For anyone who ever supported my political career or who shares my values, let me urge citizens of this country to come together in a single voice to condemn violence in the name of a political agenda.
We are thankful that former President Trump is safe.
We pray for those who were injured or killed today and for their families.
We welcome the tone President Biden has taken tonight.
Our society, our way of life, our political process gives us a way to address issues and differences, as it has for decades, without violence. Let us recommit ourselves to that process.
I implore my friends to take this moment to join the side of civil, positive voices who understand that the foundation of this republic is a bi-partisan one, where all of us are Americans first.
This tragedy can be a reason for us to recommit ourselves as a nation to a common bond, or we can choose to use this situation as an excuse to tear our nation apart further.
To give our children and grandchildren the nation we inherited, we much tend to this foundation, to recommit ourselves to protecting it and to repairing it.
Our common membership in this party, I will call the American party, ties our people together. In the coming days, let us receive the news coming from this event with calm, patience and empathy, and then debate our differences with respect and civility.
This unfortunate incident can remind us of our need to work with our political opponents with respect. We can do this.