We just wanted to give everyone an update on what is happening at the rescue. The foster house is still in the works, we are still trying to find donors for supplies but the funding is getting closer and closer everyday to get the work going.
We have 4 kittens and 2 adult cats we are caring for and trying to keep up with their medical bills. The 4 kittens would love to find a foster.
We have set the goal of raising $500 so that we can TNR 10 cats!
Since March of this year we have been able to impact the lives of 17 cats.
Please help us continue our mission, we still have a vet bill at Animal Care Clinic from all of Delias procedures that we had done. The kittens are going to need to start vaccines and once old enough be spayed/neutered.
Thank you to everyone who supports us and believes in our mission. We want to continue impacting the lives of as many cats as we can!