Waylon is doing great, he’s gained all and more of his weight back along with muscle, I just started cantering him and this was his third-day cantering, (my sisters riding him) he is so smart and so willing, just need to work on picking it up without going into a faster trot.
I'm not a gelding fan but I have no complaints about Waylon! He’s smart, willing and so sweet, and gentle.
We leave in six days! Despite not having nearly as much riding as the other competing horses because of being sick and losing that weight, Waylon has come so far in the past month it's insane! I am stressed about the show and still feeling unprepaired but I think we’ll do just fine!
I'm hoping whoever gets this horse sees his worth, it's not often you get such a nice young horse like this, I can't imagine how much further he would've gotten with the training I could've done if he hadn't gotten sick!
He’s a fantastic trail and arena horse, we’ve taken him down the road, down trails, in large open fields, and of course, done a ton of arena work, he has a fantastic stop on him!
He’s got a nice slow jog, an extended trot, and a very nice collected canter! He’s never offered to buck or rear and has only tried to please.
Poor Waylon as to deal with me accidentally hitting him.
We may be behind on certain things while Waylon is gaining his weight back, but I've been focusing on groundwork mainly and if you turn the sound up you can hear how loud it is, he’s coming along, and we’ll still have fun at the EMM!
Practicing standing for mounting, he’s still a little wobbly with extra weight pulling on him, but he’s very confident and calm with me being up above him.
It rained pretty good the last couple of days so the pens got muddy so I held off on putting the first ride on him, so hopefully today or tomorrow!
All three of our horses have graduated to the big pen last week! And all are gaining weight pretty easily!
The best time to teach a horse to tie is after a workout, they don't think so much on the fact you're teaching them something and don't find it stressful, instead, they are glad they can relax and stand there.
Here is Cobra standing quietly after a training session.
Look what's up with Kaiah, she’s done so well, she’ll make her owners very happy!
This is a method we use before saddling up and giving them their fist ride.
Basically just laying and rubbing on them, it really does wonders especially with those ”Wild” horses!
Got an Appy in! Testing him out for a Client, seeing what he knows!
He’s great so far! But it's day 1 so we’ll see!
He’s got real smooth gaits and fun to ride!
Working with Fawna, we will be delivering her to her new home soon! Gunna miss her, she’s a very good horse! Lucky people with have this girl!
Aila’s EMM mustang is doing great!
Working on stops with the seat!
She’s getting better! Fourth time actually working with her so this is a big step, she’s got the sweetest eyes ever!
So far training is going great with Smokey, he’s so willing! Took him a trail and road ride by himself (and my dog) and he did absolutely fantastic! No issues whatsoever.
Today we go on a group trail ride!
Second ride on this girl! Working on direction here!
She had her third side today and that was outside of the round pen! She did great! A very level headed horses here!
Well, she’s on her.
May have taken longer than some, but we don't get on until we have quite a bit of groundwork done and when we know the horse is completely ready and will stand. We don't want a buck, a bolt or spook.
She’s a good horse, I think the first ride with a saddle is tomorrow.