The Storm Shelter Sled Dogs Sanctuary and Rescue

The Storm Shelter Sled Dogs Sanctuary and Rescue We work to facilitate the rescue and re-homing of dogs in need - especially sled dog breeds. We also work with elderly and special needs dogs.

We remember so many......... also please remember all who did not find their happily ever afters.  🐾❀

We remember so many......... also please remember all who did not find their happily ever afters. 🐾❀


So unhappy with facebook/meta right now. The settings on this page have changed. Kev is working on trying to fix it. Jenny has a nice tribute to Mack and she cannot post it here even though she is ? was ? an admin on this page. I am going to try to post a video of Mack and Brady..........❀️❀️

We have some changes and new dogs to share with you, but first we have to share some sad news. At about 17 years old, ou...

We have some changes and new dogs to share with you, but first we have to share some sad news.
At about 17 years old, our dear sweet old boy Mack went ahead to the bridge. Mack has been having some mobility issues and some memory problems, but we have been able to nurse him along through those issues. But on Thursday we noticed that he was having trouble eating/drinking/swallowing. :-( And this is an issue that was causing him to be frightened. Seeing him frightened like that was more heartbreaking than the thought of losing him. I contacted Dr. Gretchen and we went right over on Friday. Mack passed peacefully with the three of us loving on him.
Mack came to us at about 10 years old when his owner could no longer care for him. At the time, we were told he might have some health issues. But regular visits with Dr. G kept him going another seven years!!! We miss him so much, he was such a big part of our pack lives. πŸ’”πŸΎ Mack loved all of the other dogs, the cats and us, but most especially Brady. 🐾❀
RIP Mack - until we meet again. Good boy.🐾❀ Dogspeed.

Happy Birthday Jenny!!!!  πŸ’– Not just one of my besties, but also the dogs' bestie.  Wishing you the best day ever!!  πŸΎπŸ’–πŸΎ...

Happy Birthday Jenny!!!! πŸ’– Not just one of my besties, but also the dogs' bestie. Wishing you the best day ever!! πŸΎπŸ’–πŸΎπŸ’–


OK, these two are not exactly sled dogs but ............ Two awesome rotties looking for a good home. We do not have these dogs, but would LOVE to see them find a home where they can stay together. ❀🐾 Share with anyone you know that may be interested.

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Happy Birthday to our favorite young dog whisperer as he turns 17 today.  Thank you for Brady, for all that you do for T...

Happy Birthday to our favorite young dog whisperer as he turns 17 today. Thank you for Brady, for all that you do for The Storm Shelter!! 🐾❀😍🐾❀

I do believe this.  I know that our dogs of the past help us with the dogs of today. 🐾❀

I do believe this. I know that our dogs of the past help us with the dogs of today. 🐾❀


I just wanted you all to know that our dear friend Jenny doesn't just help dogs in need, she loves the cats too. ❀ She knew that this neighborhood cat needed help and contacted another friend, Cynthia. They were able to trap this boy and Cynthia got him to Critter Harbor for neutering and care. He is back in his neighborhood and a new man!! πŸ₯°πŸˆ

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Don't be afraid to give a special needs dog a chance, he saved their lives!!!!

Don't be afraid to give a special needs dog a chance, he saved their lives!!!!

Sometimes the dogs look at us with such adoration we have to wonder what we did to deserve it. ❀ Other times I swear tha...

Sometimes the dogs look at us with such adoration we have to wonder what we did to deserve it. ❀ Other times I swear that they are rolling their eyes at us!! πŸ™„ I guess it all balances out. πŸ˜‰
Jenny is never far away from me. 🐾❀

We would like to introduce you to our two new sanctuary boys, Leonard (Lenny) and Glen.  They were rescued from the same...

We would like to introduce you to our two new sanctuary boys, Leonard (Lenny) and Glen. They were rescued from the same situation that Mikey came from. They have been with a wonderful foster who has taught them that some humans can be kind. ❀🐾We have them set up in a kennel right next to Mikey and we think that they all remember each other. These two are very bonded. They are still a little frightened so we are taking it S L O W and letting them get used to us and all new things. They are older fellows at 11ish years old so we are their retirement home. We love them already. 🐾❀🐾❀

If you have lived with dogs or spent a lot of time with dogs, you know that each dog has their own personality.  Some ar...

