C.Baker's Bullies

C.Baker's Bullies We are a family living in NE Ohio who are head over tails in love with the Adorabull Bulldog. We wan


Happy Fathers Day All, to my guys (and girls), take a moment to read this & share if you feel it’s worthy. Please & Thann YOU!!
CL Baker

To all the father’s I know personally & to those I don’t, I want to wish you all a Hapoy Father’s Day! It takes more than “special sauce” to be a father, & and you don’t have to create a child to step into that roll. For us who planted our seeds and watched them grow, to those of us who stepped into the roll and have children without our dna, and especially to those of us men who aren’t fathers but guide, influence, & love any and all kids in a way that positively influences them I salute you all.
Some of us who aren’t fathers are blessed enough to know we have had great influences on children and even if not in a fatherly role, we’ve had a profoundly positive influence on a child. Personally I have benefited from all forms of fathers & men in my lifetime that have shown me what it is to be a great father & man, along with showing me what NOT to do or how to be. And yes we’ve all made mistakes and have things we wish we could go back and change, but the important thing isn’t what’s in the past but what‘a in front of us and every step forward.
From my Grandfathers, my Dad, step fathers, and uncles that have left the Earth, on top of all the male influences still walking among us, I hope can look down and be proud of the man I am. Proud that my movements, character, and who I am now was well worth their efforts. All I can attempt to do is show not just my kids, younger family members, and and all whom I’ve come across, on top of those who’ve made mistakes can go out there & achieve anything. I made a few wrong turns in my journey but have learned from those lessons and try to walk a righteous path. Showing those behind me the right way to be and live, shining a light in a path that any of us can take. Planting seeds of knowledge that will sprout into a profound wisdom within these kids minds and hearts.
And pulling their coat tails when I see them taking a wrong turn using the mistakes I’ve have made, not losses but lessons, and pain I’ve endured as examples. And I’m only beginning my journey to being the best man I know how, I’ll keep pushing forward to reach the goals I’ve set for myself.
We must show all these young ones that REGARDLESS of where you come from, NEVER-MIND the mistakes you’ve had, THROUGH all the hardships you may encounter or have had to endure, you CAN reach up and achieves any & everything you set your mind to. Showing our kids true wealth isn’t defined monetarily, but in the relationships you have with people, especially those whom you share love with. How to get up and work hard at life in general. From working hard as an employee or boss, working daily at making any and all relationships better (especially a marriage), working hard at yourself growing up & becoming a better man or woman daily, and working hard at leading those behind us, guiding them down the right path, and not stepping on people on the way up, but to always reach back & down to pull everyone around you up.
Pushing our kids and those we influence to go beyond ourselves and become greater at life & love than us. We always have little eyes upon us, so we must walk in a way of humility because some of those eyes will grow up to mimic some of our ways & we must ensure we don’t lead any astray.
A father to me isn’t just the man that created a child, but a man that raises children, affecting lives, guiding those around themselves, and sharing all he can to try and make those influenced by us, 100% better than us, thus leaving the world in a better place! And I say “those behind and young ones”, but in all honesty there are those men younger than we may be, that can have positive influences on us as well.
My younger BROTHER(chosen not born) Myke Fountain, one of the BEST fathers, men, and people in general I’ve been fortunate enough to know has had a positive affect on who I am now vs who I was when we met. Those men I watched & learned from growing up like my uncle Ernest Miles who taught me how to shave properly as a man of color, to my uncle Timothy Clinkscale who grew and nurtured my passion to turn wrenches that has turned into a living I enjoy. My uncles Ernie, Donald, and my grandpa Bill “HAM” Baker who all taught me how to be fly, how to dress for all occasions, and carry myself with polish. My Dad who gave me life, and him along with Ernie, Peanut, and many others that enstilled a hustlers mentality within me. From my grandpa to my younger brothers, and every other man that showed me how to really work hard at everything. And my step fathers Kenny Jacobs & Willie Smith who showed me beyond any doubt that blood doesn’t make a father, stepping in and showing me nothing but LOVE. Teaching me that’s it’s not only OKAY, but to to be highly commended when one steps in to take care of, raise, & love another man’s child.
All the way back to my great grandfather Joseph Ash (who always gave me big shiny coins when I seen went over), & my great great grandfather Sam Branch whom I didn’t get to meet in life but heard stories of, seen many pictures of, and who raised & influenced my elders (all the elder women), whom showed me marriage, in my eyes real marriage the right way, full of hard work & love, and walking with beside someone in all parts of life until I leave this planet. I could go sit and go on forever but I’ll close this proclamation soon,lol. But honestly I could sit here and get stuck writing all day!
So to ALL the fathers & men out there, younger and older, who’ve not only raised their children, who’ve had a positive impact on those around them, lighting a path towards greatness, and who’ve influenced the world especially their children, all kids, other men, and especially myself, my brothers I salute YOU ALL! I wish you all a Happy Fathers Day, who hope you are celebrated, but more importantly appreciate, by the world & all those around you!

PS - it’s TOO MANY men to TAG in this post who I have love and respect for in life. Family, friends, co-workers, associates, influencers, and even those who might be enemies ( I don’t think I have any of these though), this post is for YOU! I nit only LOVE, & RESPECT you, I truly CJ APPRECIATE you, who you are, what you do, and how you live to make not only the world, but OUR future, that much more brighter and better! Keep pushing h to out the BEST OF US out into the universe!!! ✌🏾❤️🫡


Howland-Wilson Road NE
Howland Center, OH

Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 8pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 11am - 8pm


(330) 282-2446



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