Equine New Life Rehab

Equine New Life Rehab Slaughter bound Equine Rehab and Rehoming Facility


I think we have all heard the term, "I lost a friend today." That sentence has always bothered me because I always thought, "How can you lose a friend? Especially so quickly?"
As I've gotten older, I've realized that that situation is not a loss. That friend walked away by their own choice. To lose a friend, is when you put a friendship down for a time, and when you go back to re-engage, your friend was no longer where you left them. It doesn't matter the reason. Life happens.

I'm sure we all remember as children when our mother would say, "Where did you leave it last? It didn't grow legs and walk off on its own." Well, our friends have legs and they will disappear.
But the thing about it is, they have legs and they can reappear, as long as we leave the door open and make sure that they know they're still welcome.

I just started back to school in to get my BSN and I realized that in all the stress and all the assignments and everything I may have put down a friendship or two. They may wander off before I get a chance to pick them back up again. Hopefully, if they do, I'll be able to find them again and reconnect. I value every friend I have.
Also, if I was your friend and you put me down and I wandered off, don't hesitate to reach out to me because I probably just got distracted by something shiny.


The saying is that you cannot pour from an empty cup. I don't believe that cup is ever empty and that is the problem. When you look at a cup with water in it our instinct is to say that it's half full or half empty. Pessimism or optimism, but empty is an absence of something and that cup is actually half full of water and half full of air. If it was truly half empty that empty half would be a vacuum and nature despises a vacuum.

We all know that wondering person who gives and gives until they finally say, "I'm exhausted I can't give anymore there's nothing left." The problem isn't that they give too much. The problem is that they have trouble receiving. For every bit of love, joy, and peace you give out, you need to receive that love,joy, and peace back.

We all have heard this story of the person that made everyone laugh. They showed everyone love. That was the happy person. The most loving person that committed su***de. And this is a hard thing to talk about. It is devastating. People wonder how such a wonderful person could kill themselves. How somebody who loves so much could hurt the ones that love them by killing themselves.

Su***de is not always an act of selfishness. Su***de is not an act of hate. Su***de is an act of extreme pain. They're so full of pain that there's nothing there. They can't see the love around them. They can't see the joy around them. All they can see is pain. That person gives and gives and gives, but has difficulty receiving. Nature will replace that vacuum of love that has been given away with something else and it is often pain, self-loathing, loneliness, all the things that are the opposite of what that person gave to all of those around them.

In nursing, we talk a lot about caregiver fatigue, about self-care, and taking care of yourself making sure you stay healthy mentally, emotionally, and physically.
The problem is loving yourself and taking care of yourself is not enough. You have to have people around you. You have to have a support system of people who are loving you who are giving to you what you have given to them. People who are filling your cup of with love and peace, people are preventing that vacuum from being filled with negativity and pain.

During the holidays we are all expected to be joyful and happy pouring out that energy to everyone.
Look around you look at the people closest to you, who give you the most, and give it back. Show them the love that they may not be able to realize that they need. The love that they may have difficulty accepting. Because every drop of love that you can give to somebody prevents,
that cup from getting filled with a debilitating pain and isolation. Every bit of love that you give ti somebody is one less drop of self-loathing, one less drop of loneliness, one less drop of heartbreaking devastating pain that that cup could be filled with.


There is not a lot good that I can say about the COVID epidemic but there is one thing. The many shut downs and isolation precautions created a need for people to be able to teach over video. Suddenly, it became acceptable to do much of the teaching that is traditionally done in person online. However this requires a different type of technology than what many of us have ever used before.

When it comes to horseback riding lessons, training, and showing, there are some very unique challenges to recording such as being outdoors, multiple horses, rural conditions, and speed. I have purchased with my own funds the top 3 devices that are recommended for recording horseback riding. This is my review of them and my thoughts of which is better and why.

