This little collie is so gentle and has such a good nature about him. Anyone with questions please msg me.
Harper loves her new toy. $3.00 at PDC.
Not for sale. Just posting.
They are growing way too fast
This ball thrower is awesome!!! You can also use tennis balls. $10.00. I have 2 of these.
Another example of why you should work with your dog at home and get them used to being groomed. This is a dangerous situation for both the dog and the groomer.
As a dog groomer I watch a lot of videos to help me learn how to cope with aggressive and tangled, matted dogs. I hope you will take the time to watch a couple I have put on here to show how important as a dog owner, that you get your dog used to being groomed and mat free. Mats pull at your dogs skin and cause irritation and raw places. I’m not pin pointing anyone, I’m talking to myself as well. Think how bad it hurts when you comb tangles out of your own hair. This can be extremely painful for your dog and very stressful. Most dogs are very sensitive to their feet due to long toenails. This can cause soar feet as well as the nail getting jerked out when it gets caught in something. Also fool with their feet so they become used to it. Thank you guys and I appreciate each of you!