Melanie Smith Taylor Clinic at Brawley Farms - Come ride with this amazing Olympic Gold Medalist and horsewoman! See bio below.
Where: Brawley Farms
Jefferson Oregon
When: March 15-17
Cost: $900
Stabling Cost: $250:
Thursday - Sunday Includes:
Stall Cleaning, Bedding, Grass
Hay and Alfalfa.
*Trainers of students riding audit
*Parents may watch their child’s
section free
*Audit fee TBD
Riding Sections:
-Up to 2'6"
-2'9" to 3'3"
-3'6" and Up
A non-refundable deposit of $650 will hold your spot and stall on a first requested basis. Please text, call or email:
Debbie 593-932-9283
[email protected]
Melanie Smith Taylor became one of only two riders to ever win the Triple Crown of Show Jumping - The American Invitational, the International Jumping Derby, and the American Gold Cup - and the only person to win all three on the same horse. After winning the World Cup Final in 1982, she was named the US Olympic Committee Sportswoman of the Year and inducted into the Tennessee Sports Hall of Fame. Two years later, she capped off her show-jumping career with a team gold medal in the Los Angeles Olympic Games. Today, Melanie serves the horse world as a clinic, a television broadcaster of major events, including the Olympics and World Championships, and as a recognized judge for hunter/jumpers and hunt seat equitation.
In this unique, three day clinic, day one will start with groundwork led by assistant trainer Alicia Landman, a student of Buck Brannaman and United States dressage Federation Silver Medalist.
In Melanie's words: “The world has plenty of riders but not nearly enough skilled horsemen. Embracing groundwork helps you truly connect with the horse and develop better awareness, feel, timing and accuracy. It takes a lifetime, but we can all learn so many lessons from the horse.
My clinics are a combination of teaching both horsemanship ideals and technical skills to help riders truly connect with their horses. I want my students to understand how a horse thinks and how he feels on the inside, with better awareness of what’s important to the horse. Riders must remember that every reaction a horse has is triggered by his survival instincts. He is wired to act as if his life depends on it.
I teach my riders to do simple exercises on the ground before they mount to connect with their horse and gain his trust and confidence. These exercises can then be applied once the rider is on their horse’s back and integrated into their ride, feeling the connection and connecting the feel.
I focus on flatwork for the first part of each session to prepare the horses both physically and mentally for the jumping exercises. We may then work over poles on the ground or advance to gymnastics depending on the level of horse and rider. I will work on riding lines or complete courses focusing on precision and the horse’s willingness to adjust his stride in a calm and relaxed way.
No matter what exercises we are working on, the horse’s well-being is foremost in our thoughts. I am constantly aware of his inner peace and comfort and what I need to do to maximize his athletic ability without causing tension or concern.