The future looks bright here at @kew_geckos ✨
We have siblings to this one available now! Check us out on Morph Market, if you don’t find what you are looking for then shoot us a DM and we can discuss. We have many more high white chahoua available that have not yet been listed. The link to our MorphMarket store is on our home page just below the about us section! Thank you for supporting 🫶🏼☺️
#reptile #pet #petsofinstagram #reptiles #reptilesofinstagram #lizard #lizards #lizardsofinstagram #gecko #geckosofinstagram #geckobreeder #chahouabreeder #chahoua #mniarogekko #mniarogekkochahoua #pineislandchahoua #beauty #animal #animalsofinstagram #highend #nature #beautiful #KEWgeckos #crestedgecko #gargoylegecko #leachianus #correlophusciliatus #rhacodactylusauriculatus #rhacodactylus
After 106 days of incubation in our reptile room, Grimm and Ghillie have knocked it out of the park with their first hatchling! We have started strong with our chahoua, hopefully the season continues at this rate 🔥
Grimm produced by @empire_exotics and Ghillie produced by @apex_predator_geckos
#hatchling #geckobreeder #chahoua #chahouagecko #reptile #reptilesofinstagram #reptiles #gecko #geckosofinstagram #geckos #crestedgecko #eyelashecko #leachianus #rhacodactylus #rhacodactylusauriculatus #rhacodactylusleachianus #mniarogekkochahoua #whitecollarchahoua #highendgeckos #gargoylegecko #beauty #nature #reproduction #KEWgeckos #genetics #lineage #pedigree #animal #animalsofinstagram #reeloftheday
Super white pine island chahoua from quality genetics 🔥
#animal #pet #petsofinstagram #animalsofinstagram #reptile #reptilesofinstagram #reeloftheday #nature #hatchling #gecko #geckosofinstagram #chahoua #chahouaofinstagram #highendgeckos #beauty #geckobreeder #chahouabreeder #lizardsofinstagram #mossyprehensiletailedgecko #mniarogekkochahoua #rhacodactylus #crestedgecko #gargoylegecko #leachianus #rhacodactylusauriculatus #correlophusciliatus #eyelashgecko #correlophus #newcaledoniangecko #KEWgeckos
Part 2 of our recent import from @feedle.official via @lm.reptiles
Amazing service, animals, and prices. Don’t wait, head on over and check them out before your next gecko is gone!
#reeloftheday #instafamous #viral #viralvideos #viralreels #crestedgecko #crestedgeckosofinstagram #rhacodactylus #rhacodactylusleachianus #rhacodactylusleachianus #gargoylegecko #correlophusciliatus #correlophusciliatusofinstagram #eyelashgecko #import #export #reptile #gecko #geckosofinstagram #reptilesofinstagram #lizard #highendgecko #axanthiccrestedgecko #lillywhitecrestedgecko #cappuccino #animal #petfriendly #pet #nature #reels #KEWgeckos
Part 1 unboxing of our most recent import from @feedle.official via @lm.reptiles
I’ve got nothing but good things to say about the entire process! Check out the Feedle webpage, it’s easy to use and constantly being updated. Reach out reach out to David at Feedle or Anthony and Jess at Little Monsters with any questions or concerns!
