OTTBs with Friends of Ferdinand Inc.

OTTBs with Friends of Ferdinand Inc. Friends of Ferdinand Inc is the only TAA accredited 501c3 organization in Indiana specializing in the transitioning, retraining&adoption of OTTBs.


“Hey, what’s all this white stuff!?” Mantronix & Peter Castleboy, who we recently brought home from Puerto Rico as part of our Initiative, enjoyed playing in the snow that hit central Indiana this week. We aren’t sure, but based on the way Mantronix acted, we think it might have been his first time seeing snow ❄️

Check out these happy boys! Mantronix is the first through the gate (the chestnut in the blanket), followed by Peter Castleboy. Does the third horse look familiar to you? He should! That’s Vindication Alley (aka Vinny) another horse we brought home from Puerto Rico. He graduated from our program & was adopted several years ago by Erin S, who is now fostering our new as they prepare to join our retraining program soon. We bet these three are swapping all kinds of wild stories of their travels ✈️

Thanks to all the generous folks who donated to help us bring these guys home & stay tuned to our pages for updates on them as they work their way through our program & prepare to start meeting adopters! 💕

Caribbean Thoroughbred Aftercare Inc.

Snow day!! ❄️ Daily Ritual, who will be available for adoption soon, enjoyed playing in the snow at his foster home. He’...

Snow day!! ❄️ Daily Ritual, who will be available for adoption soon, enjoyed playing in the snow at his foster home. He’s pictured with Friends of Ferdinand graduate Preacherville, who is teaching him the ropes of being an awesome OTTB.


Adoptable Air Temple has a special New Year’s message for you! 🥂 🎆

Make sure you follow his trainer Laura on TikTok at for behind the scenes videos of him, as well as more adoptable & soon-to-be-adoptable Friends of Ferdinand horses! (

Happy birthday to all the Thoroughbreds celebrating today! 🎉

Happy birthday to all the Thoroughbreds celebrating today! 🎉

“On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…12 fun facts about the Friends of Ferdinand family!”  As we ha...

“On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…12 fun facts about the Friends of Ferdinand family!”

As we have counted down to Christmas, we have been sharing an interesting fact about our program every day. On Christmas Day, we share our final topic – THE FRIENDS OF FERIDNAND PROMISE.

As we have shared over the past week and a half, a lot of blood, sweat, and tears goes into our program. It’s because of our hardworking volunteers’ passion and love for Thoroughbreds that we are able to do what we do. It’s not always easy. There are hard choices we have to make. There are horses we have to say goodbye to along the way. There are painful moments.

But there are also such joys. Watching a shy mare come out of her shell and start loving on volunteers. Seeing a gelding connect instantly with a potential adopter. Getting updates from people who have taken one of our horses home, sharing how it’s a dream come true. It makes it all worth it, to provide fairytale endings to these wonderful creatures that we all love so much!

Friends of Ferdinand (FFI) has a promise we make to every horse who steps off a trailer into our barn – once an FFI horse, always an FFI horse. We have the long-term interests of our horses at heart, and are making a lifetime commitment to keep them safe. We do our best to place our horses into secure, long-term homes, but sometimes life happens, and for whatever reason, an adopter finds themselves unable to care for their adopted horse any longer. This could cause some horses to fall into precarious situations – we are there every time to make sure that doesn’t happen. Our horses are ALWAYS welcome back into our barn. This was perfectly proved in 2021, when a gelding who was one of the very first graduates of our came to us needing help at age 22. Even though we hadn’t seen him in well over a decade, we immediately brought him back into our stable, and began hunting for an adopter for him to spend his golden years with. The dream came true, and he’s living his best life. Read his inspiring story here:

Our pledge to every FFI horse is the same. We promise to do our best to give them a long, happy, successful life beyond the racetrack. This Christmas, we celebrate all the wonderful horses, adopters, donors, supporters, volunteers, and others who make this possible. Wishing you all happy holidays filled with family, friends, and horses!

Pictured: FFI graduate Limerick, enjoying Christmas with his adopter. Photo courtesy of his adopter, Heather H.

“On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…12 fun facts about the Friends of Ferdinand family!”  As we c...

“On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…12 fun facts about the Friends of Ferdinand family!”

As we countdown to Christmas, learn an interesting fact about our program every day. Today’s topic – OUR HORSES WHO NEED HOMES FOR THE HOLIDAYS.

