Hippie Hog Refuge

Hippie Hog Refuge Closed as a functioning rescue but will still update with the adventure of the remaining residents ♥️

Bebop and Tinsel help with fencing lol

Bebop and Tinsel help with fencing lol

Check out Hippie Hog Refuge’s video.


➡️First Community Garden Volunteer Weekend!⬅️

Calling all strong arms, green thumbs, and anyone else who wants to help!

We are having our first volunteer weekend. Finally, schedules have aligned and we are going to be tilling the dirt, marking the paths, and hopefully beginning to plant the plants and sow some seeds!

We are celebrating Mother’s Day by putting our hands in the dirt and appreciating the earth for giving us space to grow food that will help feed a community!

Kids are welcome!

If you have anything you’re willing to share (time, helping hands, tools, supplies, starter plants, etc), this weekend would be the best time to stop by!

We hope to see you there!
We can also offer rides to those who need it. 🙂

Days and Times:
Saturday, May 11: 9 am - 8pm
Sunday, May 12: Noon (12pm) - 8pm
(These aren’t strict. Folks can come and go anytime after the start time and before end time)

4004 Trumble Rd
Jackson, MI 49201


Quote from where I shared this from:

“🆘🆘 NINE BABIES WILL DIE 🆘🆘 The time is now, we knew it would come. The day we cannot save them from a horrible fate. There are too many, we are not enough. Rescues have been begging and praying that somehow, someway they can pull off another miracle. THEY NEED YOUR HELP!! The shelter has condemned them because they have mites/mange. It’s two treatments of ivermectin and some baths. WHY IS THAT A DEATH SENTENCE????

Can you commit to One? Two? We will help guide you through the process of getting them well. We will be your support system, your cheerleader, we will teach you what you don’t know EVERY STEP of the way.

Cant commit? Please share!! We need this to go EVERYWHERE!! 🆘

Sharing from Saving Animals & Healing Hearts Inc


Thank you to AutumnJude Rowan for this cute piece of art.

In 2018, “Hippie Hog Refuge” is what we named the property, long before we ever got settled on what we were going to do with our new home. It was mostly as a memorial to all the animals we had helped in the past (mostly pet pigs).

[We used to actively receive rescues. And functioned as such for several years. However. We no longer function as an open animal sanctuary (we are only taking care of the animals we currently have -three pigs, one of which just celebrated her sweet 16, and several special needs cats.) But we decided to keep the name and keep the original page open for Hippie Hog Refuge to post cute stuff our remaining rescues are up to.]

The COMMUNITY garden is to help feed the community and surrounding areas. We are not planting a 50’x70’ garden to grow food for three piggies lol - now if they happen to get some garden scraps and a few treats from generous volunteers, that’s one thing. But this isn’t for them. This is a dream that has been in the works since we bought this home in 2018. And we started to realize this dream into an actual plan a few years ago and then even more so when we decided to regroup and “rebrand”.


We are trying to drum up some interest in having these printed and figuring out costs for everyone. This image, minus all the white, would be printed on the back, with our three brooms logo on the front breast.

For now, we are looking into posting these to Redbubble, which would allow people to support us directly as well has have this printed on more budget friendly items (like magnets and stickers), aside from tshirts.

We will keep everyone posted once this has been made available.

If you, or someone you know, offers quality print service, who can work with us on perhaps a discounted rate or figure out a way to print on demand rather than bulk, please let us know!

NOT AN APRIL FOOL’S DAY JOKE!!Happy Birthday to our resident old lady pig, Sophie! She is 16 today! 🩷🩷🩷


Happy Birthday to our resident old lady pig, Sophie! She is 16 today! 🩷🩷🩷

Edit: Tomorrow is the last day! Hope to see you you there! Location is in Jackson, MI!

Edit: Tomorrow is the last day! Hope to see you you there!

Location is in Jackson, MI!


Please be warned. There is someone posting comments all over our page with a link to a website to buy clothing with our logo in our profile pic on them.

This is not us. It was not sanctioned by us and we are trying to remove all the comments with the link in it.

The ONLY sanctioned store we sell anything with our logo on it is our Redbubble store.

Please do not buy from anyone else. They are scamming you. We would not see a single dime of that money.

Last April we had one last surprise on our sanctuary, before we had a huge undertaking to rehome the majority of our out...

Last April we had one last surprise on our sanctuary, before we had a huge undertaking to rehome the majority of our outside animals.

Tragically, we lost two piglets to congenital meningitis. And tonight we were finally able to honor them and have a small funeral for them.

