This pile of beet pulp came out of a horses esophagus.
Dr. Paton, after having seen several beet pulp chokes in the last two days, felt a reminder is in order.
Beet pulp can be an excellent feed for horses. It is an energy-rich source of digestible fiber. However, it MUST be thoroughly soaked and wet when fed.
Dry beet pulp pellets can easily lodge in the esophagus , quickly swelling and causing choke. This is not like human choke , the airway is not blocked , the horse is able to breathe. Almost every case of choke that we see was caused by the pellets not being adequately soaked or horses breaking into the feed room and gaining access to the dry pellets.
Anatomical problems, such as poor dentition and abnormal esophagus anatomy, can also predispose a horse to choking.
Chokes can predispose horses to aspiration pneumonia, which is caused by feed material going down the trachea and into the lungs. This foreign material in the lungs can cause the horse to develop a secondary bacterial infection.
Finally, a common cause of choke is poor dentition leading to inadequate chewing; be sure to schedule a thorough dental exam following a choking episode.
Chokes are common equine emergencies with potentially serious consequences. Call your veterinarian as soon as you notice signs of choke.