Monkey, who just turned 22 years old still has some play left in her. Who knew?
Kevin is getting back to his antics🫤. Monkey's gonna kick his butt if he doesn't cut it out 🤣
I brought Monkey home for the weekend so she could get more attention instead of being alone at the clinic😃. She took Kevin's place in my bathroom; he's at the clinic with his buddies Mandrake and Gru, yay!!
Monkey says good morning!
So the same day that my greyhound had a stroke, this little girl was brought in to be euthanized. Her mom was dying, her dad was in a nursing home with dementia and the P.O.A didn't know what to do with her because she howls a lot at night and wasn't eating much and even though she loved her, she couldn't take her. Her name is Monkey and she will be 22 years old August 1st. Usually when someone brings a pet in to euthanize that is over 15 years of age, usually they are in bad shape. Before going in the room, I asked my technician Britney Nichole Contini if this cat looks like crap and she said not at all and she's very alert, exploring the room and she didn't want to euthanize her. I walked into the exam room and Monkey was jumping from the floor to the chair to the exam table back to the chair onto the countertop etc. She was very thin and I was highly suspicious that she had hyperthyroidism and possibly kidney failure but I didn't have the heart to euthanize her either. So I talked to the POA about signing her over and we would examine her, do blood work and if it looked good we would take care of her and let her live out her life. If it didn't look good, then we would go ahead with the original plan of euthanasia. The POA was ecstatic. She was so stressed out dealing with everything and this was now one less thing she had to worry about. So it turns out Monkey is hyperthyroid and has some early kidney failure just so had thought. I put her on a special diet for her kidneys and started her on thyroid medicine. She is living at the clinic, mostly hanging out in my office and she is pretty much ruling the roost, telling Kevin, Mandrake and Gru who's the queen B lol. And she has jumped through the reception window into the waiting room and took on a couple of dogs, screaming and swatting at them so she's only allowed out of my office around lunch time when there's minimal patients in and out of the lobby or after hours. She's a little badass. After the first day and
Ugh, it's like a toddler. As soon as they start to walk, they're getting into trouble😄
Last week Kevin tried to get up here and couldn't. Now he can 😃.
Here's Kevin 😃 5 days after my last post. He's eating like a champ and he's walking better, still a little wobbly in the rear and it appears the nerves in his tail took a hit so when he's back to his full strength, if his tail still shows no signs of movement and sensitivity, then I'll have to amputate. He'll make a cute manx kitty😊.
Kevin has eaten about 30 Temptation treats 😃. Cats can be such messy eaters but at this point, he can make all the mess he wants 😄. I think he has turned the corner ❤️
So Kevin is getting his strength back and is drinking some water but has stopped eating. Those Temptation treats are his favorite and he hasn't touched them in about 4 days. Not sure why he's lost his appetite cuz he was starting to get it back. He's on multiple medications for pain, nausea and appetite stimulation and he gets subcutaneous fluids administered twice a day to keep him hydrated and provide electrolytes which were low on his blood test. I took him off the nausea medication at the beginning of the week thinking he was on the mend but that's when his appetite dropped off so he's been back on it 3 days and there's been no increase in his appetite yet. Based on the ultrasound report his heart is fine and none of his other organs appeared damaged but his kidneys and he might need a special kidney support diet the rest of his life (Special K diet for the Special K cat lol), to be determined at a later date. His blood work initially showed damage to the liver but that has almost corrected itself, thankfully. Thank you for keeping him in your thoughts and prayers❤️.