First, we have the Soloshot. Admittedly, this was my first purchase and it has had multiple upgrades since then. However, the basics remain the same. This particular device consists of a robot camera on a tripod and a tag which can be placed on your body, your horse, or whatever you wish to track. The robotcamera is paired with the tag and tracks via that signal up to 2000 feet away. The camera is designed for outside usage only though I've read that they are trying to change that. Pairing and tracking requires a strong Wi-Fi signal. On my property, I do not have a strong Wi-Fi signal outside of my home because I live in a metal building quite a bit out in the country.The only way I could consistently get the tag and the camera to link was by using my cell phone as a hotspot. This was quite a hassle. Also I had a lot of difficulty with the battery life and being able to keep the camera functioning.The videos are stored on a SD card and you use your computer to edit or upload.The cost of the newest Soloshot is around 1500.00 depending upon which upgrade you have and wether its new or used. I believe it is a very good system for certain sports and in certain areas, it really did not work for me at all.

Next, we have the Pivo. Pivos are amazingly inexpensive. They will work indoors and outdoors. They're small and very easy to set up. All of the videos go directly to your phone, are easy to edit and upload to YouTube or whatever place you decide. However, they do not use a tag but are supposed to lock on to your or your horse's outline and follow along. The problem is if you have any other animal in the area or activity, the Pivo sometimes forgets what you look like. In particular, I have found that the Pivo forgets what a horse is. It also has issues tracking in the sunrise or sunset times. While it can be quite entertaining to see what your Pivo is going to follow when it loses you, it certainly diminishes the effectiveness for training. They also have a shorter range of about 65 feet more depending on the quality of your smart device's camera. If you are needing to put your camera in a particular area of an arena for a certain angle, you may have difficulty with it being unable to keep up or with losing you and not being able to track well. The Pivo costs from 70.00 to 450.00 depending on model and accessories so affordability is a big plus. However the inconsistency in tracking and the shorter range made it very frustrating for me with what I needed it to do.

Finally, we have the Pixio. Costwise, it's between the Soloshot & Pivo ranging between 750.00 to 1100.00 depending version and accessories. It like the Pivo in that you attach your phone, camera, or laptop to the robot via Bluetooth. It uses a tag similar to the Soloshot which comes with a watch band so that can be worn on you wrist. Unlike either, there are 3 beacons which create parameters to help with tracking. This system has worked incredibly well and is amazingly consistent. It requires no Wi-Fi but hooks up via Bluetooth to your device. It's range is 330 feet. The video is saved directly to your device and is easy to edit and upload. The tracking has been on mark only losing me when I went "out of bounds" by quite a bit and even then it surprised me by finding and tracking me and my horse within just a few seconds. The video quality and Zoom are on point. Now, the watch/tag is fairly bulky and setting up/taking down requires a few extra minutes due to the beacons needing to put out and picked up each time. That and the cost have been my only complaint so far.

In summary, with the right environment and circumstances the Soloshot would probably work, but the high cost and narrow usability just didn't work for me. The Pivo is inexpensive, but unreliable. My favorite is the Pixio with its ease of use and reliability despite it being fairly costly and having a bulky watch band.

The FringeHave you ever looked at the fringe on your rug? We regard it as something purely decorative and many times ign...

The Fringe

Have you ever looked at the fringe on your rug? We regard it as something purely decorative and many times ignore it or even cut it off. But, have you really looked at it? Each strand of the fringe is an integral part of the rug itself. A fringe is created by removing connecting threads and leaving just the base thread exposed. The fringe doesn't have the colors or patterns of the rest of the rug. It's actually quite plain. It's out there on the edge but intricately woven through and essential to the rug. When you cut the fringe off, the rug tends to unravel. Hidden except for its least important and attractive aspect of decoration.

How many people do you know are sitting on the fringe of your life? What would you do without them? What would your life be like?

Pay attention to the fringe. Things tend to unravel when they are cut off.


8492 Hall Road
Iowa Park, TX


(940) 237-7973



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