You know what would look great under your tree this Christmas? A new Thoroughbred, ready to be your best friend and partner heading into 2024 as your map out all the shows, clinics, or other events you want to go to.

We have a variety of adoptable Thoroughbreds – mares and geldings, some started English and some western, located across Indiana and Ohio. You can meet our adoptables here: We also have several other horses in our barn who will be available for adoption soon. Reach out if you want a special sneak peek of any of them!

All of our horses come with test rides and 30-day trial periods. We also have our horses’ long-term interests at heart; if through any life circumstance things change where an adopter can no longer care for their FFI horse, it is ALWAYS welcome back in our barn. Our commitment to our horses is what sets us apart.

Pictured: Soon to be adoptable Mantronix, wrapped up in a bow! As part of our Initiative, we fundraised and brought Mantronix (and his stablemate Peter Castleboy) home from Puerto Rico earlier this year. Thanks to our friends at Caribbean Thoroughbred Aftercare Inc. for our ongoing partnership. Mantronix is winning everyone over with his amazing personality. We can’t wait to find this boy his dream home! Photo courtesy of his foster mom, Erin S.

“On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…12 fun facts about the Friends of Ferdinand family!”As we countd...

“On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…12 fun facts about the Friends of Ferdinand family!”

As we countdown to Christmas, learn an interesting fact about our program every day. Today’s topic – OUR CONNECTION TO THE RACETRACK.

At Friends of Ferdinand (FFI), we LOVE horseracing. Some of the key members of our leadership have worked in the horseracing industry. We are thrilled for the support we receive from racetracks. We have a longstanding partnership with Horseshoe Indianapolis Racing & Casino, and a newly budding partnership with Ellis Park Racing. Churchill Downs is also a longtime supporter of our Virtual Derby fundraiser.

We believe that these relationships are vitally important tp our mission – it helps us build connections with owners and trainers, so that we can make sure we are there to support them when they have retiring racehorses that need placed into new homes.

The racing industry has made a number of positive changes in the last decade. They are constantly working to make racing safer for its equine athletes. The racing industry also supports the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance, which accredits and funds non-profits like ours all across the United States.

Pictured: FFI Graduate Power Image enjoying the recent snow & dreaming of a white Christmas. Photo courtesy of his adopter, Kara E.

“On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…12 fun facts about the Friends of Ferdinand family!”As we countd...

“On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…12 fun facts about the Friends of Ferdinand family!”

As we countdown to Christmas, learn an interesting fact about our program every day. Today’s topic – THE BROODMARE BUNCH.

There are many things that set Friends of Ferdinand (FFI) apart from a typical Thoroughbred aftercare organization. We are proud of our group’s ability to adapt & change to best benefit the needs of Thoroughbreds.

A couple of years ago, after lots of research and evaluation, FFI recognized a need to support broodmares. For a number of reasons (from health issues while foaling, general breeder downsizing, lack of successful runners, or problems getting pregnant) a mare may be retired from breeding. Many mares are retired from the broodmare band while they are still fairly young, & they can easily be retrained into a third career.

Our idea to help these mares turned into The Broodmare Bunch, a facet of our program focused on assisting former broodmares learn a new skill set and find awesome adopters. It has been fun, challenging, and rewarding, launching this program and watching it grow. We currently have a couple of members of The Broodmare Bunch available for adoption. You can check them out here:

Pictured: Currently adoptable members of The Broodmare Bunch – Sheba’s Secret (left) and Take Charge Gina (right). Both of these girls hope for an adopter of their very own for Christmas!

“On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…12 fun facts about the Friends of Ferdinand family!”As we count...

“On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…12 fun facts about the Friends of Ferdinand family!”

As we countdown to Christmas, learn an interesting fact about our program every day. Today’s topic – OUR TEAM.

To bring a horse from the racetrack, through our program, and out the door to an adopter’s awaiting barn, it takes a village! Friends of Ferdinand (FFI) has a wonderful group of volunteers who work behind the scenes to assist Thoroughbreds on their journey. Our Board of Directors are a group of hardworking women, who dedicate their time, skills, and passion to ensuring our horses long-term success and safety. Our board represents many facets of the horse industry - pleasure riders, adopters, fosters, donors, owners/trainers, and racing fans.

