Alegría Farms

Alegría Farms The Alegría urban farm is a new interactive teaching farm located in Irvine California.

This new integrated nutrition center features Alegría’s zero waste, high-performance regenerative food production systems and regenerative microfarm principles.

Alegría is in the house!It’s prime time here at Alegría Montana in Kalispell to enjoy a wide range of fruits and vegetab...

Alegría is in the house!

It’s prime time here at Alegría Montana in Kalispell to enjoy a wide range of fruits and vegetables. Our nano living soil blend this year has produced the finest quality, best tasting, highest yield pest free RegenOrganic produce I have ever experienced.

Diversity and nutrient density is key to gut health and resilience! Our 100% homegrown freshly harvested salad includes heirloom tomatoes, blueberries, cucumbers, apples, celery, cilantro, parsley, basil, carrots, oregano, hard-boiled duck egg, avocado, garbanzo beans, all lightly doused with a high phenolic olive oil, lemon, balsamic, garlic, ginger, turmeric vinaigrette.

Bon appetit!


Alegría Montana’s ReGenOrganic R&D Garden Explodes!

From seedling to Jurassic Park proportions in just 7 weeks, our produce from our latest living soil blend is exceptional. Employing new nano-mineral and natural microbe blends, this years’ soil in our 1,600 sf garden has delivered explosive growth and size, more than I’ve ever seen before.

We are enjoying 40” chard, 28” kale fronds, full-size potatoes, broccoli, carrots, and giant beets, 100% free of pests, all within seven weeks of planting.

Our ongoing ReGen soil research proves that soil health relates directly to human and planet health, capable of producing genetically optimized plants with exceptional flavor, nutrient density and unparalleled yield.

Let’s keep on growin’!


Hello from Alegria Montana:)
Spring has finally sprung here (we hope!)

Over the last year, we have made significant progress in our living soil program and are steadily progressing on building out our soil R&D headquarters here in Kalispell, MT.

At Alegría, we believe our most important priority to solve the global food pandemic is to optimize the genetic potential of edible plants through superior living soil. Healthy living soil is the “base of the food chain” and provides the solution to increase human health and resilience.

Balanced mineralization plus abundant highly diverse biology within the soil matrix are the keys to providing plants the ability to achieve the highest levels of nutrient density. In other words, we need a full “gas tank” in the soil for plants to achieve the qualities we require to heal and be resilient to disease.

“Food is Medicine”, a phrase used over 3,000 years ago, resonates more than ever today.

Stay tuned for updates on our progress and let’s keep growing together!

Hello from Alegría Montana!As most people know, chronic disease comes from chronic deficiencies in nutrition.  Now more ...

Hello from Alegría Montana!

As most people know, chronic disease comes from chronic deficiencies in nutrition. Now more than ever it is critical to build your resilience by consuming RegenOrganic produce same day.

At Alegría Montana, we produce food grown in the richest living soil and harvest and prepare it just hours later. This assures your body receives maximum nutrient density and optimal biophotonic energy which is missing in our traditional food supply.

Come visit us and taste and feel the difference!

Let’s keep on growin’!


Hello from Alegría Montana!

We are in full summer production of 50 or so high power regenerative organic veggies including an abundance of Swiss chard.

We make sure all our animals partake in the nutrient dense produce, strengthening their resilience and making for some fabulous eggs as well!

In the background, you can see Quackers and her new brood of six fine ducklings who are finally venturing out to explore the grounds with the rest of the flock. All our birds are free range and take advantage our RegenOrganic farm.

More later!


Hello from Alegría Montana,

To our surprise, Quackers, our Buff hen just mothered seven brand new ducklings into the world. They are all healthy and a blend of Buff and Harlequin duck, hence the beautiful unique orange/black coloring:)

Life on a working Regenerative farm is hard to describe; lots of work, surprises around every corner, kinda’ like controlled chaos, lol.

I would not trade this healthy life for anything, and I am full of gratitude to be part of regenerating soil, animals and of course, people!

Let’s keep on growing!


Hello from Alegría Montana!

At Alegría, we practice RegenOrganic principles to increase soil health.

Planting ryegrass helps keep the nitrogen in the soil profile and makes more N available for the crop the following year.

In addition to fast germination and being very hardy, ryegrass is excellent at improving soil fertility. Using annual ryegrass as a cover crop produces organic biomass that increases the soil organic matter and fertility. It is also good feed for our cows and deer love it.

Rye is the most winter hardy of all small grains. It can be sown late to provide fall grazing, excellent winter cover, and spring grazing. Rye's rapid growth makes it the most productive small grain for pasture and it can be grazed as quickly as 4 to 6 weeks after planting.

