This is what puppy births look like in our neck of the woods - it's a family affair. Lilly helped be my record keeper, recording times of birth, gender, collar color, weights, etc. Elijah was the bouncer 😆 he kept Naomi & Haddi at bay. Asah was a go-for (towels, nose syringe, washcloths, etc). Anna was absolutely fascinated by the birth process. She had the self-proclaimed job of checking for a new puppies coming while we charted the last born. Lenora brought my tripod light and helped Elijah with kids and chores. Abbey & Cheryl brought dinner and Angry Orchard 😏 and of course everyone gave puppies plenty of love ❤️ Althought it was fewer puppies than we've historically had (planned it that way 😉) it still was a 6 hour process and totally worth all of it.