We also have a wonderful group of trainers, representing English and Western disciplines, who are critical to our mission. They welcome our horses into their barns & teach them new skill sets so they are ready to find new homes. Additionally, we are aided by some fantastic veterinarians and farriers, who come up with individualized plans for every horse.

We are grateful to everyone throughout each year who donates time, money, or other support to our program & our horses – from transportation companies who offer rides to horses in need, to every social media follower who hits “donate” when we run a fundraiser, to anyone who shares our posts to help us find the perfect homes for our horses, to our grantors who help make all this possible, and all the others who keep our lights on and our horses happy! It is truly a team effort.

Pictured: FFI Graduate Storm Current ready for the holidays. Photo courtesy of his adopter, Jenn E.


“On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…12 fun facts about the Friends of Ferdinand family!”

As we countdown to Christmas, learn an interesting fact about our program every day. Today’s topic – PASTURE PALS.

Sometimes, we get a wonderful Thoroughbred into our retraining program who, through some past injury, ailment, or limitation, will never be able to be a riding mount. These horses still have a lot of love and life left to give, but finding adopters for them can be a challenge.

We decided to do something about this, and in early 2023, we launched a new facet of our program called Friends of Ferdinand Pasture Pals, with a focus on placing the companion-only horses who come through our barn into long-term homes where they can enjoy the life they so richly deserve.

If you have a lonely horse looking for a companion, an empty field that could sure use an equine to jazz it up, or just want to bring a new horse into your life to pamper, become a Friends of Ferdinand Pasture Pal! You’ll be added to our Pasture Pal list, and when one of these horses becomes available, we will reach out to you to see if it’s a good fit.

To become a Pasture Pal, fill out this form, and we will be in contact with you to help connect you with your perfect companion horse:

You can learn more about us launching our Pasture Pal program here:

Video: Soon to be adoptable Daily Ritual hoping Santa brings him just what he wants in his stocking – an adopter! Featuring some infamous Thoroughbred snorts! (Daily Ritual is not a member of Pasture Pals, he will be available for adoption as a riding horse! He is just helping us promote this program, as we don’t currently have a Pasture Pal horse in our barn.) Video courtesy of his foster mom, Diana C.

“On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…12 fun facts about the Friends of Ferdinand family!”As we countd...

“On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…12 fun facts about the Friends of Ferdinand family!”

As we countdown to Christmas, learn an interesting fact about our program every day. Today’s topic – THE VIRTUAL DERBY.

For non-profit organizations like Friends of Ferdinand, donations are what give us the ability to keep running and support our mission to retrain and rehome ex-racehorses. Throughout the year, we host a variety of fundraisers – some in person, some online. The event that has risen to the top and become our most popular annual fundraiser is the Virtual Derby.

To coincide with Kentucky Derby season, we hold this virtual race, which is not only a lot of fun, but also makes a huge impact on the lives of our horses. It is social media based, with a lot of the donations coming in through Facebook, as well as most of the shares about the progress of the runners. Our followers are invited to enter a horse, and when the field is full, they compete head-to-head to see who can raise their goal amount the most quickly (getting to the virtual finish line first) as well as who can raise the most total money (for Grand Champion honors!) A variety of amazing businesses step forward to donate prizes – everything from awesome excursions in the horse world, to goodie baskets, to fabulous products, and much more are typically on the prize list each year. We are so thankful for their support, so that we can dole out awesome awards to all of the race’s participants.

The Virtual Derby began in 2020, and has grown by leaps and bounds each year. This spring, we will celebrate our 5-year anniversary of the race! If you’d like to be involved, as an entrant, donor, sponsor of a prize, or if you have another idea, reach out to our race coordinator Chelsey at [email protected]

Pictured: Reigning Virtual Derby king, Hamilton (Jockey Club name: Enough Said). This fundraiser is near and dear to his heart – he was the beneficiary of a past edition of the race. Funds raised in the 2020 Virtual Derby aided him from an at-risk situation and supported his trip home from Puerto Rico, where he had ended his racing career. He is the class clown of our program, won over a ton of fans with his awesome fashion choices promoting his Virtual Derby campaign, and he’s now living his dream life with his adopter. Photo courtesy of his adopter, Heather H.

“On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…12 fun facts about the Friends of Ferdinand family!”As we countd...

“On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…12 fun facts about the Friends of Ferdinand family!”