Let’s keep on growin’

Three foot tall Jurassic celery fit for dinosaurs!Team Alegría has a theory that every living carbon-based animal, plant...

Three foot tall Jurassic celery fit for dinosaurs!

Team Alegría has a theory that every living carbon-based animal, plant, insect and all the microbes that make up our gut and the soil biome run on light. In fact, our full length documentary, “Farmacy of Light”, soon to be released, delves into this theory deeply. We consider this concept a fact and believe we are all literately creatures of light.

So how do you get more light into the soil?

To learn more, we’ve been trialing micro and “nano”, ie, “atomic” mineral particles, for the last two years.

This celery, just over 36” tall, provides hard evidence of the strides we’ve been making in ReGen soil health. You can see (and taste) we are onto something big. Very soon we will be sharing our data and our soil health technology with all of you…

Let’s keep on growin’!


Soil first!

That is our mantra here at Alegría Montana! Our agronomy team, Amy Gardner and Dennis Brosten are working with us to evaluate and improve our soil health using regenerative organic processes.

Amy is testing for “soil life,” called the biomass of the soil microbiome, using a relatively new tool called the microbiometer. This allows us to get a baseline of today’s soil microbe density and by adding probiotics to the soil, increase our soil microbe biodiversity and density, which translates directly into nutrient-density.

We’ll keep you posted on the findings!

Let’s keep on growin’!


It’s spring here in Kalispell, Montana and as usual, we are still seeing snow flurries in between showers and bright sun.

I’d like to introduce you all to Montana “mountain worms”, which as you can see are very resilient, even in freezing temperatures. In order to develop a large supply of biologically-rich compost, we had our cows p**p in a long canal for eight months last year and we layered the manure with straw and dusted it with micronized minerals. Over the winter, which lasted nearly five months, the compost broke down into beautiful finished soil, with lots of happy worms in a gorgeous black soil matrix.

Alegría’s strict practices promoting RegenOrganic zero waste full circle carbon recycling are proving to be a great asset on our farm, providing us powerful natural biostimulants to supercharge our fields and gardens. See and

Let’s keep on growin’!


As we enter Spring up here in Kalispell at Alegría Montana, there’s never a dull moment. Snow in the morning as Ole’ Man Winter fights to hold on followed by rain at noon, sun in the afternoon and it’s Spring again at dusk. Mother Nature at her best!

This seasonal transition is beautiful yet tests a farmer’s skill at planning and reacting to different weather patterns. We are now in full stride amending our 50-acres of farmable land and our farmhouse gardens with powerful locally-sourced soil “fuels” such as ground Doug Fir bark, composted manure, fish hydrolysate and micronized minerals.

Good news! We successfully raised our soil organic matter from 2.4% to 3.2% since last year employing regenerative organic processes and we are pushing the envelope again this year. ReGenOrganic works!

We invite all of you to come visit us and stay and learn. See our new site at
We’ll be accepting reservations starting June 15!

Let’s keep on growin’!

Featured is our highly recommended “Alegría Montana breakfast”.Here amongst the Wild surroundings of Alegría Montana, th...

Featured is our highly recommended “Alegría Montana breakfast”.

Here amongst the Wild surroundings of Alegría Montana, things are moving along well. We are steadily moving forward on developing Alegría’s first Regenerative Health Center on our 80-acre farm/ranch sites in Kalispell, MT.

Soon we’ll have enough space to accommodate 15 people per day on site to enjoy our RegenOrganic offerings including workshops that feature advanced spiritual centering modalities, prescriptive on site healing food production, preparation and plating, soil regeneration and more.

We’ll also give you some simple tools you can incorporate into your daily lifestyle to contribute to your overall well-being, anyplace, anytime.

Let’s keep on growing!


Turmeric has been used in India for thousands of years as a spice and a powerful medicinal herb. Curry gets its yellow color from turmeric.

Trusted Source

Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric and has numerous healing properties that can increase your resilience to disease. Turmeric’s powerful anti-inflammatory effects are due to it being a strong antioxidant, aiding in preventing inflammatory disease and protecting the heart and brain, and providing many other functions.

Always try to combine eating turmeric with black pepper which contains piperine and enhances the absorption of curcumin by an estimated 2,000%.

Let’s keep in growin’!


At Alegría, we generally don’t toot our own horn, instead we do the work and focus on soil health to grow the finest nutrient-dense produce employing RegenOrganic techniques.

