We have ❄️ ❄️❄️❄️ It will probably only be around Saturday so get out early.
Unfortunately, the temperatures did not get low enough until very early this morning till it actually start to turn to snow, but we have a good base down and we will be open tomorrow morning at 8 AM for everybody to come out and enjoy the snow
Snow guns are on. Hopefully we will be playing in snow tomorrow
3:30 and finally have the water to air ratio figured out not sure if we will be ready for 8 AM. I will have a post up by 7 AM to let everybody know.
Snowing at Lazy Day Farm Hubert NC
The babies will be out again tomorrow from 1-4 and the bounce house will be up for the kids.
We are heading to another local farm tonight to see their light display. You should go check them out too.
Pogies at The Farm.
It’s not often we get to get off the farm on a weekend to go do something fun
Manny and Mo
The petting zoo is open Sunday from 9-12. Be here at 9am to help bottle feed Manny and Mo. don’t be late they get cranky if they don’t get their bottle on time
We are open.
Petting zoo $7
Petting zoo/waterslide $10
Cash and v3nmo this weekend.
Come see us.
We will be open this weekend Friday June 28 from 3pm to 830 pm, Saturday June 29 from 10-5 and Sunday June 30 from 12-4.
Friday and Saturday, the petting zoo and waterslide will be open tickets are $10.00. We take cash and venmo this weekend.
Sunday the Petting zoo will be open, tickets are $7.00.