Live Art Aquatics

Live Art Aquatics Live Art Aquatics is a family owned business in Independence, Missouri specializing in saltwater and freshwater aquatics!

Stock lists for the week have been sent out. We have included extra content within our email, so please read the top par...

Stock lists for the week have been sent out. We have included extra content within our email, so please read the top paragraph for both lists.

P.s $10 off the transparent Cave goby today. Look how cute he is!!!!

Good Morning,We will be doing a Proaquatix order this week. Orders due by end of business today. We can do custom order ...

Good Morning,

We will be doing a Proaquatix order this week. Orders due by end of business today. We can do custom order from here as well. Just email us at [email protected]

What You See Is What You Get Hot Seat fish are the exact fish you are ordering, this is not a representative photo of a similar fish. Fish purchased from the Hot Seat must be shipped within 72 hours of purchase request, Hot Seat Fish cannot be “held.” Hot Seat purchase requests must be called in...

Stocklist for the week! Inverts Pencil urchin Super Nassarius snail Halloween hermits Frilly arrow crabs Margarite snail...

Stocklist for the week!
Pencil urchin
Super Nassarius snail
Halloween hermits
Frilly arrow crabs
Margarite snails
Blue leg hermit
Scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp
Sand sifting tiger conch
Astrea snail
Bumblebee snail
Tiger cowrie snail
Sand sifting heart urchin
Arrow decorator crab
Sally Lightfoot crabs
Crown conch snail
Red tip hermit
Black and white trochus snail
White sand sifting starfish
Emerald crabs
Sexy dancer shrimp

Saltwater fish
Firefish goby
Pajama cardinalfish
Misbar ocellaris
Mocha storm ocellaris
Yellow watchman goby
Tail spot blenny
Royal Gramma
Two spot signal goby
Clown lineatus Tang
Scopas Tang
BIcolor fox face
Ignitus Anthias
Blue dot sleeper goby
LG/blue green Chromis
Brunneus Fairy wrasse
Sailfin Tang
Powder Brown Tang
Mimic lemon peel tang
Flame armatus Hawkfish
Male pinstripe wrasse
Koran angelfish
Atlantic oyster blenny
Longhorn Cowfish
Green clown goby
Citron clown goby
Pacific pygmy angelfish Carpenters flasher wrasse
Blue dot sleeper goby
Engineer goby
Purple queen Anthias
Longnose to
Hectors goby
Red cap goby
Panamic barnacle blenny (w/barnacle)
Falco Hawkfish
Coral beauty angelfish
Wheelers watchman goby
Clown fairy wrasse
Aquacultured lemon drop damsel
Azure damsel
Stripped Cardinal fish
Lubbock's tricolor fairy wrasse
Ghost ribbon eel

Freshwater stock list
Harlequin rasboras
Madagascar rainbowfish
Glo danio
Nandus nandus
Amazon leaf fish
African butterfly fish
Texas cichlid
Small angelfish
Nicaraguanese cichlid
Longfin albino tiger Oscars
Longfin tiger Oscars
Longfin Red Oscars
Bolivian Rams
Red tail shark
Rainbow shark
Congo tetras
Red devil cichlids
Denison barb
Orange seam Pleco
Green fire tetra
Bristlenose plecos
Albino paradise gourami
Opaline gourami
Siamese algae eaters
Assorted Corydora
Turquoise Rainbowfish
Boesmani Rainbowfish
Goyoder Rainbowfish
Black skirt tetras
Fire eel
Peacock eel
Tiger barbs
Albino tiger barbs
Stripped Rafael catfish
Spotted Rafael catfish
Haplo catfish
Red glass barbs
Stone cats
Rubber lip Pleco
Columbian spotted Pleco
Checkered barbs
Panda garra
Pearl danio
Gold rush Molly
Balloon Molly
Hifin platy
Assorted swordtails
Assorted guppy
Giraffe cichlids
German Blue Happlochromis
Happlochromis oliquens
Rusty mbuna
Kenyi cichlids
Johanni cichlids
Rusty mbuna
Strawberry hybrid peacock cichlids
Assorted happlochromis (sm/med)
Assorted peacocks (sm/med)
Platinum mini parrotfish
Polar blue hybrid parrotfish (bred with convict)
Polar blue hybrid parrotfish (bred with Honduran red point)
Blood parrotfish
Pink convict (Lg/Sm)
Red spot gold Severum
Gold Severums
Red shoulder Severum
Delhizi bichir
Oranda goldfish
Fancy tail goldfish
Meeli Kipili cichlid
Saddled bichir
Albino bichir
Starry night cichlid
LG nandus nandus
Jack Dempsey
Assorted discus
Jewel cichlid
Clown Pleco
Green phantom Pleco
Red spot Severum
Electric blue acara
Blue acara
Port acara
Firemouth cichlids
Sun catfish

The moment has arrived! Clipping of our huge pothos are now for sale. $15 for each clipping and we are doing a raffle fo...