To demonstrate one of our achievements, “optimizing the genetic potential” of plants via advanced soil health, we proudly show you a 14+ pound Chioggia Beet that got so large after six months in our SoxxBoxx Gro system, we had to cut the Soxx material away to liberate it!

This is a testimonial that proves soil health can’t be beet!

Let’s keep on growin’!


Happy Holidays from all of us at Alegría!

We are hunkered down in our Alegría World Kitchen on our 80-acre farm/ranch property in Kalispell, Montana doing what all farmers and chefs aspire to do and that is to transform our homegrown, freshly harvested veggies into a culinary experience that is unrivaled:)

To make our trademark Alegria “root soup”, this morning we harvested from our greenhouse red, gold and striped beets, celery and parsley, red and green onions, and carrots. Added to this diverse blend of fresh roots are homegrown turmeric and ginger root, black pepper, garlic, Alegría memory spice, apple cider vinegar, beet tops, mustard greens and organic bone broth (yes, we made it from our own RegenOrganic bones) and lots of love. We’ll slow cook our soup for four hours to meld all the potent flavors.

We look forward to inviting you all up here in Spring 2023 to share in our “wealth”. Until then, be free, be well, be kind, unite with each other over food and most importantly, be of service to those who do not have as much as we do:)

Farm ‘on!

“Rewilding” is an absolutely critical component of any Regenerative agriculture plan.  Here at Alegría Montana we are do...

“Rewilding” is an absolutely critical component of any Regenerative agriculture plan. Here at Alegría Montana we are doing just that to provide shelter for migratory birds and provide a valuable food source on their stopover.

The snow is accumulating every day now but in the fields with low wheat stubble, it looks like there is less. It has been below freezing for the last 10 days, and these geese need a high power fuel to eat as they migrate. They also fertilize our soil from their droppings.

With a storm moving in, large gaggles moved in all day to feed in our 80-acre sanctuary. Since we are protecting some of their transitional winter habitat (and not allowing hunting) they are congregating in great numbers in our fields to feed on leftover red wheat that we did not harvest.

Tonight this gaggle of over 1,000+ Canadian geese took off at dusk from our fields honking:) Nature’s own spectacular and very noisy traffic jam!

I wish all of you could experience this natural event and know that we can protect and regenerate our environment by paying attention to the rhythm’s of Nature, and becoming stewards of the land:)

Let’s keep thriving!

We are welcoming new family members here at Alegría Montana every day now. For the last several months, our adult sheep ...

We are welcoming new family members here at Alegría Montana every day now.

For the last several months, our adult sheep have been grazing off all our weeds, regeneratively fertilizing the soil with their droppings and fattening up to have babies. For the past year, we have been expanding the “farm” to include “ranch”, adding herbivores, building pastures and amending our 77-acres to improve soil health.

We are now experiencing the joy of birthing lambs, which join our 50+ chickens, 9 ducks, 2 beautiful puppies, and 3 handsome turkeys.

Our flock of Navajo Churro sheep is now 23 strong with the arrival of our third lamb. We call these sheep the, “ancient ones” as they are super hardy, make great mothers and defend their young against predators and represent a valuable foundational component in regenerative agriculture.

Next Spring 2023, our team at Alegría Montana will be welcoming our first guests to experience our luxurious farm stay sanctuary, complete with 100% RegenOrganic produce grown onsite, local ReGen meat, cheese and spirits and the finest sourdough breads in the land:)

Lets keep growin’!


Team Alegría had another major milestone in its mission to develop a fully transparent RegenOrganic food production system here in NW Montana. We successfully harvested over 25,000 pounds of Red Winter Wheat, grown without irrigation and 100% free of all pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. In other words, we produced some fine RegenOrganic red wheat, some of which will be used in our sourdough bread bakery.

While most are talking about the need for greater access to healing good, few are actually growing the food we all need. Our mission is to show the way and produce food that truly builds resilience in both humans and our environment.

Our next step is to amend the soil this Fall with Alegría’s elixir to increase soil organic matter content and produce even more nutrient dense produce next year:)

Stay tuned! Lets keep on growin’.


At Alegría, one of our favorite crops to grow in our SoxxBoxx Gro systems are exotic basil cultivars such as Shiso, Thai, Genovese, Tulsi (Holy basil), Lemon and Purple Rubin.

Fresh RegenOrganic basil provides numerous healing properties plus takes all salads to another level. Caprese has never tasted so fine and full of delicious layers!

Lets keep on growin’!


Alegría specializes in growing most greens and veggies, but none more prolific that romaine lettuce and other specialty cultivars such as Red and Green Oakleaf and Flashy Troutback.