If you have lived with dogs or spent a lot of time with dogs, you know that each dog has their own personality. Some are more reserved and some are more into each moment. These traits do not make them any better or worse than any others, but like most humans, just have their own way about them. πŸΎπŸ’–
Tato loves to play and chew and hang out with his buddies. But Tato is also a very intuitive dog who keeps an eye on us, making sure that we are ok. We have had so many up and downs with the pack recently, with so much loss. Tato checks up on me regularly, always ready with a hug if I need one. 🐾❀


Love this. 🐾❀

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The tragic beauty of loving them - Time doesn’t heal everything

It is hot and humid and all dogs are in right now.  They do love the AC.  🐾❀

It is hot and humid and all dogs are in right now. They do love the AC. 🐾❀

It has been so hot and so humid.  Please ..... if your dogs swim, keep an eye on them and don't let them swim in icky wa...

It has been so hot and so humid. Please ..... if your dogs swim, keep an eye on them and don't let them swim in icky water.

[NOTE: This photo is just picture of a pond in the summer. NOT a picture of a pond with the toxin.] Cyanobacteria can have many different looks, including not being visible at all. Link to Kentucky Division of Water for more photos and information: #:~:text=Harmful%20Algal%20Blooms%20Division%20of%20Water&text=A%20harmful%20algal%20bloom%2C%20or,skin%20in%20animals%20or%20humans.
"Death follows minutes to hours after exposure to a small amount of this toxin." As the weather gets hotter, ponds can start to have "algae blooms." The water itself can look like pea soup, or like green paint is spread on the surface of the water. Sometimes it is not visible at all. Some of these blooms are cyanobacteria, which can produce potent toxins. Dogs are exposed when they wade in the water and either drink the water directly, or lick it off themselves when they come out. There is no antidote; treatment is supportive and many dogs don't survive. If you believe your dog has been exposed, bathe him immediately. If he has any symptoms, bring him right in to a veterinarian. See comments for more information about signs and treatment. (Most ponds that look like this are not dangerous, but it is not possible to tell which ones are toxic and which ones aren't except by having the water tested; If in doubt, keep pets out.) Edited to add links to more pond phots.

Pearl sure sleeps in some odd positions!!  πŸ™ƒ

Pearl sure sleeps in some odd positions!! πŸ™ƒ

Again, thank you for all of your kindness and support.   And yes, it goes through our minds - are we getting too old for...

Again, thank you for all of your kindness and support. And yes, it goes through our minds - are we getting too old for this? How many times can you lose a little piece of your heart? Are we insane? But then we look around at all the wonderful old, young and middle aged faces scattered all around the house and we know that many of them wouldn't have made it if we hadn't said yes. So we pick ourselves up and dust off and go back at it again. πŸΎβ€πŸ€—πŸΎβ€ And then we saw this wonderful post that was shared by our friend Stacy (Winter's mom) We'll share it with you and soon we will be sharing happy posts with you. Thanks again everyone.

My Dear Human,
I see that you are crying, for it is my moment to leave. Don't cry, please. I want to explain some things to you.
You're sad because I left, but I'm glad I met you.
How many dogs and cats and birds like me die daily without meeting someone special like you?
I know it saddens you my departure, but I had to go now.
I want to ask you not to blame yourself for anything. I heard you sobbing that you should have done something else for me. Don't say that, you've done a lot for me! Without you I would have known nothing of the beauty I carry with me today.
You must know that we animals live the present intensely and we are very wise: we enjoy every little thing every day, and forget the bad past quickly.
Our lives begin when we know love, the same love you gave me, my angel without wings and two legs.
Know that even if you find an animal that is seriously injured, and that you only have a little bit of time in this world, you provide a huge service by accompanying you in your final transition.
None of us likes to be alone, except when we realize it's time to leave.
Maybe for you it's not so important that one of you is next to us caressing us and holding our paw, helps us go in peace.
No more crying, please. I'll be happy. I have in memory the name you gave me, the warmth of your house that in this time became mine. I take the sound of your voice talking to me, even though I don't always understand what you were saying to me.
I carry in my heart every caress you gave me.
Everything you did was very valuable to me and I thank you endlessly, I don't know how to tell you, because I don't speak your language, but surely in my eyes you could see my gratitude.
I'm just gonna ask for two favors. Wash your face and start smiling.
Remember how good we live together these moments, remember the antics I made to cheer you up.
Relive like me all the good we share in this time.
And do not say you will not adopt another animal, because you have suffered a lot from my departure. Without you I would not live the beauties I lived.
Please don't do this! There are many like me waiting for someone like you.
Give them what you gave me, please, they need it just like I needed you.
Don't keep the love you have to give, for fear of suffering.
Follow my advice, cherish the good you share with each of us, recognizing that you are an angel to us animals, and that without people like you our life would be harder than sometimes it is.
Follow your noble task, now it's up to me to be your angel.
I will accompany you in your path and help you help others like me.
I will talk to other animals who are here with me, I will tell you everything you have done for me and I will point and say proudly: β€œthat's my family.”
Tonight, when you look at the sky and see a blinking star I want you to know that it's me flashing an eye; warning you that I arrived well and telling you "thank you for the love you gave me".
I say goodbye now not saying "goodbye", but "see you later.”
There is a special sky for people like you, the sky where we go and life rewards us by making us meet there.
I'll be waiting for you!"
~Credit goes to the respective owner~