As we countdown to Christmas, learn an interesting fact about our program every day. Today’s topic – PONIES OF THE CARIBBEAN.

If you have followed our social media pages for a few years, you have most likely seen us hosting fundraisers using the hashtag . This is a very unique mission Friends of Ferdinand undertakes, and one our team is extremely passionate about! Each year, many Thoroughbreds who are running in low level races in the mainland US are claimed and sent to Puerto Rico to race. The journey to the island is scary and dangerous for a horse – many of them are transported there via container ships, which is especially unsafe for living animals!

Horses running in Puerto Rico are at-risk for a number of reasons, including less racing regulations, welfare concerns, and the biggest challenge of all – an unsure future upon retirement. Resources are extremely limited for off-track Thoroughbreds on the island, and for that reason, far too many horses are euthanized or even abandoned, turned loose on the island to fend for themselves. We partner with the fabulous team at Caribbean Thoroughbred Aftercare Inc. to bring horses home from Puerto Rico as often as we can.

We have grown this partnership over several years, welcoming some marvelous ex-racehorses into our barn and ensuring them a safe, long-term future. A few horses you may remember from this initiative are Enough Said (the winner of the 2023 FFI Virtual Derby), Haynesfield Best (who inspired us to start our Pasture Pals program focusing on finding forever homes for companion-only horses), fan favorite Vindication Alley, as well as the two newest horses we brought home just a couple months ago – Peter Castleboy and Mantronix!

As you might imagine, it's VERY expensive to bring horses home from Puerto Rico, but these horses are worth their weight in gold. When we find horses in need who are a good fit for our program, we fundraise via social media through our Initiative. Thanks to the generous donations of SOOO many horse lovers, we’ve been able to welcome 7 horses home from the island over the last few years, and have worked hard to find wonderful homes for them where they can thrive.

We are so thrilled to be able to assist these globe-trotting Thoroughbreds. They are so special.

Pictured: Peter Castleboy, one of our latest . The 13-year-old, 7 time race winner is currently in a foster home in Indiana, and will begin retraining when he’s ready. Photo courtesy of Erin. S. (who happens to be the adopter of fellow graduate Vindication Alley.) Check out the heartwarming video of Peter Castleboy stepping off the trailer arriving in Indiana here:

Interested in helping us support Peter Castleboy or future ? Make a donation here: Donations in honor of others also make great holiday gifts!

“On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…12 fun facts about the Friends of Ferdinand family!”As we count...

“On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…12 fun facts about the Friends of Ferdinand family!”

As we countdown to Christmas, learn some interesting facts about our program every day. Today’s topic – FERDINAND.

Our organization, dedicated to retraining and rehoming ex-racehorses, is named Friends of Ferdinand. But who is Ferdinand, and why did we choose to honor him with our name?

Ferdinand was a phenomenal racehorse. The big handsome chestnut was fast and talented. He won the 1986 Kentucky Derby, 1987 Breeders’ Cup Classic, and was named Horse of the Year. Despite his success as a racer, at the end of his breeding career, he met his fate in a slaughterhouse in Japan.

If something like that could happen to a famous horse like Ferdinand, it showed that there was a huge need for more resources for ex-racehorses. Public outcry from his tragic death led to a rise in awareness about the importance of Thoroughbred aftercare and directly led to the founding of Friends of Ferdinand. Although what happened to Ferdinand was heartbreaking, it has been the catalyst for a huge movement to help ex-racehorses live safe, long lives. We are proud to assist many, many horses find their forever homes in his honor.

Pictured: Friends of Ferdinand graduate Vindication Alley (aka Vinny) showing off his Christmas spirit. We helped bring Vinny home from an at-risk situation in Puerto Rico several years ago, with the help of our friends at Caribbean Thoroughbred Aftercare Inc.. He is one of many horses whose life has been positively impacted in Ferdinand’s memory. Photo courtesy of his adopter, Erin S.

As we countdown to Christmas, learn some fun facts about our program every day. Today’s topic – OUR ADOPTERS.After horse...

As we countdown to Christmas, learn some fun facts about our program every day. Today’s topic – OUR ADOPTERS.

After horses have come into our barn, been fully vetted, begun their retraining, & are ready for new homes, we list them for adoption. Our adopters are what makes our program possible – they choose Off-Track Thoroughbreds as their mounts for a variety of disciplines. Graduates from our program have gone on to have success in everything from evening, to hunter/jumpers, dressage, trail riding, western riding, calf-roping, therapy horses, & much more.

