So much fun! Yesterday, the Monkeying Around Group Huntington Beach, CA got together for an Affenpinscher play date. It wasn't all fun and games (okay... mostly 😉) - a big part of these events is the raffle we hold for a chance to win great prizes. Proceeds from the raffle normally go to the Affenpinscher Club of America and Affenpinscher Rescue of America.
The group occasionally donates to other worthy Affen-related causes when special circumstances arise. One example is the time the Ojai Animals in Need shelter suddenly found themselves with 11 Affens delivered from a breeder who could no longer care for them. The Monkeying Around Group Huntington Beach, CA donated much-needed funds. They also delivered blankets and other supplies to make the Affens comfortable while the shelter searched for their forever home.
Similarly, this time the raffle proceeds will go toward supporting Affenpinscher entry in major dog shows.
As you may be aware, our beloved breed is facing a real risk of disappearing. Limited exposure, which results in a dwindling number of ethical and reputable breeders, is at the root of the problem. Everyone's support is needed to ensure the future of this incredible breed. If you're unable to contribute financially, you can do your part by sharing. Spread the word, post lots of pictures of your beautiful Affen, and let's make a difference together!
If you'd like to donate, DM Janna Lee or Hughes Ross.
BIG appreciation to Janna Lee and Donna Hughes Ross, organizers and the biggest contributors, without whom our group would not exist. Also big thanks to Laurie Heil and Mary Moreno Sanchez for your gourmet treats and Janna Lee and Sandia Harrison for your raffle prize donations.
If you're in the area and would like to join us next time, please reach out. Everyone have a wonderful day! Be well, and give your Affen some pets from their Huntington Beach friends 🐾💕🐾💕🐾💕🐾💕🐾💕🐾💕🐾💕🐾💕