Life on the Sanctuary hasn’t been the same since we closed our doors and rehomed the majority of our herd. We have three left and one of them is turning 16 this April. We miss some of those we couldn’t keep. And our hearts are heavy knowing that our oldest, Sophie, is the last of the original herd that started us on our pig rescue journey. It’s bittersweet.

The two piglets who passed, Rocksteady and Stitches, are Bebop’s litter mates, born on Good Friday, (April 7) 2023.

Stitches and Rocksteady will always hold a sweet place in our hearts. They blessed us for the very short time they were with us. We loved them and are honored that they loved us in return.

Thank you, to everyone who has loved and supported us all these years. Us having to close our doors was not an easy decision, though we know it was the right one to make.

We will continue to keep this page open, to share the adventures of our remaining animal residences.

Thanks again for going on this journey with us.



Our hearts go out to the family of Esther the Wonder Pig as well as everyone at Happily Ever Esther Farm Sanctuary. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for the rescue and pig community. Your presence will be deeply missed, Esther. Rest in peace, you beautiful girl. May your journey over the rainbow bridge be as full of love and delight, as you have brought us here on earth.

Tinsel’s extra long eyebrow whiskers ❤️ Tinsel turned a year old August 29th.

Tinsel’s extra long eyebrow whiskers ❤️ Tinsel turned a year old August 29th.


Resharing since some information has changed. Thank you 🙏



Windy is home, healing, and resting.

Windy was treated treated at the Michigan State University Veterinary Medical Center

If you want to contribute to the vet bills directly the account name is under Hippie Hog Refuge/ Stephanie Danovi.

Otherwise you can send donations to:
/$V: HippieHogRefuge


We don’t handle it, the vet does, and you pick the amount. Even $3 helps!

We need urgent money for one of our cats who was shot by an unknown intruder early Friday morning. What it comes down to is that Windy needs extra medical attention, because the are complications after her vet trip on Friday. And yes. It was bad! The original bill was mostly picked up by Rescue Me Jackson Area but the follow up needed has no funding.

UPDATE: Windy is currently inpatient at MSU small animal hospital. They don’t know how it missed her heart but discovered she has some damage to her lungs and her pain was not properly managed. The bill is astronomical, but she kept going for a reason. We managed to get approval for enough care credit to put down a deposit they agreed to let us be short on. Lots of people have care credit, it would be awesome of you to call in a credit directly to MSU Small Animal Hospital in Lansing, MI. Under Stephanie Danovi @ Hippie Hog Refuge. we will have no access to it and you can pick your amount.

The current Amount is $2500. they want to do more tests if we can raise the $ for the extra ones, which will bring it up to $3500-5,000.

They don’t know why it hurts as bad as it does, and suspect internal damage.

We can meet up for cash, the vet takes all cards and care credit, and we have PayPal, Venmo and cash app. it’s wonky but all of them are searchable under Hippie Hog Refuge.

Thanks. We are both scared and hopeful.


June 23, 2023 - Windy was found in our garden with injuries we thought were either an animal attack or she was shot. We rushed her to the vet where they assessed her. The majority of her vet bill was paid by Brenda from Rescue Me Jackson Area! Thank you so much! (I hope I tagged the right page).

UPDATE IS IN THE COMMENTS! Please look for that before commenting! ♥️♥️

Guess who graduated to the porch without tantrums or seizures! All three indoor piggies! Posh new outdoor pen to transit...

Guess who graduated to the porch without tantrums or seizures! All three indoor piggies! Posh new outdoor pen to transition to joining the yard piggies finally. Yes, all three are neutered!

Today, and this is no joke, our oldest pig Sophie turns 15. As you can see she’s very proudly sleeping on her mama’s bla...

Today, and this is no joke, our oldest pig Sophie turns 15. As you can see she’s very proudly sleeping on her mama’s blanket. That she stole lol

Stephanie Danovi AutumnJude Rowan Jeffery Rowland Benny Danovi


Logs, Poles, and/or Railroad Ties
Hippie Hog Refuge is looking for logs, poles, and/or railroad ties that are at least 8 feet long.

We are NOT looking for landscaping timber.

We have to repair the pig fences. The little buggers are becoming more and more adventurous and really like digging along the fence lines. We need long poles or logs to line the fence line to help deter them. We make the fencing in an L shape with the part on the ground facing into the pen and burry it. But the piggies are getting smart and need more insurances they can’t dig it up! So we anchor the logs on top to make it more difficult to move stuff around or dig under.

If anyone has any for free or low cost, please let us know!