Friends of Ferdinand (FFI) offers a few special things for our adopters. First off – our focus is on matchmaking. Once a potential adopter fills out an adoption application on our website ( we begin checking their references & figuring out which of our horses might be a good fit for them. All of our horses come with test rides – it’s not uncommon for someone to come to one of our retraining stables to meet one horse, & then we introduce them to another that winds up being their perfect match instead! Once the adopter says, “YES!”, we offer a 30-day trial period for every horse. This gives the adopter time to bring their new Thoroughbred home, help them get settled in, start riding, maybe even taking them for some lessons or outings, & then decide if it’s a match made in heaven or not. If not, the horse returns to our barn hassle free. If it is a perfect match (which we always hope for!), then the adopter then makes it official.

Also, we understand that life happens. Sometimes, circumstances change, & our adopters can no longer care for their horse. When that happens, we are always there to help. Once an FFI horse, always an FFI horse! Even if it has been years since the horse has been in our barn, we will always welcome them back with open arms & help them find a new home, if the need arises. Our long-term commitment to every horse that comes into our program is essential.

To help our adopters stay connected, we also have a private page exclusively for folks who have adopted an FFI horse. There, they can ask questions, get support, & build a community with other OTTB lovers.

We want to thank every person who has ever adopted one of our horses! We appreciate you & are so happy that you welcomed an FFI horse into your barn & your heart!

Pictured: FFI graduate Aprilia on Tour. Photo courtesy of adopter Melanie

“On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…12 fun facts about the Friends of Ferdinand family!”As we count...

“On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…12 fun facts about the Friends of Ferdinand family!”

As we countdown to Christmas, learn some fun facts about our program every day. Today’s topic – AFTERCARE.

You may have heard the term ‘Thoroughbred Aftercare’ thrown around, but do you know what it means? Aftercare encompasses the care, retraining, and rehoming of a racehorse once it leaves the racetrack. There are many organizations across the US (and abroad) that are dedicated to this mission.

The Thoroughbred racing industry created and supports the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance (TAA) to help horses make a safe transition off the racetrack. The TAA is the national accrediting body for organizations that retrain, retire, and rehome off-track Thoroughbreds. In addition to accreditation, they also inspect facilities to ensure the highest quality standards for the lives of the horses housed there, as well as award grants to organizations to support their efforts. Friends of Ferdinand (FFI) is proud to be one of the 86 TAA-accredited organizations, and the only one based in Indiana!

As you might imagine, the process of transitioning a racehorse into a second career can be time consuming and expensive. Organizations like ours rely on grants and donations from generous horse-lovers to stay up and running. This holiday season, consider making a donation to support our horses:

Pictured: FFI graduate Heading to Boca, pretending to be a reindeer. Photo courtesy of his adopter, Jamie M.

“On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…12 fun facts about the Friends of Ferdinand family!”As we countd...

“On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…12 fun facts about the Friends of Ferdinand family!”

As we countdown to Christmas, learn some fun facts about our program every day. Today’s topic – OUR HORSES!

Friends of Ferdinand (FFI) is dedicated to retraining and rehoming racehorses once they retire from the track. All the horses in our barn are Thoroughbreds. But what exactly is a Thoroughbred?

A Thoroughbred is a breed of horse that has been carefully bred over many generations to excel in racing. Every modern Thoroughbred can trace their linage back to three foundation stallions in the late 17th and early 18th century – The Godolphin Arabian, Darley Arabian, and Byerley Turk. Horseracing has been a popular sport around the world for centuries. In the United States, the registration organization for these horses is called The Jockey Club. Did you know that all registered Thoroughbreds must be conceived via live cover (meaning no artificial insemination, embryo transfer, etc is permitted)? This is different than most of the other major registries for other breeds.

The most prestigious races for Thoroughbreds are the Triple Crown for 3-year-olds, a series of races held in the late spring – The Kentucky Derby in Louisville, KY, the Preakness Stakes in Baltimore, MD, and the Belmont Stakes in Elmont, NY. Only 13 horses have won all 3 races, making them Triple Crown winners. In the fall, the best-known races are the Breeders' Cup World Championships series, the national year-end championship showcasing horses on dirt and turf, at a variety of distances and age categories.