Kevin and I would like to thank you all for your support, we have had a rough run and we are really not trying to make y...

Kevin and I would like to thank you all for your support, we have had a rough run and we are really not trying to make you all sad. We feel that each one of our dogs is so important in their own way. So when it is their time to go, we want to honor their memory and celebrate their life, even when we wish these lives could be longer. πŸ’”πŸΎβ€

It was very difficult for me to write the post about Jasper, not just because he was such a character and there was so much to write about, but because I knew that I would be writing another post way too soon after Jasper's tribute.
When Jasper became so ill and so quickly on Thursday, we had already made an appointment with Dr. Gretchen on Friday for Ace. πŸ₯Ί Ace's health has been pretty frail for the last month or two. He had been having a lot of problems with his hindquarters and losing strength. But we hammered out a plan of steroids, pain meds and supplements and Ace was doing pretty good and still enjoying life. 😊
Now Ace is another one of the lucky dogs that came here from a family who really loved and cared for him. But there was an unfortunate nip when he was protecting his little person and he could no longer stay with his family. They were devastated but were happy to have Ace come here. This was about 6 years ago. They have always stayed in touch, supporting Ace financially, emotionally and spiritually. Christmas always brought packages from Ace's mom with all kinds of treats and toys for all and a new collar for Ace. He was always so proud of that collar. ❀
A few weeks ago it became much harder for Ace to stand on his own. But we have slings to help with that. Once Kev would get Ace standing, then Ace could take off and wander around the yard on his own. But as time went on it became more difficult for Ace to walk around, so Kevin would walk around next to him, just in case Ace needed to stop and lean on Kev for a rest. By the beginning of last week, Ace just didn't want to walk around anymore, even with Kev's help. :-( This wasn't really Ace giving up, dogs live in the moment. This was Ace accepting that he just couldn't do it anymore. πŸ˜• So Friday we loaded Ace into the car (he's a big guy) and sat under the tree with Dr. Gretchen and our dear friend Teena, and sent Ace ahead to the bridge. πŸ’”πŸ˜’
Ace was a big dog that loved to play and loved to meet people. Ace and Timber were a duo that we often took with us for public appearances. He was a charmer!! He and Timber often had their pictures taken with kids. β€πŸ€—
Run free now Ace, with no help from slings or props. We will so miss your big attitude. πŸ˜” Dogspeed.

*Please keep Ace's original family in your thoughts since they were too far away to be here, but were with us in spirit.

Special thanks to Dr. Gretchen for all that she did for us in this awfully tough 24 hour period. We were so grateful to have the friendship of Gretchen and Teena. πŸΎπŸ’”

Guess what we did Sunday afternoon?πŸ˜‰ Even Sonia is ok with being brushed now.  🐾❀

Guess what we did Sunday afternoon?πŸ˜‰ Even Sonia is ok with being brushed now. 🐾❀

I am sorry that once again I have to share some heartbreaking news with you all.  Sometimes rescue/sanctuary work is ful...

