis
100 Tropical Turbo Snail 50 lot - Turbo sp.
4 Orange Star (Linkia) - Linckia sp.


We also have a third shipment of fish on Thursday. We will post the stock list wed nite.

Lots of fish at great prices.


5475 West Loop S, Ste 198
Houston, TX

Opening Hours

Wednesday 12pm - 6pm
Thursday 12pm - 6pm
Friday 12pm - 6pm
Saturday 12pm - 6pm
Sunday 12pm - 6pm




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