Some of the most famous Thoroughbred racehorses included Secretariat, Seabiscuit, Man O’ War, Seattle Slew, and most recently, Zenyatta & American Pharoah.

At the end of their racing careers, Thoroughbreds that were very successful on the racetrack are likely to become stallions and broodmares, producing future racing stars. However, many horses do not have a breeding career ahead of them, so they are looking for a second career when their time as racehorses is over.

Since many racehorses retire by about age 5, and Thoroughbreds can live up to 25 or even 30 years, they have a long life ahead of them, where they can have a lot of success in other equestrian sports. This is where organizations like ours come in. We take these magnificent horses and welcome them into our stables across Indiana and Ohio, where our trainers give them a new set of skills and prepare them to be riding horses. We have English and western focused trainers, and graduates from our program have gone on to have success in everything from evening, to hunter/jumpers, dressage, trail riding, western riding, calf-roping, therapy horses, and much more. Because Thoroughbreds are naturally very athletic, they can be successful in just about every discipline!

We currently have a variety of Thoroughbreds available for adoption. Meet our horses here:

Come back tomorrow for another fun fact about our program!

Pictured: FFI graduate Filly Named Billy showing her festive spirit. Photo courtesy of her adopter, Susan.

Wow!!! Congrats to EQUUS Foundation on their amazing fundraiser to help horses!  Thank you to anyone who chose to suppor...

Wow!!! Congrats to EQUUS Foundation on their amazing fundraiser to help horses! Thank you to anyone who chose to support OTTBs with Friends of Ferdinand Inc. with their donation today, & have it doubled by the Lafitte de Muze Matching Campaign.

Even though the matching part is over, it's still National Day of the Horse! If you want to support a worthy charity, please consider sending your donation to our ponies. Winter is a difficult season in aftercare with few adoptions but plenty of expenses. Donate here to show your support for Team FFI:

We did it! Let’s keep it going today!

TODAY ONLY!! For National Day of the Horse, EQUUS Foundation is DOUBLING donations (but only while funds last) to suppor...

TODAY ONLY!! For National Day of the Horse, EQUUS Foundation is DOUBLING donations (but only while funds last) to support horse-related non-profits. If you choose to support Friends of Ferdinand today, they will match your donation. Funds are coming in fast for other organizations, so make sure you donate ASAP in order to double your impact on the lives of ex-racehorses. With winter coming (a slow time for adoptions) we could really use your help!

Donate here:


Tots N Sauce has been adopted, & he even has his own little girl to love!Congrats to Courtney Y. & her family on adoptin...

Tots N Sauce has been adopted, & he even has his own little girl to love!

Congrats to Courtney Y. & her family on adopting Tots. She shares, “This one was love at first sight. He has the BEST personality for a 3-year-old! He will literally follow her anywhere!”

Wouldn’t he look nice under your tree? Help Air Temple find his home for the holidays!Adoptable Air Temple is a gentle g...

Wouldn’t he look nice under your tree? Help Air Temple find his home for the holidays!

Adoptable Air Temple is a gentle giant. The 2017 gelding has a great mind and enjoys learning new things. This big guy is looking for an adopter who likes to do ground work, light riding, obstacles and/or trails and liberty. He could excel in any endeavor where his hooves don’t leave the ground (non-jumping home). He comes with a test ride and a 30-day trial period.

Come meet him, & we know you’ll love him as much as we do! He is located in Canal Wi******er, Ohio.

Learn more about him, & fill out an adoption application, here:

It’s  , a day to support your favorite charities! Not sure how you can make a difference? Every little bit helps! Here a...

It’s , a day to support your favorite charities! Not sure how you can make a difference? Every little bit helps! Here are a few of our horses’ most common expenses. You can make a real impact on the lives of ex-racehorses by donating here ⤵️

This Giving Tuesday, join us in celebrating broodmares! 🌸 A couple of years ago, Friends of Ferdinand launched a new fac...

This Giving Tuesday, join us in celebrating broodmares! 🌸 A couple of years ago, Friends of Ferdinand launched a new facet of our program, the Broodmare Bunch, which focuses on Thoroughbreds who have been off the track for several years being mamas. We have welcomed a variety of wonderful mares into our barn since, helping them find forever homes. 💜 We are looking to raise money to support these lovely ladies as we transition them into their third careers (after racing and being mothers)!

Donate here:


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