99.9% of the bucks left intact need to be tacos. (This goes for does too)
Colored eyes doesn’t make a breeder.
Pretty spots doesn’t make a breeder.
Pretty names on a piece of paper doesn’t make a breeder.
Big and fat doesn’t make a breeder.
Having male or female parts doesn’t make it a breeder.
We had 2 buck prospects here out of many kids this last season.
They were correct, bites were good, teats were clean, legs were good.
They not only looked decent and correct, but they gained on minimal input (we do not feed fancy goat feeds to our kids), they gained once they were weaned off their dams, and they had good attitudes.
They knew how to browse, not stand in a dry lot and shovel in pellets.
They deserved to be breeders, they earned it off of their parents background and they earned it themselves after weaning.
Both were castrated and went on to be tacos because no one wants a plain colored goat that doesn’t have fancy names on a piece of paper, even when that paper is put on a goat that didn’t deserve it.
Funny thing is our herd are all out of well named fancy ABGA stock that I quit registering since people always want “nothing fancy, just going to toss it out with the herd” (also known as…we want the cheapest thing we can find)
Goats are hard enough to deal with without having a bunch of poor stock multiplying.
Stop selling your tacos as breeders and start being responsible.
Breed the best. Eat the rest.