RegenOrganic lettuce consumed same-day and grown in living soil provides numerous healing powers, including great benefits to brain, heart and gut health.

Stay tuned for more updates!


Trellising and pruning the heirloom tomatoes in our greenhouse has yielded over 1,600 cherry tomatoes from just four plants. The heirloom volunteers popped up last December and we nurtured them through the winter and they are still producing now.

This sweet show demonstrates the RegenOrganic power of our Alegría Living Soil, biologically rich and mineral balanced.

Keep on growin’! ~


Team Alegría originally came to NW Montana to develop a superfood berry production and processing business due to the great soil, water and optimal climate conditions.

After several years of research and lots of hard work, our valuable partner David Dunn and his team successfully planted over 10,000 Haskap blueberry plants last year, providing a nominal harvest of beautiful fat Haskaps this last month.

We are currently performing nutrient testing, soil R&D and new product development to document their medicinal value and through advanced soil amendment trials, optimize the superpowers of these amazing blueberries.

To meet the high demand, we are developing new products and markets for several other cultivars of berries that grow well in this region.

Stay tuned for more news on this exciting new super delicious and uber healthy berry partnership!

Keep on growin!


This week Team Alegría in Kalispell, Montana donated 450 heads of RegenOrganic romaine to the North Valley Food Bank in Whitefish, just up the road from our greenhouse.

NVFB serves over 300 needy families per week and our ultra-fresh produce, delivered within 30 minutes of harvest, provides the super fresh greens we all need to optimize our health.

With help from passionate partners like Bri and Jen, we are proving that our SoxxBoxx Gro system can be scaled to provide the finest light-filled food, anywhere, anytime…

Let’s keep growin’!


Volunteer cherry tomatoes, germinated last December in our NW Montana greenhouse, thrive in Alegría’s Living Soil. The taste and nutrient density of these light-filled fruits are unsurpassed, as well as the sheer volume, proving our SoxxBoxx Gro System ( is perfectly suited to all weather conditions.

Let’s keep on growin’!


Founder’s Farm powered by Alegría’s SoxxBoxx Gro system delivers 1,100 heads of RegenOrganic romaine lettuce to feed the needy on the July 4th holiday.


Happy Holidays from all of us at Alegría!

We have successfully refurbished an old 3,000 sf CEA greenhouse at our new farm/ranch in Helena Flats outside Kalispell, MT and wanted to share with you a short video as Winter sets in:)

All-year-round RegenOrganic food production is the foundation of our new Regenerative Health Center and soil operations ( here in the NW Flathead valley.

We wish you warmth and abundance shared with loved ones and an exciting and inspiring new year filled with new possibilities!

Let’s keep growin’!

Our team at Alegría Fresh is excited to announce the development of the first zero waste regenerative organic urban micr...

Our team at Alegría Fresh is excited to announce the development of the first zero waste regenerative organic urban microfarm located at the Farm + Food Lab in the Great Park, Irvine CA. We will soon be offering tours and workshops featuring our SoxxBoxx Gro system ( plus workshops focused on delivering leading-edge information why consuming locally-grown fresh produce grown in rich living soil is so important, our immune system and gut microbiome, foods that aid microbiome gut health and detoxification and specific nutritional tips that will help you feel better and perform at your optimum level.



14280 Cadence
Irvine, CA


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Taking Regenerative Organic Urban Farming to a Whole New Level!

Alegría Farm, located at the Farm + Food Lab at The Great Park in Irvine, CA is a zero-waste, solar-powered one-acre regenerative urban microfarm employing hydro-organic and 100% organic soil-based growing systems featuring our SoxxBoxx system. We design zero waste high performance farms that repurpose unused spaces deployed over man-made surfaces close to where people live and work. We call it "tractorless" farming. Our optimized soil biology results in superior nutrient dense vegetables, salad greens, fruit, flowers and medicinal herbs. Our locally grown produce is clean and natural and contains zero toxic pesticides. At Alegría's Green Farmacy, we grow more than 80 heart healthy cultivars using the most resource-efficient processes - up to 90% less water, 50% less fertilizer, 90% less energy and 70% less land than conventional farming. To maximize freshness, Alegría produce is consumed locally within one hour of harvest, assuring our patrons receive optimum flavor, texture and nutrition while reducing the environmental impact from transporting produce across continents. All Alegría Fresh seedlings originate from certified non-GMO seeds. This year, Alegría Fresh heirloomed more than 300,000 seeds from its crops. The Alegría Farm is solar powered and off-the-grid and uses state-of-the-art battery storage systems designed and built by SimpliPhi in Ojai, CA.

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