Oceanlife-Aquariums Inc.

Oceanlife-Aquariums Inc. We are a specialty saltwater aquarium fish and coral boutique. We also offer complete sales, instal


Fish arrival for friday.

Klein's Butterfly
Scribbled Toadfish
Striped Bristletooth
Blonde Naso Tangs
Yellow Striped Cardinal
Cardinal Fish (Captive Breed)

Half-and-Half Thicklip
Eibli Mimic Tang
Yellow Eyes Tang
Striped Bristletooth
Tomini Bristletooth
Cardinal Fish (Captive Breed)
Blue/Red Tuxedo Urchin

Bicolor Angel
Blue-Faced Angel
Emperor Angel
Six-Lined Wrasse
Tomini Bristletooth
Cardinal Fish (Captive Breed)

Copperband Butterfly
Emperor Angel
Cleaner Wrasse

Oval-Spot Butterfly
Copperband Butterfly
Yellow Coris Wrasse
Cleaner Wrasse
Pelvic-spot Wrasse
Mandarin Fish (Indian Ocean)
Striatus Surgeonfish

Raccoon Butterfly
Majestic Angel
Yellow Coris Wrasse
Red-Head Wrasse Male
Long-Horned Cowfish
Foxface fish
Cardinal Fish (Captive Breed)
Bumble Bee Shell

Koran Angel
Filamented Flasher Wrasse
Orange-Back Fairy Wrasse
Lubbock Fairy Wrasse
Cleaner Wrasse
False Blue Surgeon
Blue Tang

Threadfin Butterfly
Copperband Butterfly
Bicolor Angel
Red-and-Blue Wrasse
Matted Leatherjacket
Blue Eye Red Basslet (Female)
Foxface fish
Blonde Naso Tangs
Blue Tang

Copperband Butterfly
Blackback Butterfly
Matted Leatherjacket
Blue Eye Red Basslet (Female)
Foxface fish
Tomini Bristletooth
Blue Tang
Brown Sailfin Tang


We have 50 scolys coming in on Friday too.


Lots of indo acros colonies in. Rainbow gonis. 24k torches. rainbow acans. Solomon thread fin flasher wrasse. beauperryl wrasse, eightline flasher wrasse. chaoti wrasse. small purple tang for 150.00, golden butterfly for 150. small blue tangs for 50.00. limited quantities.

Lots for fish on Thursday.

We have ATI MS ICP coming in next week.  64.99

We have ATI MS ICP coming in next week. 64.99


fish list. wed arrival. also have Australian acros in too.

Navarchus Angel (Indo) Lg
Fem Japanese Swallow Angel Lg Bicolor Angel Sm/Md
Naso Tang Md
Naso Tang Mlg
Banggai Cardinal 12-Lot Copperband Butterfly-Indo Md Melon Butterfly
Mandarin Green Goby Lg Watchman Yellow Goby Md Twin Spot Goby
Dragon Goby Md
Hector Goby
Railway Sleeper Goby
Starry Blenny Sm/Md
Red Dragonet Blenny 8-lot
Blue Spotted Puffer (fiji) Lg Yellow Coris Wrasse (Indo) Lg Borbonius Anthias Lg
Fire Shrimp (Sri) Md
Orange Linckia Starfish (Sri) Sea Hare Nudibranch Lg

ea Royal Gramma;
Atl; White Sleeper Goby;
Yellow Watchm
20 Red Leg Reef Hermit;
20 Astrea Snail; Atl;
2 Sa1l9ly.9L9ightfoot Crab;
Bellus Angel; Female - Genicanthus bellus
Flame Angel; Mar. - Centropyge loricula
Flame Angel; Mar. - Centropyge loricula
Bartletts Anthias; Female; Marshall Island. - Pseudanthias bartlettorum
Lawnmower Blenny - Salarias fasciatus
Midas Blenny; Golden; Africa - Ecsenius midas
Blue Reef Chromis; Atl. - Chromis cyanea
Snowflake Moray - Echidna nebulosa
Diamond (Sleeper) Goby - Valenciennea puellaris
Green Mandarin Goby - Synchiropus splendidus
Helfrichs Firefish; Mar. - Nemateleotris helfrichi
Yellow Watchman - Cryptocentrus cinctus
Falco Hawk - Cirrhitichthys falco
Pearly Jawfish; Atl. - Opistognathus aurifons
Strawberry (Purple) Pseudo - Pictichromis porphyreus
Sailfin Tang - Zebrasoma veliferum
White Tail Yellow Eye Tang - Ctenochaetus
Cleaner Wrasse - Labroides dimidiatus
Red Coris Wrasse; Fiji - Coris gaimard
Bubble Anem; Color w/Orange Tip - Entacmaea quadricolor Arrow Crab; Atl. - Stenorhynchus seticornis
Emerald Crab; Atl. - Mythrax sculptus
Red Leg Reef Hermit; Pac. - Paguristes sp.
Mexican Turbo Snail - Turbo sp.
Nassarius Sand Snail - Nassarius sp.
Orange Star (Linkia) - Linckia sp.