#import #export #reptile #reptilesofinstagram #crestedgecko #crestedgeckosofinstagram #gecko #geckosofinstagram #lizards #lizardsofinstagram #beauty #unboxing #reeloftheday #instagood #viralvideo #viral #eyelashgecko #gargoylegecko #rhacodactylus #leachianus #rhacodactylusauriculatus #rhacodactylusleachianus #highendgeckos #feedleimport #feedle #nature #reelsinstagram #instalove #video #KEWgeckos
Excuse the water spots and enjoy the free show! Seen here is a holdback adult female and holdback male Phelsuma Klemmeri 🔥 We are hopeful that this pair will continue the legacy here for us as we continue to produce these awesome communal micro day geckos. Hopefully this new pair will help us keep up with the rising demand for our Klemmeri! As always, thank you for watching ❤️
#daygecko #daygeckosofinstagram #phelsuma #phemsumaklemmeri #phelsumalaticauda #phelsumagrandis #geckosofinstagram #reptiles #geckobreeder #phelsumabreeder #reproduction #breeder #daygeckosforsale #phelsumaklemmeribreeder #phelsumaklemmeribreeding #hobbyistbreeder #microgecko #colorful #nature #cute #KEWgeckos #reeloftheday #viral
Chahoua Breeding Tip 🚨 Part 2 of 2: In this video we are administering liquid calcium and electrolytes to a breeding female (Grimm) who is developing a kinky tail due to egg production. While she has not laid her clutch yet, catching this problem before it becomes worse is important so she is healthy and has the strength to deliver her egg. As you see, we administering several drops but notices that she shakes quite a bit off and only ingests about full 2 drops. I’ve said this before and I’ll mention it again, watching your animals and paying attention to their healthy and body is supremely important! Follow recommended dosages when administering these supplements (by weight) as too much vitamins or minerals could be toxic. We personally like follow up the calcium with some electrolytes to further help as productions and egg laying is extremely taxing on female chahoua. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!
#breeder #chahouabreeder #reptoduction #geckobreeder #breedertip #chahoua #chewie #chahouaofinstagram #rhac #rhacodactylus #mniarogekkochahoua #mniarogekko #rhacodactylusciliatus #eyelashgecko #correlophus #gargoylegecko #reptile #reptilesofinstagram #lizard #lizardsofinstagram #diy #instructional #educational #whitecollarchahoua #highcolorchahoua #highwhitechahoua #nature #beauty #KEWgeckos #reels
Chahoua breeder tip 🚨 part 1 of 2: Watch your animals for aggression and also for signs of calcium crashing or deficiency! Here at KEW Geckos, we keep a log of detailed notes (painters tape as seen on the enclosure door) to keep track of weights, the date the geckos were paired, and when eggs are found. We use all of this information to monitor the health of our geckos, especially the females who bear the hard work of producing heavily calcified eggs. Seen in this video is our best female (Grimm). She is close to laying her first clutch of the season and you can see she has a very kinky or wavy tail. Calcium is being taken from her body (bones) to produce the eggs. When we see this, we begin our hunt for her clutch and also provide her with liquid calcium and electrolytes. Usually when this happens, eggs have either already been laid or the female will lay within the next day or two. The added nutrients (vitamins and minerals) help to give strength back to the female so she is able to deposit her eggs. In the next video, we show you how we administer both the liquid calcium and the electrolyte. These are made and sourced from Bug-De-Lite (calci-blast and repti-hydrate) and came highly recommended by our friend, Chris, over at @mggeckos Thank you buddy and thank you to Darnell of @empire_exotics for this insane female we picked up at the end of 2022.
#mniarogekkochahoua #mniarogekko #geckobreeder #reptilecare #mossyprehensiletailedgecko #crestedgecko #eyelashgecko #howto #nature #reelsoftheday #reelsofinstagram #knowledge #knowledgeispower #growth
#reptile #reptilesofinstagram #chahouagecko #gecko #informational #medical #chahouabreeder #breeding #nature #beauty #DIY #rhacodactylus #gargoylegecko #rhacodactylusauriculatus #leachianus #KEWgeckos
Link to our @morphmarket account in our bio! Follow, like, subscribe and show your support 🫶🏼
Phelsuma Klemmeri (Neon Day gecko) are the best micro geckos, they thrive in communities and they’re a blast to watch! Unsexed and sexed available, inquire today.
#reptile #cute #colorful #nature #gecko #daygecko #neondaygecko #microgecko #morphmarket #KEWgeckos #phelsuma #phelsumaklemmeri #klemmersdaygecko #geckobreeder #bioactive #photography #reeloftheday #supportlocal #beautiful #beauty #love #instagood #art
Red runner roaches are a favorite feeder for our collection, hopefully these reproduce well for us! 🪳
#food #roach #gourmet #feeder #insect #roaches #redrunnerroaches #geckobreeder #chahoua #gecko #reptile #invert #invertebrate #invertebrates #roach #KEWgeckos