The shoulders are key!
Learn about the role the shoulders play in control and lightness at our clinic on the 22nd at the Golden Oak Equestrian Center. Details on the Events page.
Start Your Youngsters now!
When to start working with the youngster? NOW!
Stan in first canter (3 yr old AQHA)
First few canters for Stan, a 3 yr old QH. Very complex and challenging case, requiring a huge investment in trust building and lots of patience. But, he's trying hard now and has huge heart! For sale.
More on One-Handedness....
At a recent clinic, Brose continues to stress a different mindset, with the goal of softer hands, better control and a more responsive mount.
Moving to One-Rein/Hand Mentality
So many riders react to anything spooky by pulling back with both hands, and they naturally steer with their hands first and legs and body.....never....Brose teaches how to think about the one hand emergency brake, total body control, use of legs first
What Progress Looks Like--the Rewards
So, you are learning new techniques and strategies. Where do you take them? What are you trying to accomplish? Here Brose demonstates what success looks like after 60 days on a 2 year old QH.
Goals. What Are We Working Toward? V 1.0
So, where does all this groundwork and natural stuff lead, anyway?
Brose Opens Clinic and Talks About Philosophy
Brose opens a clinic on Oct 20th.
Brose Talks About Rope Halters
Critical and helpful training tools, if used carefully, rope halters are more popular, but often not used properly.
Guide your horse with your entire body
Wonder how to create an almost imperceptible touch and the ability to guide your horse effortlessly? You can, no matter how old or poorly trained your horse is, or you are! Come learn how you can improve at our next clinic.
Understanding "advance and retreat" on the ground
Brose discusses the concept of "advance and retreat," used here to de-sensitive as part of the good early ground work. Learn more at our upcoming clinic. Details here on our Events page.
Beware Perfectly Matched Shoes and Trims
Brose shares a story from a recent visit by farrier warning against ingoring uneven wear on some horses and their natural way of movement. Next clinic in Indy area is October 20th, sponsored by our good friends at Wallace Grain, where they have a tremendous equine nutrition program.. Contact us at [email protected] for details, and in the Events section of this page.