Facebook Messenger:
Hippie Hog Refuge
AutumnJude Rowan (please call me Ash)

Text Only:
Steph: 805-448-5600
Ash: 517-499-7395

Working on labeling everyone lol

Working on labeling everyone lol



It is with a lot of soul searching and a heavy heart that we make this announcement. We have been reluctant to post this because of the fear of backlash and possible retaliation from certain known parties. However, the time has come for us to put on our grownup pants and admit some painful truths.

Steph and Ash have decided to close Hippie Hog Refuge as an active animal rescue.

A few years ago it was doable. But no one thinks that illness will hit in a way that you can’t overcome. Or that it will affect your ability to take care of what needs to be done.

Back in the late September/ early October timeframe, Ash was given some heavy news about their health. 5-10 years tops. It isn’t cancer. But it is progressive and the end is inevitable. This, along with another diagnosis, has made running an animal sanctuary a distant dream.

Last year we had a surge in population, at no fault of our own. We had safety fences in place. We had ZERO intact male pigs on the property at the time (verified by our vets)… and yet piglets happened. Our only intact female wasn’t healthy enough to be spayed when she came to us as a rescue. And we were lied to about what type of pig she was. By the time she was healthy enough to be spayed, she had grown into her actual breed size and is now too large to spay at a reasonable price. She isn’t an overweight potbelly. She is a very long legged and tall farm hog that several vets believe she is half American Guinea hog and half Big Black.

We tried our best to rehome the piglets to no avail. Other things happened too and the unknown male pig showed up on our sanctuary more than once. Broke into our fencing despite all the NEW layers we put up… We asked around to the locals and no one knows who he is. He isn’t a wild pig because he’d have never left. So he has a home he likes and goes back to. We had our intact female for two years before we had any issues.

Recently Steph was given a diagnosis as well. This health issue has caused her energy levels to tank. This makes maintaining the sanctuary a huge struggle for her. Because of Ash’s health, they cannot help Steph maintain the Sanctuary at its numbers. And because of the economy, all food and money donations for the animals have stopped. We have nothing to offer anyone to help and we are struggling financially to make ends meet.

A while back we received help running a fundraiser. And the help we got was so very appreciated. But funds dried up, a lot of the pig community shunned the sanctuary or judged Steph and Ash, and because of that, help also stopped coming in.

Because Ash is now early stage terminal and Steph is doing all the physical labor on her own, and we have no resources coming in anymore, the physical and financial toll this is taking on the sanctuary is getting worse by the day.

For the health and safety of ALL involved, we have to close our doors. We do not make this decision lightly. As sad and heartbreaking as it is for us, we have to do what’s best for the animals.

✨✨Edit: ✨✨

With help from a local sanctuary, along with a lot of help from the head of animal control, all but 3 of our pigs were rehomed. We couldn’t keep all of who we wanted to (would have equaled 5 pigs max). It was bittersweet and heartbreaking, since one of the remaining three is our oldest pig Sophie who turned 15 on April 1st. We know this will more than likely be her last year with us, as she is showing her age more and more.

Thank you to those who tried to help us. Thank you to those who did help us. Thank you for everything, including the toughest of lessons. Without you all, we wouldn’t have made it this far.

We are keeping the page open so we can keep sharing the lives of all of our remaining animal residents here at the Sanctuary. We are sad that the doors are closing, but are happy you could be here for this long and wild journey.

We don’t know what the future holds. We are just happy we will be around to see it.

Thanks again,
Steph and Ash
Co-Owners at Hippie Hog Refuge


If you’d like to help us still, we will leave the CashApp and Venmo information on this post.

CashApp: $HippieHogRefuge

“WE ARE NAUGHTY PIGLETS!!!  We broke out of our pen and trashed the house!!   ….you are never EVER allowed to go to a do...

“WE ARE NAUGHTY PIGLETS!!! We broke out of our pen and trashed the house!! ….you are never EVER allowed to go to a doctors appt or leave the house ever again, Moms!”

(They got in the trash, opened a bag and scattered litter, ate a bag of chips, and were obviously not out that long because the damage like this is “minor” for these brats!)

Good night from Hippie Hog Refuge!

Good night from Hippie Hog Refuge!

UPDATE:This beautiful boy has found his forever home as of January 1st!!!!


This beautiful boy has found his forever home as of January 1st!!!!

Jason, the 5yo, decided he wanted to have a sleep over in front of the new fireplace heater (don’t worry he’s definitely...

Jason, the 5yo, decided he wanted to have a sleep over in front of the new fireplace heater (don’t worry he’s definitely a safe distance from it!) and Arrow the ginger cat, decided to keep him company. Arrow is our nanny cat. He takes care of all the babies ♥️♥️

Earlier today ♥️

Earlier today ♥️


Jackson, MI


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