The moment has arrived! Clipping of our huge pothos are now for sale. $15 for each clipping and we are doing a raffle for a larger one. Every $20 spent is a ticket towards the raffle.

Edit: We are not going to do holds on the pothos and clippings are limited. We decided to do clippings because she grew too large and was causing havoc on some of our saltwater systems. This will not be an occurrence that happens often and we may sell out of them quickly.

Sneak peek of what's to come

Sneak peek of what's to come

Stock lists have been sent out for the week. Reminder, we need to have all requests in by noon tomorrow. We should have ...

Stock lists have been sent out for the week. Reminder, we need to have all requests in by noon tomorrow. We should have regular shipping schedules this week. If that changes we will let you all know!

Happy Saturday everyone!Just an announcement real quick before we get to our sales. Saltwater shipments have been delaye...

Happy Saturday everyone!
Just an announcement real quick before we get to our sales. Saltwater shipments have been delayed to next week due to the wild fires out of California. Please be patient with us and our wholesalers when it comes to special orders. We will do our best to ensure your orders get fulfilled, it just may take a week or so to get in. We will keep you all updated.

Time for the sales
Buy 2 get one free on all African cichlids
25% off on a pinstripe wrasse
20% off on blennies
Buy one get one on clown gobies
$20 off porcupine pufferfish
50% off our Large sailfin tang
Buy 1 acan frag get another acan frag 50% off
15% off on Anthias

30% off of used tanks


We apologize for the delay but we will be opening at 13:30 today. We apologize for the inconvenience


We are open today; however, we ran out of salt and RODI water. We will have more tomorrow.


We will not be open to the public today. we apologize for the inconvenience

We apologize for the delay, but we will not be open today due to the snow. We will be at the store later to check on thi...

We apologize for the delay, but we will not be open today due to the snow. We will be at the store later to check on things but will not be open to the public. Hope everyone stays safe out there!

We're closing up for the day  everyone have a safe weekend!

We're closing up for the day everyone have a safe weekend!

30% off all Fish Today!Must mention this post!

30% off all Fish Today!
Must mention this post!

Good morning everyone! We plan on being open today; however, we may close early depending on road conditions. That being...

Good morning everyone! We plan on being open today; however, we may close early depending on road conditions. That being said, we got a new shipment from aquarium co-op. Lots of new food and exciting products to check out.

We will be open noon to 4 today and closed tomorrow. We did not put out a list this week due to the holiday. If you woul...

We will be open noon to 4 today and closed tomorrow. We did not put out a list this week due to the holiday. If you would like us to order something for you next week, please shoot us an email at [email protected]

This will help us streamline the process and prevent orders from getting lost in the fray. We hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday. We look forward to seeing you next year!

We will be opening later than expected today due to building issues. We will make updates as we have them. We apologize ...

We will be opening later than expected today due to building issues. We will make updates as we have them. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to be operational here soon.


Reminder we are closing an hour early today. This is also the last day for the 40% sale on used tanks.

Happy fishfri-yay!!! Holiday schedule Saturday 12/21 noon-5 Sunday 12/22 closed Monday 12/23 noon-6 Tuesday 12/24 closed...

Happy fishfri-yay!!!

Holiday schedule
Saturday 12/21 noon-5
Sunday 12/22 closed
Monday 12/23 noon-6
Tuesday 12/24 closed
Wednesday 12/25 closed
Thursday 12/26 noon-6
Friday 12/27 noon-7
Saturday 12/28 noon-6
Sunday 12/29 closed
Monday 12/30 noon-6
Tuesday 12/31 noon-4
Wednesday 1/1 closed
Thursday 1/2 noon-6
Friday 1/3 noon-7
Saturday 1/4 noon-6
Sunday 1/5 closed

This is our stock list for the week. Lots of new species in the store.