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Most likely we will be closed tomorrow with the bad road condition.

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We got ATI icp. Benepets reef and lps and rowa. Back in stock.

We got ATI icp. Benepets reef and lps and rowa. Back in stock.


Fish Arrival 1/15/25. Free bag of live phytoplankton with every 100 dollar purchase. Coral arrival on thursday night. lots of clowns in stock.

Juv Imperator Angel Sm 2
Golden Angel Bali 2
Blue Tang (Indo) 2"-2.4" 6
Blue Tang (Indo) 4"-4.9" 1
naso Tang Md 1
Chromis Green Sm/Md 20
Yellow Belly Damsel (Indo) 10
Snowflake Eel Md 2
Blue Spotted Jawfish 2
Powder Blue Tang (Indo) Sm 3
Powder Blue Tang (Indo) Md 3
Purple Tang Smd/Md 2
Sohal Tang Md 1
TriColor Fairy Wrasse Male Md 3
Pintail Fairy Wrasse Male 2
Bluethroat Fairy Wrasse Male 2
Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse 2
Copperband Butterfly-Indo Md 1
Pakistan Butterfly (Indo) Sm 1
Firefish Goby M/L 12
Purple Firefish Goby Lg 4Lot 4
Mandarin Green Goby Md 4
Watchman Yellow Goby Md 2
Randalii Goby (Indo) 3
Tail Spot Blenny 2
Gold Head Sleeper (Indo) Lg 6
Starry Blenny Sm/Md 4
Convict Tang Md 5
Sailfin Tang (Indo) Md 2
Desjardini Sailfin Tang Md 2
Scopas Tang (Indo) Sm 2
Yellow Coris Wrasse (Indo) Md 6
Foxface Smd 2
Hawkfish Spotted 2
Royal Dotty Back (Indo) 2
Squamipinnis Female Md Africa 10
Borbonius Anthias Lg 2
Long Te****le Anemone Md 4
Sebae Anemone Purple Tip Md 4
Banded Coral Shrimp 2
Fire Shrimp (Sri) Md 6
Peppermint Shrimp Md (Car 30
Red Starfish 10
Astria Snail (Florida) 50
Bumble Bee Snail 50

2 Aiptasia Eating File;
2 Lawnmower Blenny;
2 Orange Banded Prawn Goby -
40 Margarita Turbo Snail;
40 Tiger Turbo Snail;
6 Tiger Sand Snail
1 SM Bellus Angel; Female - Genicanthus bellus
3 M Lemonpeel Angel; Fiji - Centropyge flavissima
10 M Banner (Banggai) Cardinal - Pterapogon kauderni
6 - Orange Tail Damsel - Chrysiptera cyanea
2 M Sohal Tang; Red Sea - Acanthurus sohal
1 M White Tail Yellow Eye Tang - Ctenochaetus
10 S Bubble Anem; Green - Entacmaea quadricolor
2 5 IN Maxima Clam; Ultra Grade - Tridacna maxima
10 Peppermint Shrimp; Atl. - Lysmata wurdemanni
2 Pistol Shrimp; Tiger - Alpheus sp.
50 XL Nassarius Sand Snail - Nassarius
30 Tiger Turbo Snail - Trochus
6 SM Orange Star (Linkia) - Linckia
4 White Sand Star; Fiji - Archaster typicus

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Just got in fish and clown shipment in.  Some nice yasa gobies

Just got in fish and clown shipment in. Some nice yasa gobies

Happy Holidays.   20% off All livestock and 20 % off supplies ( except MAP price items). from Wednesday 12/18 to Sunday ...

Happy Holidays. 20% off All livestock and 20 % off supplies ( except MAP price items). from Wednesday 12/18 to Sunday 12/22. Make those tanks look awesome for the holidays.


Last fish and coral shipment for this year. Fish arrive today and corals arrive tonite.


Free leaker Red Sea 750xxl tank. Must pick up today or will be in the trash area behind store. Someone already taking stand and sump

Eshopps Mariner 130 white.  We have 3 units coming in Wed 11/27.  One sold.  two left.  come in and check out the Black ...

Eshopps Mariner 130 white. We have 3 units coming in Wed 11/27. One sold. two left. come in and check out the Black Friday sale.


5475 West Loop S, Ste 198
Houston, TX

Opening Hours

Wednesday 12pm - 6pm
Thursday 12pm - 6pm
Friday 12pm - 6pm
Saturday 12pm - 6pm
Sunday 12pm - 6pm




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