I am sorry that once again I have to share some heartbreaking news with you all. Sometimes rescue/sanctuary work is full of saves and milestones reached. But sometimes it's much harder.
On Thursday afternoon our little fighter Jasper was just too sick to fight anymore. πŸ˜” His little body was just worn out and he could not get enough oxygen to keep up with his needs. We rushed him over to Dr. G who helped us send Jasper to the bridge where he will be free to play again without having to struggle for breath.
Jasper had been doing pretty well fighting off the pneumonia that was trying to bring him down. He was enjoying the days roaming around the pen by the creek for all of the good sniffs. But Thursday morning we could tell that he was not feeling well and struggling to breathe again. His fever was spiking so we gave him albuterol and IV fluids and managed to get him to take his meds. (Keep in mind all of this was happening even though he was on antibiotics) When we realized that we were out of options, we contacted Dr. G who said to bring him over. She confirmed what we already knew and the three of us loved on him as he made his transition. πŸ’”πŸ˜’
Jasper was the boy that came to us a little over 6 years ago at maybe about a year old. He was heartworm positive, had some scarring around his head and face and one front leg turned out at an odd angle. Dr. G treated his heartworm and we thought all would be good. This is when Jasper's Big Adventure began. Jen, Brady, Kev and I were going to be gone for a long day to deliver a dog to a new home in southern WI, our friends G and Joe agreed to watch Jasper for us at their house. Some of you may remember this πŸ˜‰.... The little bu**er escaped their kennel and made his way into the woods. For the next SEVEN WEEKS we did everything we could to capture this boy and get him home. We will be forever grateful to G and Joe for putting out food, buying burgers at McD's, frying bacon and grilling out and anything else to give to Jasper to keep him there. We will be forever grateful to Jennifer Cadigan and The Retrievers. Jennifer set up traps and cameras, tried different traps and cameras, tried to leave different scents to tempt him into traps and spent countless hours day and night watching the cameras. We couldn't have done this without Jen and Brady as they were our backups - because of course we caught other creatures. We caught a bird, a bunny a cat and a neighbor's lab. πŸ™„ Kev and Joe put their heads together with Jennifer and designed a trap within a kennel that finally captured Jasper after 7 weeks. πŸ₯°πŸ˜πŸΎπŸ₯° We were so relieved and thrilled!! Now we could finally get a full night's sleep.
After a few weeks we noticed that Jasper still had a chronic type of cough so off we went to Dr. G again. X-rays showed that one lobe of one of Jasper's lung was collapsed. πŸ₯Ί This is also when we found out that Jasper carried a couple of shotgun pellets in him. 😟 While his lung was not something that we could fix, there were meds that we could use to help him live a somewhat normal little Jasper life. We'll never know what happened to Jasper that first year of life, before he made his way to The Storm Shelter. But we know that it wasn't good if there were shotgun pellets and blunt force trauma involved. πŸ₯Ί We are just SO VERY thankful that he found us or we found him and we were fortunate enough to spend the last 6 years together.
Jenny summed up Jasper the best - She called him the little Indiana Jones dog - for all of the adventures that he had and survived. ❀️
We will certainly miss you Jasper, until we meet you again. Good boy! Dogspeed. β€οΈπŸ’”β€οΈβ€πŸ©ΉπŸΎπŸΎ

I apologize for not posting too much.  We are caring for some pretty frail dogs right now, so we could use any good vibe...

I apologize for not posting too much. We are caring for some pretty frail dogs right now, so we could use any good vibes and prayers for the pack. In between all of this we are trying to keep dogs brushed, nails clipped and happy and playing. It's a good thing we are retired, because this has become a full time job.

Here are a few pics from a day or two ago. Notice how wooly /shaggy Sonia is? Remember that she came from a puppy mill so she has not had a lot of grooming experiences. We now have her mostly "plucked" and partially brushed out. It's quite a workout when she isn't sure that she wants to be groomed! 😏 But she is getting more used to it every day☺️





Thank you all for your messages of support, your donations and your shares.  We SO appreciate it!!  Just an update on ou...

Thank you all for your messages of support, your donations and your shares. We SO appreciate it!! Just an update on our Jasper.... This is his picture way out by the fence near our creek. So he is definitely feeling better to be wandering around the big pen now. (Yes, the grass is long there, Kevin got about half of it mowed when it started raining yesterday. πŸ˜•) Jasper is still on higher dosages of his meds until we know that we have the pneumonia under control. He still coughs occasionally, but not like before. We are moving in the right direction. 🐾❀ His meds alone right now are almost $10 / day, so your donations will be put to good use! Jasper is such a happy and special little guy, we just want to do whatever we can for him. Our older boys, Ace and Mack are holding their own now and love snoozing near the A.C. They still need some special care so it is a good thing that we are retired! πŸ˜‰

And please, if you are able, keep those positive vibes coming our pack's way, they can certainly use it. 🐾❀🐾❀🐾❀ Thank you!


9760 Fairview Road
Iron River, WI


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