Saltwater Inverts:
Pencil urchin
Halloween hermits
Super Nassarius
Gold Coral branded shrimp
Sand sifting starfish
Sand sifting spider conch
Sand sifting tiger conch
Fancy green brittle star
Fancy red brittle star
Margarite snails
Dalmatian linckia starfish
Blue leg hermit
Scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp
Black and white trochus snail
Feather duster tube worms
Astrea snails
Emerald crab
Bumblebee snail
Coral banded shrimp
Red tip hermit
Sally Lightfoot crabs
Chestnut turbo snail
Pencil urchin
Tiger pistol shrimp

Saltwater fish:
Prawn goby w/Tiger pistol
Ghost ribbon eel
Bridled goby
Lubbock's tricolor fairy wrasse
Flametail blenny
Starry blenny

Ocellaris clownfish pair
Med misbar ocellaris
Flurry ocellaris
Black and white misbar ocellaris
Mocha storm ocellaris

Lawnmower blenny
Rainfords court jester goby
To***co basslet
Tailspot blenny
Two spot bristletooth tang
Scopas Tang
Convict tang
Bicolor fox face
Dwarf zebra lionfish
Hectors goby
Wheelers watchman goby
Panamic barnacle blenny (with barnacle)
Engineer goby
Long nose Hawkfish
Pajama cardinalfish
Pixy hawkfish
Falco Hawkfish
Smiths blenny
Pink spotted watchman goby
Carpenter flasher wrasse
Royal Gramma
Six line wrasse
Blue green Chromis
Blue reef Chromis
Aquacultured lemon drop damsel
Hectors goby
Yellow prawn goby
Bicolor blenny
Orange spotted prawn goby
Ignitus Anthias
Brunneus fairy wrasse
Male pinstripe malanarus wrasse
Aiptasia eating file fish .blue hippo tang
Coral beauty angelfish
Clown tang
Copperband butterfly .dragon wrasse
Sailfin tang
Purple tang

Coral colonies
Rock with large rainbowbubble tips
Orange yuma
Spotted discosoma and maxi carpet
Fragspawns with multiple heads
Pulsing zenia

Greettip hammer
Purpletip hammer
Aussie mini scolly
Bubble coral

Freshwater Stocklist
Large common Pleco (10+ inches)
Large albino Pleco (10+ inches)
Common goldfish
Large tiger Oscars (8+ inches)
Black neon tetras
Neon tetras
Assorted swordtails
Red velvet swordtails
Berlin swordtails
Lepidiolimprologus "meeli Kipili"
Assorted discus
American Flagfish
Fancy tail goldfish
Kottae cichlid
Assorted Platy
Red coral platy
Green lantern platy
Gold twinbar platy
Xs kribensis
Red spot gold Severums
Spotted silver dollar
Silver dollar
Platinum mini parrotfish
Polar blue hybrid
Pink convicts
Blood parrotfish
Xs-xl peacock cichlids
Strawberry peacocks
Giraffe cichlids
Assorted mbuna s
Jewel cichlid
Turkana jewel cichlid
Happlochromis obliquidens
Assorted betta
African dwarf frogs
Assorted female guppies
Assorted male guppies
Black mollies
Assorted balloon mollies
Gold rush mollies
Cherry barbs
Ember tetras
Pearl danio
Zebra danios
Panda garra
Julli Corydora
Emperor palmeri tetra
Fire eel
L-103 clown striped Pleco
L-144 bushynose Pleco
Albino chocolate Pleco
L-091 orange seam Pleco
Piedratus punctatus
Cuckoo catfish
Sun catfish
Arbiliniata catfish
Black Venezuelan Corydora
Bumblebee catfish
Neon rosey barbs
Stone catfish
Green fire tetra
Gold whitecloud minnow
Denison barb
Lemon tetra
Gertrudae rainbowfish
Columbian tetra
Celebese rainbowfish
Lavender gourami
Dwarf gourami
Pearl gourami
Siamese algae eater
Annaus Corydora
Albino tiger barbs
Adolfoi Corydora
Silver tip tetra
Spotted Rafael catfish
Spotted Rafael catfish
Molten zipper loach
Texas cichlid
Red tiger montaguense
Flowerhorn cichlid
Arrowana Tiretrack eel
Peacock eel
Albino tiger Oscar
Bolivian ram
Bloodfin Tetra
Endlicheri saddled bichir
Golden ghost knife
Congo tetra
Rainbow shark
Red tail shark
Amazon leaf fish
Nandus nandus
African butterfly fish
Green spotted puffer
Pea puffer
Bamboo shrimp
King koopa snails
Neocardinia shrimp
Galaxy Cardina shrimp


3625 S. Noland Road
Independence, MO

Opening Hours

Monday 12pm - 6pm
Wednesday 12pm - 6pm
Thursday 12pm - 6pm
Friday 12pm - 7pm
Saturday 12pm - 6pm





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