When the sheet is more fun than your actual toys…HRCH Ranger QA2 x Chai DS 2.0 babies are 5 weeks today. #southerndreamretrievers#chasingdogdreams#raisingchampions
BIG day for the Rip x Jessie kids! We FINALLY got to get out into the wild outdoors. Nearly 30 inches of rain has made it tough, and with more storms expected today, we had to get out and about while we could. No hesitations and full of curiosity! Ron Anderson#southerndreamretrievers#chasingdogdreams#raisingchampions
The Rip x Jessie litter is so cool! I’ve had to challenge their minds with something new each week…today was the wobble board…so inquisitive and eager to learn about their world. They also love people and puppy snuggles, but birds are their favorite. Hard to believe they are 6 1/2 weeks already. 💕🐶🦆🐾Ron Anderson#southerndreamretrievers#chasingdogdreams#raisingchampions
Earl (10xGRHRCH UH HOF Darby x HRCH Hannah SH 2.0) is such a cool little kid! He sleeps through the night in his crate, loves to retrieve birds, plays hard and did his first mini water retrieve today. I’m having so much fun starting his training and his desire to learn new things. He’s going to make someone a wonderful pup! Until he finds his perfect place, he’ll continue his training here and be loved so much!
Kelli Zimmerly
Hannah babies
10xGRHRCH UH HOF Darby MH x HRCH Hannah SH 2.0 kids just having the best time this evening!
Kelli Zimmerly
Rip x Jessie pups are 4 weeks old today! Hard to believe! And we sure want to congratulate Rip on his pass at the HRC International Grand this week!! What an accomplishment. Babies are very ready for their next adventures beginning next week when they get all the cool toddler things and get their first romp in the grass. This is a really incredible littler of pups. 💕🐶🐾🦆
Ron Anderson
Cause and effect…mama feeds you like a boss and then you just pass out! These babies are something else! She is one great mama! 3 weeks old tomorrow. Rip x Jessie.
Ron Anderson
Buddy (HRCH Frog x Reese 2.0) LOVES birds! He’s going to make his young man and family and amazing dog!
Colleen O’Shea Naumann
Fit n Fetch has been a game changer for my mamas! Hannah looks AMAZING at 4 1/2 weeks post-whelp nursing eight puppies at five pounds plus each..keeping her weight, not blowing her coat and puppies making great weight gains consistently. Thank you Joseph Bradley (Brad) Fit N Fetch Outdoors and Craig Zimmer for introducing me to this amazing supplement!!
Darby x Hannah
9xGRHRCH UH HOF Darby MH x HRCH Hannah SH 2.0 puppies are 4 weeks old today! Beautiful babies are developing their personalities! There are a couple of males up for discussion. 🦆❤️🦆❤️
Kelli Zimmerly
Conan x Six babies
HRCH Conan x HRCH UH Six babies spent some time in the sunshine today and loved their first meal! ❤️🦆❤️🦆
#southerndreamretrievers #chasingdogdreams #raisingchampions