Bunny blog:
Good afternoon all, Your bunny blogger Pauly here. Coming at you from the comfort of my pen. I’ve been having a chill day here at the cave, just watching as my hooman has been coming in and out. Before I get into introducing the OG of the cave I have a tip for my bunny fans out there. So listen up my fellow buns. If you need more snuggles from your hooman stand at the door of your pen and chew on the wire like you are deliberately trying to break a tooth. Your hooman will stop what she is doing and give you extra attention. It works every time here. And today it caused my hooman to take me out of my pen and turn her apron into a bunny wrap. Hahaha. Get it, baby wrap versus bunny wrap…anyways I crack myself up. Maybe we can make bunny wearing a thing. Anywho where was I… oh yes, so the OG of the cave. You know her, you love her…Her Royal Bunniness Princess Kona. She likes long hops around the living room and to sit on top of her hooman like queen of the hill. She’s got style, she got flair, she is the beginning of this bunny madness. Ok now for the technical stuff, she is a Grand Champion Rex Broken Black Senior Doe from the Wright Rabbit.
Hope you like my blog see you next week. Stay safe out there buns don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.
I really gotta work on my closing… hey Flash got any ideas. Ohh wait turn off this recording thing don’t post that part.